I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 464 “Purple Gold Technology” as stable as an old dog

In many big projects these days, the largest investment often starts with "fraudulent subsidies". Of course, pure fraud projects go directly to "fraudulent subsidies" and defraud investors.

Because the Ministry of Science and Technology is a relatively "tight" ministry, but it is also relatively critical, it spends money carefully.

After Zhang Jiangang made sure that "brothers" were not cheating on their financial investment, he found his right-hand man in a short period of time and produced a pretty good report before January 18th.

Of course, there is also personal information about Zhang Haonan, and his resume is quite beautiful.

The only drawback is that this guy is only twenty-one years old.

Very unscientific.

When Zhang Jiangang from Jiankang called an old friend in Beijing, the other person's first thought was to introduce the old leader's granddaughter to Zhang Haonan.

After all, it is almost time for such a wealthy unmarried young man to fall in love. It is very reasonable to date for three to five years and then get married.

Zhang Jiangang almost became anxious.

It's your grandma's fault. I almost fell over and fell off the stage, so why the hell are you doing all the work for me?

Am I the kind of person who casually messes around with men and women?

Such an outstanding young man, who is upright and upright and dedicated to the motherland with a red heart, must focus on causes that are meaningful to society and the country.

Therefore, in the "Some Suggestions on the Development of New Storage Batteries" that Zhang Jiangang worked out, after preliminary internal discussions and analysis of domestic and foreign situations, the veteran comrades with backgrounds in science and engineering basically agreed with Zhang Jiangang's suggestions.

And in terms of the main theme of "social development", it is indeed not a big problem.

A major strategic issue in the new century is "environmental protection," which covers a wide range of areas from water and soil to atmosphere to biological ecology.

For example, the water conservancy department must cooperate with the "Zero Point Action" to carry out various water pollution treatments.

The public security department also cooperates a lot in environmental protection. For various key enterprises that are "local snakes" and "local tigers", tax inspections alone are not enough. After all, they are often their own country. It is simply nonsense not to go to the violent agencies.

The sandstorm in Beijing this time helped Zhang Jiangang because of "environmental protection". The battery itself is highly polluting from the production end to the recycling end.

But it has a feature, that is, it can be processed centrally, which is the biggest advantage.

For government regulatory authorities, being able to centralize processing means saving administrative costs and grasping the key at the source.

After the communication became smooth, Zhang Jiangang breathed a sigh of relief, and the prank he made before was reduced to the level of "three cups of self-punishment", and there was no need to say "I won't do it next time."

Because we can "happy funerals", describing the foreign affairs as a cutting-edge discussion with local leading technology companies has pointed out the direction for the future development of some industries in our country.

This discussion is open-ended, revolutionary, and has important guidance...

No one stipulates that only lazy and lazy people are suitable for "funeral celebrations". Those who are capable must learn the two tricks.

Too many skills don't weigh you down.

January 23rd was New Year's Eve, but Zhang Jiangang had a dinner date with Zhang Haonan on January 21st. Although he had made up his mind to "give up drinking", due to special circumstances, he drank two more drinks.

Today's dinner is the reunion dinner of "Zijin Technology". Last year, we had a reunion dinner on New Year's Eve, but this year is different. This year, "Zijin Technology" has many more employees from Huaixi Province, Zhongyuan Province, Haidai Province, and Northern Hebei Province. , plus employees in the northern part of Liangjiang Province, who are all far away from home.

That is to say, "Zijin Technology" is really awesome. It has arranged train tickets and long-distance bus tickets in advance. Otherwise, employees in remote hometowns would have gone home early to celebrate the New Year.

Zhang Haonan had two reunion dinners today, one from the marketing and production departments of "Zijin Technology" and "Jinqiao Computer", and one from the R\u0026D department of "Clicka Chat" and "Jinqiao Computer".

In this scene of "Zijin Technology", Zhang Jiangang was indeed very touched. His mood changed from the ups and downs before to becoming passionate again.

"Did you get all the red envelopes?!"

In the large cafeteria, Zhang Haonan held a wireless microphone and wore the same style as the one who violently trolled Gong Yin in Guangling. However, this time his clothes were a little more upscale. He changed into a cashmere coat, which made him look very generous and a bit... Feeling arrogant and domineering.

However, in this situation, no one thought Zhang Haonan was arrogant, and he was in a good mood.

"I got them all——"

"thank you boss--"

"The boss is awesome——"

There was a burst of laughter in the cafeteria, especially since the marketing department personnel of the two companies overlapped, and the heckles were even harder.

Some old employees have to lead both sides. In many prefecture-level cities, there is a sales brother and a sister. In addition to marketing and promoting battery vehicles and arranging goods, they also need to handle new computer business. For technical matters, they can only know how to turn on the computer. But he is a good salesman, and the new people he recruits generally have a technical secondary school degree or above.

The sales team is very receptive to new things and willing to learn.

The main motivation for learning is commission.

