I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 584 Pattern PTSD

Although the theme of this meeting is "Let a hundred flowers bloom", the formal content is to discuss the future direction of cultural development (industry) in Songjiang City. In short, it is to make money from cultural development.

Taking economic construction as the center is still the main theme of development.

The so-called direction setting at this meeting is actually a matter of route, who will carry the flag and who will steer the ship.

Of course, the level will not be too high and cannot rise to the national level, but Songjiang City's special status in the country cannot really be the same as that of ordinary cities.

People from all walks of life come here to make a name for themselves. After all, they are driven by interests. Joining the WTO is just a signal. Last year, the Government Affairs Council issued a notice on several economic policies to support the development of cultural undertakings, which clearly defined how to reduce or reduce taxes or levy taxes first and then withdraw taxes.

The second is Article 6 of the "Notice" - in order to promote the development of publicity and cultural undertakings, enhance regulatory capabilities, ensure key needs, and standardize fund management, the central and provincial levels must establish and improve relevant special fund systems.

This special fund system is the meat most stakeholders covet.

After all, experience comes from eating.

Last year, everyone in Lingnan Province probably vomited. The province's decent industries, such as Cantonese opera, didn't even make 10 million.

They were all sucked up by all kinds of weird "international", "advanced" and "open" projects. Local operas didn't even get much protection funds, and even income-generating lion dances and dragon boats were some small ones. The place was deceived, and the right to explain fell into the hands of the employer...

This kind of magical thing shows how big the appetite of these animals is.

As for provincial units across the country, in addition to central enterprises and large state-owned enterprises, administrative units such as Jingcheng, Songjiang, Liangjiang, Liangjiang and Zhejiang plus Lingnan can contribute money on a large scale.

Although the proportion of related industries in Sanxiang's GDP is high, the amount of capital is not high. After all, the foundation is there.

So it goes without saying that the two cities and three provinces account for almost 90% of the country's local special funds.

Moreover, Article 6 of the "Notice" does not have detailed rules. It is relatively broad and leaves a lot of room for local governments to operate. It cannot be regarded as a "blue book".

Then according to the project classification, it is completely possible to "create clever names", such as "Special funds for the development of publicity and culture", "Special funds for the creation and performance of excellent dramas (programs)", "Special funds for the development of the national film industry", "Special funds for high-quality films", "Special funds for publishing development" and so on can be budgeted.

Whichever business is convenient, come and eat.

Lingnan Province is unlucky for this reason. It is too close to Xiangjiang, so there are too many vernacular plays. The idea is good, to develop local culture, but it cannot be prepared to make up for it.

There is no problem with the longevity of the old vernacular programs, but some of the new projects may not be available for a hundred years, but the money will not be lost.

This situation is similar to the Anti-Japanese War dramas that all "tear off the Japanese" with no regard for the narrative or the value.

At the same time, Xiangjiang capital does not mean local capital in Xiangjiang. It can have multiple sources or vests.

Especially in the past decade or so, most film and television investment in Hong Kong has been basically led by Liuqiu, so some projects are just like the "National Liuqiu Office" to provide warmth.

After being banned, Tony Liang, the "Actor with Thousand Faces", could not make as much money as his peers. The essence was that the leading investor in the overseas cultural industry in the Chinese civilization circle at that time was Liuqiu.

The locals in Lingnan Province who did not receive any money were probably nauseated from head to toe.

Compared with Lingnan Province, the capital city is much more pure, because "Jing Ye" always eats big portions. After eating the big portions in the imperial city, he thinks about eating the big portions in the local area.

The so-called "Beijing Circle" concept that was later formed also had its roots here.

It's just that "Jingye" and "overseas compatriots" are in Zhejiang and Liangjiang provinces. How can I say that the game experience is not good.

Zhejiang and Zhejiang provinces are very careful with their budgets and have started running businesses and building film and television cities. I don’t care how much money you can make through your "clever creation of names". Anyway, I won’t lose money.

Liangjiang Province can only say that people from all walks of life feel very speechless, because there is no way to form a unified voice in the province.

It's not like Jiankang didn't think about it, but the remaining twelve brothers in the film and television city affectionately expressed "Where's Jianima?"

