I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 482 When the struggle is going on

"Brother-in-law, it's only been a few days since school started, and I have to leave again."

"There are some scenes where I have to go and sit in person."

After school, she went straight to the Mountain View Villa. Fan Susu took the time to have sex with Zhang Haonan. After all, her aunt was coming to visit in a few days and she didn't have much time.

"Then I still have to take exams and I can't leave. How can I accompany you on a business trip?"

"What do you want me to do when I'm on a business trip?"

Zhang Haonan didn't feel relaxed when he saw the picture of the provincial station news showing the second-in-command inspecting "Jinqiao Computer".

In the beginning of the spring, a corporate information session will be organized in the school. "Jinqiao Computer" is in great demand for software and hardware engineers.

In addition to the normal R\u0026D and production links, the focus is on after-sales service. General maintenance engineers need to design a promotion route before they can be fooled.

For this reason, the provincial government specially interviewed Zhang Haonan.

Of course, the essence is that the Jiankang Municipal Government relies on its advantages as a provincial capital to retain graduates from local universities through its superior units.

Except for a few special colleges such as Jiankang Audit and Jiankang Meteorology, graduates from general institutions of higher learning still adhere to the principle of people going to higher places.

There is a little bit of trivia: even for electrical engineers and mechanical engineers these days, Huaban Company’s autumn recruitment contracts in Jiankang are all at the highest price. That is to say, at this time, Huaban Company’s reputation is very average, and the overseas market cannot be said to be completely blank, which is almost the same. barren land.

But it is true that giving money is refreshing, but how do students know which company has a future or gives them a lot of money?

In terms of career planning, most outstanding graduates are either working in foreign companies or state-owned companies, or doing research.

If you are an outstanding graduate from Liangxi, Suzhou, you will not be able to move your butt back to your hometown.

Therefore, Zhang Haonan was called by the provincial government to work with the provincial government to design a career path for high-quality graduates.

There is no promotion channel, so the editor has to make one up.

So this time Jiankang starts school, Fan Susu has been playing for a long time, but he probably won’t have much time in the next few months.

Not only the province, but also important cities in six provinces and one city in East China will be visited.

At this time, Zhang Haonan also wanted to visit Ruyin, one of the five major birthplaces of migrant workers in the country, with the provincial government delegation.

In the after-sales business of "Jinqiao Computer", according to the provincial policy, Zhang Haonan can be exempted from taxes for up to five years. Of course, to meet the conditions, there must be at least one "Three Guarantees Headquarters" in the prefecture-level city, and then add maintenance according to different areas. point.

Currently, in Liangjiang Province, according to Zhang Haonan's negotiations with the provincial government, there will be at least 60 three-guarantee sites by May this year, creating approximately 1,300 jobs.

Including but not limited to shipping and receiving logistics and customer service.

The currently established customer service center is in Jiankang Jiangbei, and the maintenance center is in Longzangpu. A piece of land in the original antique street was taken over by Zhang Haonan.

Without spending a penny, a deal was made based on the local jobs in Jiankang City that were solved throughout the year.

When the provincial government held a conference on this matter, the representatives of the other twelve prefecture-level cities turned into trolls, making the provincial boss turn green in the face.

The main reason is that each city's customer service center has the ability to solve the problem on its own. It is not mainly the job of government units, but a matter of telecommunications and electricity.

The repair centers in Gusu, Liangxi, Piling and Chongzhou Guangling are the most unhappy. Everyone has this strength, why should they all give you Jiankang?

In the end, it was passed, because there were still branch discussions later, and there were too many industries involved, and Jiankang couldn't finish them all.

Especially beer. According to the provincial government's project plan, everyone in the province can eat meat and drink soup. There is no doubt about this. After all, the war is about to start, and this matter is all passed.

They were just messing around in the officialdom. If you couldn't get something, just bark twice. After the dog barked, you would get away with a few small coins, and the matter would be revealed.

The point is what you can actually eat.

For example, Waisha City, a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Chongzhou City, is adjacent to Songjiang and Gujunsha. Unfortunately, there is no bridge at this time, and transportation has to be done by ferry.

In mid-February, Zhang Haonan had to go to Waisha City to inspect the former municipal winery. The winery originally had a beer production workshop, but was later separated and operated independently. At this time, the competition for the Waisha Brewery has also reached a fever pitch.