There is no way, Boss Zhang is very ruthless. He only talks about money and never about feelings.

"Sister Chen, is Sister Chen here?"

"Here, here, here!"

Hearing Zhang Haonan shouting, there were several young people at a table shouting, and then an elder sister who was stuffing crispy fish into her mouth suddenly stood up with a red face, laughed and scolded the young people who shouted twice, and then quickly sorted it out. clothes, and then walked to Zhang Haonan with a smile on his face.

Everyone knows what program is on today.

Yu Xiaolong and Zhou Quanquan were standing on the gift table nearby. When the person arrived, Yu Xiaolong had already picked up a huge cardboard key and handed it to Zhang Haonan.

Zhang Haonan laughed: "This year's top seller, I, Zhang Haonan, have agreed on a house in the urban area. It has been fully decorated, and the decoration picture ranked first in the previous survey. Get the key, and there is no need to go directly to the New Year's Eve dinner this year. The problem is, we can’t transfer the ownership until after the New Year.”

"Thank you, boss, thank you..."

The elder sister who was always grinning was smiling from ear to ear. The words "Sales Champion Chen Xiuhong" were written on the huge cardboard key, which made countless salesmen look excited.

"Old Chang! It's your turn!"

Zhang Haonan waved, and a middle-aged man at another table stood up and nervously smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, then walked up with a smile.

"Old Chang is worthy of being a master. You young people should all learn from him. How to increase production in the factory and save money? I, Zhang Haonan, have many houses in all the big cities across the country, waiting for you to pick them up at any time."

After hearing this, Zhang Jiangang at the head table curiously asked the assistant at the same table what was going on.

"Lao Chang was the monitor of the old workshop. He proposed to transform the transmission line and optimize the assembly process. We calculated the efficiency and found that there was about an eleven-point gap. So after the Chinese New Year, Lao Chang became the workshop director. Now he is still an ordinary employee, and his salary is ' Outstanding Contribution Employee Award'."

"Oh, that's really good."

Zhang Jiangang was a little surprised. Old state-owned enterprises do not allocate welfare housing every year. It is normal to schedule and draw lots. Now that the market has become market-oriented, more attention is paid to the actual salary and bonus.

"It's more than good. The boss has real estate in Qiongya and Lingnan. Lao Chang's hometown is in the northeast, so he specially asked for a house in Yangcheng. His family is celebrating the New Year in Yangcheng this year."


It turns out... I'm not bragging, it's true that there are houses in big cities across the country? !

My little brother is so rich.

"Tomorrow's train?"

When Zhang Haonan gave Old Chang the big key, he was a little concerned.

"The train will take you tomorrow afternoon and arrive at Yangcheng the day after tomorrow."

"When you arrive in Yangcheng, don't just leave the train station and take a ride. Wait for the company car to pick you up."

"I listen to my boss."

Yangcheng Railway Station has been a mixed bag for many years, which can compete with Beijing West Railway Station and Chang'an long-distance bus station.

Although the employees of "Zijin Technology" now have personal insurance, why are they betting on their luck?

Instead of hanging out in Yangcheng all year round, it is better to go there occasionally. After all, it is better to play it safe.

At first, Zhang Jiangang was surprised that if he just sold his crown to get a house, it would somewhat irritate the ordinary workers on the front line, but now it seems that he is worrying too much.

Ordinary employees of "Zijin Technology" may also win big prizes.

There won't be any big psychological gap.

Moreover, Zhang Jiangang is not very clear about the reward and punishment measures of "Zijin Technology". The big prizes for front-line workers may not be too many, but the various small rewards are really good.

For example, there is no production reward for this kind of general sales, and you can only envy it in turn.

In short, it is generally based on the principle of "If you want stability, go to the factory, if you want wealth, go to sales." Sales requires hard work and hard work. There are times when you can't do it every month, and you finally choose to work in the front-line operation area.

And even if it is just for stability, the current salary of "Zijin Technology" is far behind the average salary in Jiankang City. Regarding the salary notice, the Jiankang Municipal Government does not recommend that "Zijin Technology" put this thing on the bulletin board. Inside sticker.

Any adjustments will be notified in the employee rest area of ​​"Zijin Technology".

But even so, there are still a lot of well-informed people. From time to time, family members of cadres in several Jiankang districts contact the Shensen Management Committee and want to work in the factory.

It sounds magical, but for most cadre families, there are only a few ways to make money. Most of them just live on dead wages. Therefore, from the perspective of saving money, some wives, children or brothers and sisters of small cadres come to "Zijin Technology" Driving a screw is better than serving tea and pouring water in the office.

Even if you have the establishment, you can't get a decent salary, let alone the overall outbreak of Jiankang City will be ten years later, so in the second phase expansion project of "Zijin Technology", many assemblers can actually do well at home. Some female workers’ husbands are also deputy directors.

The situation of the sales team is similar. Some of the salesmen recruited in the second half of this year also come from cadre families. Many of their husbands or wives work in Qingshui Yamen, and there are also people from Youshui Yamen, but there are fewer of them.

