I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 576 The time is ripe

"I'm going to have dinner with An Duxiu in a few days. There are some items that are inconvenient to mention today. I'll ask him to be a lobbyist then."

"Hahahaha, Dean Zhu, it doesn't matter if you mention it now. As long as I make money, I'm always very generous."

"There may not be any money to be made."

Dean Zhu was a little hesitant and did not mention it to Zhang Haonan after all. After he retired, many things were of a consultative nature. The central government's strategic technologies in the field of national defense were what he paid more attention to.

Supercomputing is of course, so when Zhang Haonan mentioned supercomputing, Dean Zhu did not hesitate at all. When the lion opens his mouth, he will never be soft.

Of course, it’s also because supercomputing is definitely profitable.

However, he was not sure about some research and development projects, fearing that he would lose money in a bottomless pit.

He was unable to go abroad for exchanges and inspections during several consultations with the Government Affairs Council this year. In some cases, he could only follow up on academic journals.

The understanding is too superficial, and it is actually meaningless.

The appearance of Zhang Haonan actually gave him a lot of inspiration. A lot of pre-research, he can definitely put on the vest from Zhang Haonan.

Especially knowing that this guy's record is so amazing, he feels inexplicably confident.

He himself is a top genius in his own field. His confidence comes from knowledge, ability and idealism. Even if Zhang Haonan has no ideals and no ideals, at least he is capable in the field of making money.

He is also a top talent in his eyes.

When saying goodbye to Zhang Haonan, Dean Zhu was still a little annoyed: You An Duxiu has been hiding for so long, how long have you been eating alone?

When I was on the phone with An Duxiu in the evening, Boss An was thinking that I would brag about this as soon as I arrived in the capital. Wouldn’t it be true that all my comrades wouldn’t believe it?

Besides, when I, An, was ridiculed, it was the contemporary "elder brother" of our sect who came out to regain the situation. I, An, have always been aboveboard and aboveboard, and I have a clear conscience.

The next day, Boss An called Zhang Haonan. He was also very tired. Hundreds of people came to visit him, all of whom were old friends or even from his old workplace.

All kinds of relatives and friends, all kinds of old friends and comrades, they just came to beg for alms for no other reason.

At the end of November, all departments had almost learned that the Bank of China had a loan in its hands, and then the Bank of China also had a loan in its hands. The Bank of China's money was still being studied, but policies for the use of the Bank of China had basically been announced.

It mainly flows to infrastructure construction. Six provinces and one city in East China and Central Plains Province will have significant investment in canals, highways, ports, bridges and railways.

The Ministry of Railways also has the task of building a branch line in the Jiangbei region to connect with Haidai Province, Zhongyuan Province and the northeastern region of Huaixi Province.

The terminal station, Chongzhou, will become the largest labor export transfer station in East China.

The railway planning of the entire Liangjiang Province is a big "X". The Ministry of Railways has already had a plan, but it didn't have the money before, so its main business is the freight railway. There is no passenger transportation plan for the line from Pengcheng to Chongzhou in recent years.

But with several cross-river bridges on the table, it is possible to start from Yuzhou and cross Guangling into Runzhou. However, the cross-river highway bridge between Runzhou and Guangling is already under construction, so The Ministry of Railways is only making demonstrations and has no real plans to build it.

However, there is a shift in the project. The new project is the application from the Gushu City State Planning Commission to Huaixi Province to build a cross-river bridge.

Because the six provinces and one city in East China plus the Central Plains Province have been meeting and communicating non-stop until the fourth quarter, the top leaders of Huaixi Province did not procrastinate. After all, the one trillion yuan you don’t want is what the local government wants, so the report is on the 11th Yue was sent to the central government.

The State Planning Commission did not hesitate and passed it quickly. After all, it did not occupy large-scale financial funds. It was just that there were certain arrangements for the project bidding.

Liangjiang Province and Huaixi Province each have four bridges, with an average cost of 5 to 1.5 billion per bridge, which can be said to be quite cheap.

The construction plan is all about six years, and it is planned to be completed and opened to traffic before the Olympics.

The only cross-river bridge project that is still under development is in Xunyang City, Jiangyou Province. The State Planning Commission of Xunyang City does not have any problems. Like Liangjiang Province and Huaixi Province, they all implemented the project that was demonstrated 20 years ago. Mention things again.

The problem lies in the above, saying that they need to study it, which makes Xunyang City a little bit hesitant. They plan to build the "Xunyang Second Bridge" to complement the "Hukou Bridge" that is about to be completed.

If we delay it now, it will definitely be a few years later.

In terms of political performance, it basically has nothing to do with the current leadership team.

From a local economic perspective, Xunyang City signed a large order for construction raw materials this year, and a large order was signed for the "sand food system". However, the "sand food system" mainly involves water transportation, which has nothing to do with roads and bridges. However, there are some There are opportunities for industrial expansion.

The large orders from the "sand food industry" have given Xunyang City the confidence to expand its production capacity such as cement and sand mining. In the process of expanding production capacity, as long as the construction of the "Xunyang Second Bridge" is launched, the work will be smooth. .

The production capacity is quickly digested, saving a lot of construction costs inside and out.

Now with such a jam, there is a high probability that it can only be delayed, and it may even cost several roads and bridges in Huaixi or the Huaihe River Basin in the Central Plains.

One trillion is a lot, but if we all spend it together, it won’t be difficult to spend it all in one or two years.