Liang Xi is more direct. I have "Three Kingdoms City" and "Water Margin City". You are playing with your mother, what are you barking at? !

In short, if the province has the money to do this, then I must let Liang Xi go.

The backhand of Suzhou next door is that there are no high-rise buildings in the urban area, so protection fees are not required? Can the province reimburse me for being so awesome? Dare you force me to demolish the city.

Yuzhou said that Huaguo Mountain was good, and Pengcheng thought that my culture had a long history, and he had long ago recruited Han Xin from Chuzhou to beat Zhongwu's Xiang Yu. What kind of strength do "Jiangdong Rats" have?

Therefore, among the two cities and three provinces, apart from the capital, the only one that can truly be considered the most delicious is Songjiang.

And because Songjiang has real needs for internationalization, as a financial center, development is a rigid positioning. This has led to the Songjiang Municipal Government having to face the situation of "kicking the lame man's good leg".

The cripple here is Songjiang or China’s own weak cultural industry.

In order to deal with this situation, the central government actually made a good response in the year of Hong Kong's return. However, the objective political and economic status quo of the world makes any kind of response measures just to avoid being too badly beaten.

During the National Day last year, the Cultural Research Center was established as an outline to do something, but it was a waste of money.

The Songjiang Municipal Government organized Songjiang Jiaotong University to conduct a study, and there are predictions for the next five years. Basically, it is expected that a turnaround will take place in seven to eight years, around the time of the Olympics.

Because at a growth rate of seven percent, there will only be enough spare money by then.

At the same time, ordinary people will have more money and rice in their pockets. Only when they are full can they think of anything else.

I want to listen to more songs, watch more movies, read many books, and have many channels to obtain information and knowledge...

This research conducted by Songjiang Jiaotong University is about the impact that Chinese culture faces from "overseas cultural works", "overseas cultural capital" and "overseas cultural value".

This triple impact also has three different forms of expression.

In terms of works, after joining the WTO, the cultural entertainment market has been dominated by Hollywood blockbusters, TV dramas, idol dramas, Hong Kong professional dramas, South Korean family dramas and urban dramas, and songs by K-pop and pop. I begged the singer to eat until he almost died.

Cultural capital is a bit more complicated, but generally speaking, the "Beijing Circle", "Xiangjiang Circle", etc. that people hear about basically represent the capital behind them. If further broken down, the sponsors behind various variety shows often They are representatives of financial groups from South Korea, Japanese slaves, Liuqiu and other countries and regions.

The most cruel thing is the impact of cultural value. Even fifteen years later, when people mention princess, they will probably only refer to it as "Princess Aisha". Of course, if the value impact turns into value confusion, it will be a bit like Liangjiang Province's cultural tourism industry. "black humor".

If Hollywood creates a catfish princess or a black fish princess, Chinese children will not be able to like it regardless of their conscience. After all, adults will not like it. This is an excessive value impact.

Of course, the essence behind it is still consistent with the research results of Songjiang Jiaotong University. At this stage, domestic cultural capital is strong enough and has begun to explore cultural value. Naturally, it cannot be the same as before.

But the future is the future, and the present is now. Boss Zhang can't throw the future Catfish Princess into the present. If we should fight against each other, we still have to fight against each other.

After getting the dog tag, I put it on my chest, and the waiter led me to sit down. Boss Zhang was in the middle of the first row, which can be regarded as the C seat.

After all, the level is there, and if he shamelessly gets the entire Government Affairs Council subsidies now, it's not impossible.

But I don't want to "walk in the cabinet". Taking the allowance of a few hundred yuan is really too inappropriate.

The deputy mayor of Songjiang City who came today is not very familiar with him. The person in charge of science, education, culture and health can only be said to be an acquaintance, not a big friendship.

But after today, it means a deep friendship.

Yu Long is the leader of the Science and Technology Bureau, and the job of attracting investment can never be left behind. Besides, software development in the cultural industry is not counted in the industrial output value.

Can the editing software and modeling platform developed by "Cangli Kacha" be used in film and television works?


Then this is part of the cultural industry.

When Zhang Haonan entered the venue, the entire business conference hall was already full.