Chongzhou City itself has no restrictive effect on Waisha City in this matter, and from the perspective of the local government, whoever gives more money will definitely follow.

Therefore, the first wave of collisions between various capitals began last year.

The Waisha City Brewery is a symbol. Although Zhang Haonan did not go to Waisha City in the first month of the year, Lu Weidong, as the boss of "Daqiao Food", took the senior officials there with him.

He is so senior that the first and second bosses of Waisha City's non-staple food company will call him "Teacher Lu" when they see him. People in the Sugar, Tobacco and Liquor Company, except for the second generation who are parachuted in to fish, all the elderly people will call him "Mr. Lu".

Therefore, although foreign investment representatives held several banquets, as well as presentations, communication meetings, talks, etc., for a while, they still did not have as strong a bargaining chip as they could get.

In short, either add money or continue to add money.

There are four groups of foreign investors, one group is from Japanese slaves, one group is from Southeast Asia, one group is from America, and the last group is from the Netherlands.

Zhang Haonan was the first to know their base price for the Japanese slaves. The upper limit of the budget was 12 million. The other three prices were higher or lower, but they were basically around 10 million.

The key is additional conditions, such as triangular debt issues left over from history, such as wage arrears, and some disputes over land property rights.

However, Zhang Haonan is a little different. "Shabei" is something that already exists, water beer is worthless, and the most important thing is the channel.

During the construction process, logistics conflicts and "protection fees" from local snakes all required front-line personnel to be both brave and wise.

Zhang Haonan's approach is divided into two parts. First, he relies on the advantages of the "Yangtze River Agriculture Forum" retired cadre assistance group to find like-minded old men and women among the retired cadre groups in Waisha City.

It is inevitable that this work can be successful, because there are always more or less principled veteran cadres, and providing a helping hand in legal aid for migrant workers has also formed a certain positive social influence. For the retired cadres in Waisha City, there is Ideally, I would like to use some of my residual energy. It would be good to have such a platform.

The second is to start from the countryside. Similar to the situation of Jiang Gaoxia's gift, through the original grain station system of Chengjiang and Shacheng, we came into contact with veterans from Waisha City who had friendship with Shacheng in the early years, and then negotiated the rural supply and marketing cooperatives.

Zhang Haonan will definitely negotiate with the Waisha City Municipal Government, but it is not his style to only negotiate with the government. He blocks both sides, first of all, so that some people who have taken the money do not dare to be too presumptuous.

Most of the logistics team at the wholesale station are locals, and they are also organized. As long as a general security case occurs, the locals will take charge.

Generally speaking, it is not possible to let local people face risks one by one alone. However, if there is a backer behind him, the confidence will be enough in an instant. Neighbors who were originally unable to stick together can now advance and retreat together.

The reason is very simple, if you have money, take it.

The notes are real, everything else is fake.

Don't be afraid if someone tries to take sides. As long as the scale of the fight is large enough, no one will dare to take sides.

The reason why the battle for breweries in Waisha City is so important this time is that it is different from the previous "buy, buy, buy" competitions in Liangxi and Suzhou. The reason is that this is a formal collision between capitals.

Foreign investors have communication with Zhang Haonan, such as the division of spheres of influence, which provinces, cities and counties can be discussed one by one.

But Zhang Haonan didn't bother to discuss it at all. I lost the home advantage, so that's bullshit.

It's not that he doesn't know that there are a large group of people in Waisha City who have taken the benefits of foreign investment, but that's not important. He has attracted enough people. There can only be one "lighthouse" for beer production in this province.

As for whether the Yangtze River Delta region can be established, besides, we can’t control that much.

It is a coincidence that "Shacheng Food" is located in the new rural supply and marketing cooperative in Waisha City, called "Dengzhan Village". It is also mainly based on agriculture, with a small amount of handicraft industry. The industry has not yet taken off, and it is incomparable to what it will be ten years later. .

The people who used to do technical training in Shacheng were seconded from the farms in Shacheng, and people from the old grain station system had a thirty-year relationship with each other.

If this kind of low-level favor can be dug out, ordinary county and city governments may not be as easy as Zhang Haonan.