Is there any internal contradiction in Jiangyou Province? For the brother provinces and cities, not only do they not have any sympathy, but they seize the time to publicize it.

After all, one less cross-river bridge would mean spending an extra 5 to 1.5 billion to build an inland port, wouldn't it? Wouldn’t it be nice to dredge rivers and upgrade transportation capacity?

When Sect Leader An called the "Chief True Disciple" of his sect, he rarely showed off his pride, but expressed his bitterness.

The number of social events since the fourth quarter of this year was unprecedented in his lifetime. Fortunately, the friends and old friends who came were also polite and did not persuade him to drink. Therefore, Master An drank less than two kilograms of wine in three months and was quite comfortable.

I am extremely mentally exhausted and have a sense of powerlessness from suffering all kinds of torture.

"You said you did too. Now the main thing to grab funds is the communication between banks and the government. Why are you messing around?"

"They use me as a tool. The people at the bank give me face."


Leader An answered honestly. He also admitted that he did enjoy the pleasure of pretending. Although he was old, he was still old at heart.

Furthermore, many projects have some relationship with the alumni of Liangjiang University of Technology. The civil engineering dogs of Liangjiang University of Technology are very happy if they can take away the dog food of the civil engineering dogs of Mutongji University.

As the leader, you must take care of the elders of the Civil Engineering Academy, and you must give them the spiritual stones they deserve.

Moreover, Qian Xianfeng's becoming a "half-step academician" has stimulated other colleges, such as Wang Hongbao, who is also an alumnus of Zhang Haonan High School. The College of Civil Engineering now places its hopes on him.

Of course, Leader An hopes that Wang Hongbao can also advance to become the elder of the Civil Engineering College, and then become a "half-step academician" like Qian Xianfeng. By then, the sect's status among the famous sects will definitely rise.

Didn’t we not have the opportunity before? Now that we have caught up, why don’t we grit our teeth and work harder?

What Professor Wang regrets most now is that he was not as shameless as Qian Xianfeng.

"Since I am coming to the capital, I will continue to have a physical examination. I went to visit Mr. Qian before. Many old gentlemen are in their 80s and 90s, and they are still in good health. This means they are well maintained."

"I have exercise."

"Okay, don't think about it later. Let them say whatever they say at the Engineering Academy, and don't think about building one in Jiankang. We have everything you need. You don't need anything. They are all pushed back, and the level is too low. There is a certain pattern. You are the principal and you are an academician, not a street vendor."


After being reprimanded by the "Chief True Disciple", Master An repeatedly said that he had exercised and that a lot of work was done by his secretary, and then he hung up the phone angrily.

As the New Year approaches, Leader An actually feels quite happy. There is only one month to go, and a lot of people come to pay New Year greetings. He is mentally exhausted, but physically quite relaxed.

On December 7th, Liu Chen was going to fly to Leizhou, which happened to be the "heavy snow" of the 24th solar term. In previous years, when he was in Jiankang, he would get some pickled meat and fish, so this time he had some in Leizhou. Cool.

The main dishes are clam basket bacon and Mayou salted fish. The unique flavor left a deep impression on Liu Chen.

When he came to Leizhou this time, one of the things he wanted to do was upgrade the "Suzhou Industrial Park". He has more than 100 million in funds that he can mobilize. If Zhang Haonan endorses all the funds that can be coordinated, it can reach 1.5 billion. Of course, they will all be in the "Suzhou Industrial Park". In the framework of "Industrial Park", the money is not taken and put away in his hands; the second is to get to know Zhang Haodong.

Zhang Haodong, who was originally going to be a soldier for five years, will leave the army this month. He will first follow Liu Chen around Leizhou to explore the territory of the "sand food system", and then get to know the local leading figures in depth.

Liu Chen acted as an "introducer".

As for the marriage with Chen Nianci, it will have to wait two years. Chen Nianci is still too young.

The upgrade of the "Gusu Industrial Park" is very important to both Zhou Zhengfa and Zhou Chuji, because it also involves the construction of two roads and a wharf, an infrastructure feast for six provinces and one city in East China plus Central Plains Province, Lingnan Province and Lingnan Province. It is impossible to say that Xi Province is not hungry.

It's just that there is no entry point. Leizhou City can only accept its fate after experiencing a huge smuggling case. It is still a dream to use any policy resources. In the future, it can only make a living based on its ability.

The "Gusu Industrial Park" is one of the few large-scale projects in Leizhou that can achieve long-term political performance and economic growth. It can also use this as an opportunity to introduce valuable infrastructure, and it can also attract veterans from the neighboring Lingxi Province to join the effort. Small fortune.

Don't dare to think about making a fortune, it's easy for something to happen.

Now, through the "Suzhou Industrial Park", at least there are stable growth points in internal processing and external exports, and there are not so many checks and inspections on road construction and so on.

This time Liu Chen came over to take Zhang Haodong around. Later, he and the Chen family would be able to win the slag transportation project first. He would not be needed for complex business activities. This kind of main business is "going out to get lucky" , then it is considered a professional counterpart.

The Chen family also happens to be missing a leading figure, and they also hope that Zhang Haodong can establish himself as soon as possible.

However, Zhang Haodong will return to Shacheng before the end of the month.

It's not that he misses home, but that Cao Aijun's brother Cao Aimin will be released from prison at the end of the month, and he made a promise to Zhang Haonan to serve the Cao brothers.

Try not to let Cao Aimin celebrate New Year's Day, lest someone has to come to see him off, which would be very tiring.

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