In an ordinary enterprise, with so many cadres and their families there would actually be internal divisions and management pressure, but this does not exist at Zijin Technology.

Putting aside Zhang Haonan's evil dog, Guangyu Xiaolong never bought into any "local vigilante", and when dealing with some noble yamen, such as the Women's Federation, Zhou Quanquan, as a woman, had no weakness.

However, in the design of the factory area, there are still obvious divisions. The final assembly line in the second phase of the expansion project is obviously dominated by the total number of local cadres and their families.

This is also to facilitate job transfers, allowing employees to be flexibly arranged to take advantage of family backgrounds, and has no impact on the overall employee experience.

Basically, the families of cadres who come in are relatively low-key. There are no creatures with alienated powers at this time. It is hard to say whether there will be in the future. But even if there are in the future, it is impossible for such creatures to continue to drive screws in front-line production. So in terms of results, , still not affected.

Compared with the huge number of employees, twenty or thirty family members of cadres are nothing at all.

Next year, the third phase of the expansion will be extended to the junction of Runzhou, because a provincial road is being renovated, and the riverside terminal assigned to "Zijin Technology" by the Jiankang Municipal Government is also being planned. There are three locations for the third phase of expansion. If the expansion along the river is Once completed, the number of employees is likely to exceed 4,000.

Then the special influence within the employees can be completely eliminated. If the number of employees on the production side and their family members are added together, it will be a large-scale organized township, a small society through and through. In terms of management, we can no longer use conventional large and medium-sized enterprises. Factory pattern.

In fact, even if it was just a matter of handing out awards at this time, Zhang Jiangang, as a senior cadre, also discovered many interesting insights from the small details of the members who received the awards.

Motivational things cannot be used simply and crudely. If the method is used well, the enthusiasm of employees will be different.

Representatives of employees from R\u0026D and transportation positions received awards one after another. A total of four awards were taken away, which made Zhang Jiangang excited.

Four grand prizes equal four houses. Ordinary companies really can't imitate this, but here, Zhang Haonan is as light as a normal person.

After returning to the main table, Zhang Jiangang asked curiously: "There are a lot of extra rewards like Guangfa this year."

"Not much actually."

Zhang Haonan picked up the ceramic jug of osmanthus rice wine and filled Zhang Jiangang with a freshly heated cup. "Do you know how much revenue Zijin Technology will earn this year?"

"How many?"

"Actually, it's about 750 million. In the fourth quarter, both the production and sales sides were working overtime, and the transportation team also kept parking. Even if some local distribution points in six provinces and one city in East China did not have one, they were rented in advance. Warehouse or store, and then consign part of it to the mall. The after-sales service will not start until after the Chinese New Year. In short, the goods have already started to be distributed, and the money has already been made. "

"Seven hundred and fifty million?!"

"It's just a lot more, and the remaining payment from the police is still between ten and twenty million. It's not much, but it will increase dramatically starting next year, so the matter of a few houses is nothing. In fact, let alone sales. Even the top seller in the city can afford to buy a house, which is as good as my year-end bonus."

"You are so willing to give."

"I am willing to give, so others are willing to work hard. Look at Mr. Yu, he took tens of millions to speculate in land in Songjiang this year. It was painful to work overtime before, but now he is so happy."



Yu Xiaolong rolled his eyes and moved his butt away from Zhang Haonan.

"Brother, you have to understand that I don't do financial operations, so the profits I make are purely profits from the commodity economy. You must be honest and do your duty."

As Zhang Haonan spoke, he also filled a glass of rice wine for himself, "Compared with the amount of funds invested in research and development, employee rewards are nothing at all."

"Then what are your thoughts? The Government Affairs Council has compiled a list of battery factories in East China. If you can get subsidies for researchers who are not doing well, I will find a way to get approval."

"It's not illegal in terms of operation, is it?"

"As long as it does not violate the four principles for approving the use of special funds from ministries and commissions, the rest is to be more flexible. Your foundation is clean, and the treatment given to workers by 'Zijin Technology' is much better than that of competing companies invested by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 'Zijin Technology' If we don’t give you technology, then you don’t have to give anything else, we’ll give it all back.”

It's a little capricious of power, and there's no rule that only bastards can play with it.

People who want to do something can definitely show off their muscles.

No matter how to do it, how to fight, the advantage lies with him.

And he is different from Zhang Haonan who likes to have fun. Before he was transferred to the central government, he was as stable as an old dog in Andong Province.

Zhang Haonan also knows that after Zhang Jiangang's suggestions are issued, as long as they are followed up steadily, this is not a matter of Liangjiang Province, but a strategic investment layout under the guidance of the Government Affairs Council.

Of course, whether or not to become a "national team" depends on Zhang Haonan's own attitude.

Whether you want to or not will not affect next year's actions. From the perspective of the central government, it does not matter whether you are a "national team" or not. What matters is whether you are in China.

It's that simple.

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