There are everyone, including scholars, poets, directors, film and television company bosses, and of course members and vice-presidents of various councils and promotion associations.

However, two of the groups of people were looking at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, and they obviously restrained themselves a lot.

It no longer matters whether the briefcases they carry with them contain a file bag with the words "Sand Food Group" on it.

Boss Zhang wants them to shut up and stop making noise today, then they have to shut up and be honest.

And the appearance of Zhang Haonan made the representatives of the "Beijing circle" feel like they had eaten maggots. Among them were many prominent second-generation people. Those CEOs of film and television companies could only be regarded as helpers, assistants or gloves.

A doormat when necessary.

The appearance of Zhang Haonan made everyone in the "Beijing circle" silent, because they knew better than anyone how crazy the "package" plan in the southern suburbs was.

Fifty billion...

Whether the total number of cultural industries in China can reach this real number is a matter of debate.

The combined cultural and tourism industry in Beijing currently accounts for about 15% of the city's gross national product, which is just over 50 billion.

Zhang Haonan's arrogance is a thorn in the side of "Beijing masters" in some fields, because a little bit of country bumpkin is worth their more than ten years of "efforts."

As for the fact that the bulk of the 50 billion belongs to the government and banks, they don't care, and they don't even want to know.

"Damn it, why is this grandson here?"

"Didn't he say that he was going to attend the funeral?"

"Who's talking nonsense? That's the principal of his school!"

"How the hell are you doing this? This grandson is the worst thing..."

"Let's look at Professor Yu's."

"I'm so disgusted by this. This bitch doesn't even care about Professor Yu."

"Nonsense, where did they push Jin Hulan to the ground and beat him?"

"This Songjiang City Government... is really unreasonable."

Seeing Zhang Haonan come in to drink Coke, people who came from the capital felt like they were collapsed from the inside out. The gaming experience was really bad!

"Mayor Yin knows that I like to drink Coke?"

Sitting next to Zhang Haonan is Yin Guangguang, the newly promoted deputy mayor. The two are not familiar with each other, but they have some overlap in business. For example, the welfare products produced under Zhang Haonan's name are now being branded, and the first choice market is Songjiang.

For example, Songjiang has assistance tasks for sanitary napkins and condoms, and the most experienced producer in the surrounding area is the "Shashi System".

Last year, Yin Guangguang chaired the rural women's health care project in Yandu. The aid materials were purchased from the "Shashi Group". First, Yandu now also has a rural supply and marketing cooperative of the "Shashi Group", and the local power for operation and maintenance is quite strong. ; Second, the sanitary napkins of "Brother Haonan" are really cheap.

Zhang Haonan never thought about making money from it. Earning ten cents from a pack of sanitary napkins was a big deal. It was a sequelae of the internal struggle in Shacheng.

But Zhang Haonan now has a big family and a big business, so it doesn't matter.

"I heard about it."

Seeing that Zhang Haonan was willing to chat, Yin Guangming didn't mind being polite.

"Thank you."

Zhang Haonan smiled and showed off two sips of Coke, making Yin Guangming hard to say anything. It was not convenient for her to be too friendly with Zhang Haonan because Zhang Haonan had too many women.

Due to the nature of her job, she is destined not to be as cool as Chen Zheng from Kecheng.

I can only say that there is nothing we can do about it being as official as possible.

"By the way, Mayor Yin, how much finance can Songjiang provide? I mean the general budget, including culture and tourism."

"One billion is always needed."

"That's okay, I know it."

Zhang Haonan screwed on the Coke cap and said, "In this kind of small business, I can do whatever I say. People from the capital don't know how to open their mouths."

"The inability to open one's mouth means..."

"It won't happen in the next three to five years. I still have some deterrence. My 'package' plan for the southern suburbs is worth RMB 50 billion."


It's cool to hurt people with your own abilities.

This kind of operation made Yin Guangming envious. If she could do whatever she wanted, there would be no need to fight with these beasts.

In fact, she has no choice. Today's "politics" are all about "internationalization", or else "openness", "freedom", "market", etc., which is exhausting.

