I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 435: Having an old man in the family is like having a treasure

When her daughter saw Zhao Feiyan again, she was very excited. She cried with tears in her eyes for a long time, but the crying was not loud because she had received many gifts that she had not yet opened.

The villa is still being renovated. Although the swimming pool has been completed, there are still miscellaneous things that have not been completed, so I just looked at it but did not actually move in.

Zhang Haonan hung out in the community for a few more days. After a long drought, Zhao Feiyan also had a great time, piling up all the bullshit school homework and company documents first.

"You went to the capital and didn't have any fun?"

"Playing with women is just like that. It's not as interesting as going to a meeting and talking nonsense. Let me tell you, I have a rhythm this time. If I get out of my way, our whole family will die, haha."


Zhao Feiyan, who was extremely speechless after hearing this, lay in his arms and listened carefully to the seriousness of the matter.

Capital-heavy high-tech investments like LCD panels are a bottomless pit. Every day they are either burning money or on the way to burning money. Once they fail, I don’t know how many people will jump off the building.

"Do you really want to invest one billion?"

"What are you thinking? Do you think the province will feel free to let me, a private boss, mess around with this kind of thing? Now there is a gust of wind, borrow my goodwill, and then do something big. Things that were originally difficult to decide, I took care of With this rhythm, we can make the decision according to the trend, and we can compete with other places. The superiors, especially the central government, will not only not think that our province is not on the road, but will also think that we have the courage to pioneer."

The same thing is called "an evildoer" when there is no excuse. After all, what kind of background does Liangjiang Province dare to get involved in the LCD panel? How many kilograms do you have and you don’t know how many pounds you have?

Now it's different to borrow a donkey to go downhill. This is called "learning from others", which is an excellent quality of courage to pioneer.

Zhang Haonan is that donkey.

Zhang Haonan's business resume is an important indicator for the leadership of Liangjiang Province, and is much more convincing than any national market survey report.

Because reports can be falsified, but Zhang Haonan has lost money in business... It has not happened yet.

"Then you're busy working in vain? Didn't you say you wanted to get some shares?"

"What's the rush?"

Rubbing Zhao Feiyan's back, this rich woman is different, she feels silkier to the touch.

"Why am I not in a hurry? From now on, the family property will be left to my son!"


"Hey, let's talk about it. According to what you said, this 200 billion terminal business can't have no benefits at all, right?"

"Feiyan, look at your greedy and philistine face now, I'm so... so happy."

Then he kissed her hard, with a touch of tingling, and said appreciatively, "I just like your profit-seeking look now, please keep it that way in the future."


This pair of dogs hadn't seen each other for a long time. One of them still had a gas tank, and the other had a delicate body and a lot of energy, so they rubbed each other and chatted.

When Zhao Feiyan gasped and lay on his chest to catch her breath, the whole room became quiet.

For a long time, the couple just turned on the TV and continued chatting.

"As for me, it's best if I can make money this time. If I can't, it won't be a big problem. Ten years from now, the province owes me a big favor. No matter who comes to power by then, as long as they inspect this industry, they will I remember it was me, Zhang Haonan, who was bragging about it outside."

"And the units that invested money in the future, whether they are promoted or transferred, this is a very brilliant investment record. After this is completed, I don't want them to express it, but in the future I want to sell goods, and the logistics manager of the other party dares to be late. I Just slap him. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhao Feiyan nodded, but she was still a little unhappy, "Isn't that giving Zhang Ling, Zhang Long and the others an advantage? In the future, I can benefit from you, too."

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"


"My sister is yours after all, right? Are you so concerned?"


Zhao Feiyan hummed, but she didn't say whether she wanted to live or die. She just looked at Zhang Haonan's side face, then stretched out her hand to touch it, and after a long time, she laughed.



The two of them struggled again, and Zhang Haonan subdued her in just a few strokes, recuperating his strength by holding her in his mouth.

After all, Zhao Feiyan was not as cold-blooded as Zhang Haonan. If Zhang Haonan had changed his identity, Zhang Haonan would have killed Zhao Dai and her children long ago.

However, Zhang Haonan would not choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building, so he could not figure out what Zhao Feiyan was thinking. Of course, he was too lazy to think about it.

At the end of the month, meetings were held at "Zijin Technology" and "Chengli Kacha". The main issues were how to take the holidays, who would be scheduled to work overtime on behalf of others, or who would take the initiative to work overtime, all of which had to be calculated in advance.

It's a little different from the past. Now some people are looking forward to overtime pay, and some want to save more vacation time. After having more money, employees' ideas are also changing.

