I am reborn without a pattern

I have been very busy these two days and have little time for coding. I will try my best to code whe

Mainly various safety meetings, and then inspections of industrial areas. Although elderly engineers like Lao Na are temporary workers, because many people have been suspended, overtime pay is sufficient.

I originally resigned after the Chinese New Year. I was signed once a year, not once every two years, just to have more freedom at work. I originally planned to have a doctoral interview in the spring and continue to dawdle, but I couldn't help it. They gave me too much. You can only work overtime.

I'm out of the office all day now, so it's not impossible to code words by voice, but I have an accent... and the recognition rate is a bit impressive.

I only need to have a computer to code in my spare time. Now I code in the car. If I go to a meeting somewhere far away, I will code while charging in the service area.

Don’t worry, in just these two days, I will definitely be crazily coding to increase the amount.

And I looked at the number of updates last month. I personally felt that I didn’t write much, but when I saw it, there were 200,000 words...

This month, set a flag and I’ll give you a number, three hundred thousand words.

If I can't do that, I'll shave my head.

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