Although this Dengzhan Village is mainly engaged in agriculture, its agricultural and sideline products can only be sold to the town-level vegetable market in Waisha City, and there are no channels in the urban vegetable market.

People who come to the countryside to purchase basically monopolize the sales channels for agricultural and sideline products in the southwest area of ​​Waisha City.

It is basically impossible for farmers to afford stalls in urban vegetable markets. If they set up stalls directly outside, the urban management may turn a blind eye, but "vegetable tyrants" will directly lead people to destroy the stalls.

Therefore, over time, material exchanges were limited to the rural two levels.

The arrival of the "Shacheng Food" rural supply and marketing cooperative has put great pressure on many people, not just a little pressure, but a lot.

In the twelfth lunar month of last year, the fresh vegetables from Dengzhan Village appeared for the first time in the urban vegetable market, because one of the stalls was taken over by "Shacheng Food" and the sign and layout were redesigned to look similar to the surrounding stalls. Out of place.

The leading brand, "Anan Agricultural Products", is another platform, but it is not large in scale and is limited to the dispensing of agricultural and sideline products within the city at the county level.

But one thing is very attractive, that is, according to company regulations, "Anan Agricultural Products" will list the origin of agricultural and sideline products.

As long as the locals hear it is Dengzhan Village and ask a little, they will know that it is a local rural area in Waisha City. City people have mysterious superstitions about "local chickens", "local watermelons" and "local fresh vegetables".

"Anan Agricultural Products" will also mark the day's supply, and the data will be changed every five kilograms less, which makes city people feel a strange sense of anxiety, lest they sell out too quickly and fail to grab it.

After the twelfth lunar month fighting, Ding Yong sent people to Dengzhan Village to offer condolences. The amount of the condolence money was not disclosed to the public, but the expenditure can still be found in Wujiadai.

The expression is "Fifty thousand yuan in condolences for cooperative households of supply and marketing cooperative households in Dengzhan Village, Lingang Town, Waisha City, Chongzhou City." As soon as the old men in this family saw this thing, they knew what was going on outside.

Of course, the Waisha City Government can also investigate clearly. It can just send people to Wujiadai Village to check for sure. The key is that if they don't come, there will be no way.

When the people of Dengzhan Village saw that their backer was really capable, they became more motivated. Of course, this motivation was motivation in every sense of the word.

The initial victory in the arena triggered a chain reaction. The old system of "vegetable tyrants" and "vegetable sellers" in Waisha City collapsed after the New Year.

The people in the neighboring villages of Dengzhan Village are not stupid either. They have no backers, but they can sell vegetables to the fellow villagers in Dengzhan Village.

As long as it passes the random inspection of the rural supply and marketing cooperative, Dengzhan Village can accept it.

At this time, the power of the company system came into play. The last time a truck fleet came to Dengzhan Village to collect grain, vegetables, chickens, ducks and geese, it dates back to twenty-five years ago.

It is unrealistic to sell all kinds of agricultural and sideline products locally, but there is no problem at all if they are exported to Chongzhou City.

At the same time, Zhang Haonan's logistics company not only has a fleet of vehicles, but also a fleet. With the expansion of the "Daqiao Pig Farm", Songjiang City's requirements for pork quality and quantity are also increasing sharply, so it is signing a meat supply contract with Zhang Haonan. At the same time, we also brought vegetables.

The fleet has two routes. One directly passes through the canal of Shacheng River and reaches Lucheng. Then it is unloaded in Lucheng, transshipped by land in Lucheng, and sold in the western area of ​​Songjiang.

One line starts directly from Waisha City, crosses the river and reaches Songjiang Riverside Terminal, where it is then unloaded and repacked.

The local second generation also "washed their hands in a golden basin" and stated that they would no longer interfere in the affairs of the world.

And those dynamic social groups that had been running rampant for many years were wiped out almost overnight.

The local people just felt that someone finally did something, but they had no idea of ​​the struggle involved. From the beginning to the end, it was not "justice defeated evil" at all, but "the greater evil defeated the weak local evil."

It is precisely because of this result that Boss Zhang's visit to Waisha City in February was purely to show off and express that he attached great importance to the development of various tasks in Waisha City.

As for whether the Waisha City Government may have over-interpretation... on his eggs?

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