If someone wants to start a business in the future, it means that there will definitely be more choices in terms of market environment and ideas.

"Fuck, 'Brother Haonan', aren't you on business trips every day? Why are you so skilled at double barracks? That's disgusting."

"You know what, explosive troops are the way to go!"

"I can't stand it anymore. I can't handle it anymore. Lao Dai, I'll change you."

Dai Bo smiled and played a game of "Magic Three Kingdoms" with Zhang Haonan. As a result, this kid won the game in a few minutes using a TR he learned from the forum.

"Damn it, Brother Bo, when did you learn tower-rush?"

"Hey, brother Haonan, how are you feeling?"

"Obscene, extremely obscene..."

The beasts can only say that they are good at playing games, but their talent is still a bit lacking. Currently, in the College Cup, all kinds of young guys with incredible speed appear and appear. TR is so popular that they basically choose "Emperor Picture" on the "Panda Battle Platform". "Everyone in the "camp" came up with a copy of TR, and the "Magic Path" players who were relatively weak in the early stage complained about it on the forum every day.

An announcement has been made to cut the first-level defense tower of "Emperor Picture", and the patch will be released in a few days of testing.

However, the defense towers of the "Chaos" camp are also disgusting, but they are very economical. After all, the maintenance costs of the towers are high, and if the operation cannot keep up, the tower will be destroyed and people will die.

Therefore, the "Chaos" players on the forum are barking to strengthen the basic defense of the defense tower.

Various needs and ideas have driven the popularity of "Magic Three Kingdoms", and the College Cup has also become a regional e-sports event in major cities. Some city governments have not yet followed up, but Jiankang because of the "嘁婷咩哩" It's because of the local businesses, and that's quite a support.

There is no such thing as playing with things to lose one's morale, or playing with things to lose one's morale. The noise in the society does not affect it at all. It is just a fart.

It's just that for many players who love RTS games, it is a bit difficult to get started. After all, if the micro-manipulation speed cannot keep up, they will often be defeated in the process, and the game experience is extremely poor.

Therefore, several "Magic Three Kingdoms" RPG maps exclusive to the "Panda Battle Platform" have also taken advantage of the popularity of the College Cup to attract a large number of novice players who are not good at real-time strategy games.

One of the maps is "3C". Players only need to operate a hero unit and then continuously destroy the opponent's defense towers and bases. It is especially attractive to many people who play in the same dormitory.

The game lasts about ten or twenty minutes. It’s fast-paced and easy to play.

Zhang Haonan is thinking about making a separate "3C" map. It is definitely not necessary to call it Dota or League of Legends, but there are probably routes. Therefore, "Magic Three 3C" has now been established within "偁哩卡偓" group.

It is the second independent development team after "Thunder King", so after the National Day, recruitment will be on the agenda again.

Although "Magic Three Kingdoms" is also being promoted in Europe, it is obviously not very popular. The cultural department, information industry department and foreign affairs department have contacted Zhang Haonan, probably because they hope to go global.

It's just that Zhang Haonan thought they were farting before and didn't take it to heart at all. Now, there is a high probability that Liangjiang Province will help establish the European headquarters. If this promotion is not done, it will be somewhat wasted.

Resources should be used when they should be used. Previously, the three departments hoped that Boss Zhang would show love with a conscience, but of course he had to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Again, no one can steal every penny of your money.

However, opening up the European market is an extremely troublesome matter. After all, this thing called "free trade" is mostly a false concept.

If the European side wants to be reciprocal, the current weak cultural and entertainment power in the country will be completely ravaged. Let alone now, the domestic cultural and entertainment power in twenty years will be reflected in the right way to swindle money, and the scale Not even small.

Of course, the people who come into contact with the most are probably which celebrities have fallen out, whored, smoked, gambled, or fucked their fans...

The sky-high remuneration and tax evasion have reached the point of numbness. In fact, they just don’t care about it and don’t expect anything to happen.

The attitude of the people has always been so simple and plain.

So now Boss Zhang has to go through a lot of trouble and find an agent. Although the boss who sells "Hung Shoes" is okay, it's not enough.

If there is a publishing tycoon to cooperate with, it will definitely be the best, but if not...

Then there is only one way, recruit troops, directly advertise and then distribute the goods.

The method is a bit stupid, but it is not useless, but the feedback time will be very slow.

The current management of "Cangli Kacha", including general manager Guo Wei, has zero experience in developing overseas markets. If you want to find someone with experience, you may not be able to get an annual salary of one million euros.