After arriving, the meeting officially started. Yin Guangguang first talked some nonsense, then talked some nonsense about the main theme, and then talked some nonsense about the future vision that he was not confident about. Then it was the turn of the experts in the field of cultural industry development. .

The one who is fearless is Yu Zuncong, the leader of the Songjiang academic circle. He is considered a big flag, but he is not afraid of people knowing that he receives Japanese dollars, because he receives Euros, U.S. knives, circulating coins, etc., not just one share.

To receive one is to be fed dog food. To receive many is to be the top “jungler” in the international server. This is a different kind of honor and is worthy of bragging.

Zhang Haonan's threats were of no use to someone like him.

Coupled with his professorial title and status in the Academy of Social Sciences, if Zhang Haonan really shot him in the head, he would have to keep his tail between his legs.

There is still room for relaxation in adding insult to injury during the struggle, just killing for fun... Zhang Haonan has not yet cultivated his magic power. One day, he will probably be able to do this.

Yu Zuncong had nothing to give in. Given his level, qualifications, and background, he had nothing to fear from Zhang Haonan.

After a simple opening remarks, he started talking from the perspective of sociology and economics.

"...the concept of 'cultural industry' was proposed less than ten years ago. It was first called 'cultural economy' and later 'cultural industry.' In the past ten years, the development of this industry has undergone major changes. It has increasingly become the most modern industry among the tertiary industry and the industry most closely integrated with science and technology, and it has also begun to react on the traditional..."

There is a saying that people who come out of the Academy of Social Sciences are all talented. If they just say a few words, Zhang Haonan can't help but listen carefully.

Because there is something.

"...Based on the understanding of the definition of 'cultural industry', we can summarize the industry and divide it into 'core main industries', 'first-line cultural products' and 'cultural value-added industries'. Among them, 'core main industries' include news and publishing , radio, film and television, network computer services, tourism..."

Hearing this routine, Zhang Haonan became more energetic. This old man has something.

A flash occurred in my mind, why not get this old man to be my thug?

Anyway, they all use money to do things, and Zhang Haonan's money is not smelly. It is also the kind "Brother Kong Fang".

However, Boss Zhang's mind is still online. He knows very well that the higher the level of this kind of bad old man, the more paranoid he becomes. I am afraid it will be difficult for them to make changes until they die.

The analysis is perhaps top-notch in the industry.

However, their top ability is not to contribute to the national construction of the broad masses of the people, but to implement their inner "ideals", which once again returns to the "butt problem."

It’s the same old saying: the line is wrong, the more knowledge you have, the more reactionary you will be.

“...through our more open cultural industry market, accepting and absorbing more advanced creative models, and creating a freer creative environment, we can make more market-oriented industry analysis of the development of the cultural industry in the future, and be more able to It accurately reflects the macro-prospects for the development of the cultural industry, and at the same time further expands the forward-looking vision of our industry practitioners..."

On the podium, the old man Yu Zuncong has a very elegant temperament and is a typical scholar.

In the first row of the audience, Yin Guangming was also recording Yu Zuncong's speech very seriously, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Zhang Haonan who was drinking Coke, and then he noticed that this guy was smiling strangely.

When he was muttering in his heart, Zhang Haonan suddenly said: "Mayor Yin, my uncle and grandfather are still your schoolmates."

"You also graduated from Normal University?"

"A little earlier, he graduated from Daxia University."


Zhang Haonan didn't look at Yin Guangming, but looked at Yu Zuncong. He couldn't understand why such a high-level old man wasn't beaten to death in the first place.

Wouldn't it be over if I had been beaten to death? It would only add to the chaos.

Fortunately, I don't have martial ethics, and I am even more shameless than Yu Zuncong.

"...The rapid rise of the cultural industry is a symbol of the major achievements in national economic and social development since the opening-up policy was followed; it is also a symbol of the establishment of a market economic system and the formation of a comprehensive opening-up pattern; and it is also..."

What Yu Zuncong said made Songjiang City officials and even the "illiterate" Yu Long nod their heads.

If you understand it, you will be very powerful, and you will be a capable expert.

Boss Zhang had a big headache. He felt uncomfortable when he heard "pattern". He probably had some kind of rare disease, which might be called "pattern PTSD".

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