After all, in the eyes of some managers, the scale of "嘁婷婷偩" is still too small, and it is far less popular than the game companies in America.

Even the "嘁婷偩偓" equity incentives are similar to toilet paper in the eyes of these people.

So Zhang Haonan came to the company to play with the employees. In addition to having fun, he also discussed how to solve overseas marketing problems.

It’s not interesting to just earn some agency fees.

During dinner in the evening, the team leaders of "Thunder King" suddenly suggested: "Brother Haonan, it seems that we don't need to find someone who knows the game, right? As long as they have European business experience, or foreign business experience, and are familiar with European laws, It’s not impossible to make do with it, right?”


Boss Zhang was stunned and was about to say, isn't this nonsense?

Then I thought about it...it's not impossible.

A bald old man who is illiterate can be the leader of Sand City and manage things very well. There is no reason why I need to have so much advanced game understanding to promote a game, right?

The key is to think carefully about finding people, so Zhang Haonan issued a "recruitment order" within units such as "Shacheng Food", "Daqiao Food", "Zijin Technology", "My Agricultural Machinery", "Daqiao Rural Bank", etc., which roughly means I mean, brothers, do you have any relatives who are working abroad? Can you introduce them to me?

The golden ticket is huge.

As a result, the first person to report to Zhang Haonan was Cai Cuncheng, his little cousin.

"Uncle, what's going on? Do you have connections in Europe?"

"I definitely don't, but your uncle does."


Zhang Haonan was confused, "Where is my uncle?"

"He is not a self-taught German translator. Many of the gentlemen from Daxia University were foreign teachers. Have you forgotten? He even went to Songjiang Normal University to participate in activities last year."

"There are relationships?"

"You have to ask your uncle to find out. How about I call you after dinner?"


Dinner was early. Cai Daxia finished it at half past five. He rinsed his mouth with two ounces of "foot washing water" and made some small crabs to taste. He looked at the time and waited for Zhang Haonan's call at six o'clock.

"Uncle, are you in good health?"

"Two taels."

"That's good."

"Are you okay, twins?"

"I just returned from the capital, and I'm in good health."

"That's best."

Cai Daxia then turned over the book and said, "Where is the person you need? I can't help you with the specific person. But someone can help introduce you. Please remember two numbers. My previous contact person in the school has a person who travels to Leipzig all year round. Do you know where Leipzig is?"

"Yes, a city in East Germany."

"Ah, yes."

Nodding, Cai Daxia reported a series of numbers and added, "It's not usually needed anyway, so it's a good time to ask. Maybe the other party is also short of money."

Not all old revolutionaries can be prosperous and wealthy. In fact, there are more people like Cai Daxia. Because his hometown is relatively wealthy, Cai Daxia's life is actually better. After all, he receives double retirement salary. Some people in his hometown have poor conditions, and their life is just out of the common food and clothing. problem.

Some relationships are actually useless if left unused. If they are used occasionally, it is obviously better for both parties to get what they need.

Cai Daxia also gave Zhang Haonan considerable consideration.

"Hey, by the way, uncle, do you want the old Wuliangye?"

"No, Jian Nanchun can get some."

"Tomorrow morning I'll ask Ni Chenggong to deliver two boxes intact."

"It's up to you."

"Take care of yourself."

"Nothing to say, just two taels."


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Haonan asked his secretary to notify the treasurer to note a bonus, as well as an introduction fee and commission to Cai Cuncheng. He also mentioned this to Cai Cuncheng later, which made his cousin secretly happy.

At the critical moment, you have to look at the old man at home.

Not to mention, the number given by Cai Daxia is very useful. There is someone from the National Normal University communicating with Leipzig Business School, and another one is a visiting professor at the University of Leipzig, not in literature and philosophy, but in economic informatics.

It's not wrong to call him a gangster, but he finally has a path, because he can use the channels of the University of Leipzig to recruit some people who want to make a living.

It happened that the Jiankang Municipal Government also heard about Zhang Haonan's internal "recruitment order". After a meeting, the Jiankang Municipal Government heard that Zhang Haonan had contacted the University of Leipzig in Germany, and wondered whether Jiankang and Leipzig were sister cities. Aren’t the city’s communication channels just in use?

However, Boss Zhang is somewhat interesting...

Therefore, the size of the overseas visiting group originally arranged by the Jiankang Municipal Government increased from the planned six people to seventy-two people, making up an incredible number. Everyone is also relatively materialistic. If they don't believe in this evil, they don't have any opinions. Basically quite happy.

Even Boss Zhang himself suddenly felt that things were so easy.

It's great to have money.

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