I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 299 Excellent tool man

This time "Zijin" company is expanding its product line, and in turn is expanding the number of employees. It is conservatively estimated that more than 700 front-line workers will be needed in the next year, and there will be a demand for 700 or 80 related R\u0026D positions.

In the past, Zhang Haonan was worried about how to deceive scientific researchers, but this year it was obviously different starting from September. Mainly the local "scientific research dogs" in Jiankang all knew that the big boss behind "Katyusha" was Zhang Haonan.

There were people above Shen Jinman, and there were people behind him. Sometimes there were people inside, sometimes not at all.

However, "Katyusha" is just a business card effect, proving that Boss Zhang is not short of money.

The real trump card is Lingnan handsome boy Ye Guodong, who has gained both fame and fortune.

True fame and fortune.

As long as you don't make mistakes, you will definitely have a professional title.

Now he is a new generation brand in the Jiankang scientific research circle, and with a seven-digit deposit... one thing is that his boss, Professor Wang Hongbao, has already applied to the School of Civil Engineering and is planning to open a separate laboratory for the handsome boy.

The joint name with "Longgong Shoe Factory" is regarded as a joint laboratory. From then on, the handsome boy from Lingnan became the "academic leader" in the niche field.

Therefore, Ye Guodong visits acupoints more recently, mainly to Guangling, because the "Longgong Shoe Factory" is there, and it is good for him to show off.

In addition, Mayor Su Runzhong is a "fellow villager". Even though they can't understand each other when talking to each other, it is almost not a problem to trick them.

"Wow, pretty boy, are you eating duck blood vermicelli again? I know a Cantonese restaurant that makes good sausages and also has authentic Panzhou noodles."

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

Ye Guodong, who was working in the laboratory, moved a stool over for Zhang Haonan to sit on, and then continued to immerse himself in the duck blood fans.

"Two things."

When Zhang Haonan was talking, he first gave him two shopping cards. Ye Guodong took them casually, then opened the drawer and threw them away.

"First, I made an appointment with an old man who does personal image design in Songjiang to sort it out for you. This is his business card. He will come to Jiankang the day after tomorrow."

"Second, there is a technical seminar in Europe. Are you good at speaking English? I will let you make a presentation and give a speech, and take a look at Milan, Paris and London. If the results are good this time, America There’s also a Vegas presentation over there.”

"I'm holding..."

Ye Guodong knew that this was Boss Zhang trying to increase his strength again. Which young scholar could withstand such a test?

In fact, European autumn fashion and cultural activities have been fully launched, including various fashion weeks, fashion festivals and fast-moving consumer product exchange meetings. The highlight is not a small role like "Longbow Shoe Factory". At this time, the domestic protagonist is the exhibition in Yangcheng. A large manufacturer that has had a booth for several years.

Many well-known domestic brands have already entered the international stage at this time, but the entry point is different from the specific brands in the future.

It is still just a stage of survival and development.

"When you come back, I will set up a clothing company and you will be the company's chief technology officer."

"How much money does it cost per year?"

"How about two hundred thousand?"

"Your little money... makes it very difficult for me to handle."

"Wow, Ye Sheng, our classmates are here, please take care of your juniors."

"One price."

"Three hundred thousand."


Ye Guodong, who put down the duck-blood fans, stood up and said, "You understand technology."

Previously, as the director of the R\u0026D office of "Longgong Shoe Factory", Ye Guodong's annual salary was 80,000 yuan, plus research expenses.

Now as a chief technology officer, the annual salary of 300,000 yuan is excessive, and it is almost twice as much, but it is also one moment and another.

Who would have thought that "crocs" would fall on his head?

Didn't pay attention to it at all.

Giving Ye Guodong an annual salary of 300,000 yuan is just enough to keep the factory running for a few more days.

This thing is the money printing machine of the turn of the century. Drug dealers don't make that much money.

But Boss Zhang knows one thing very well, that is, this thing is not just a money printing machine at the turn of the century, it can print for twenty years...

Beach shoes that are so ugly are really easy to sell.

Recently, when we were expanding the Japanese slave market, the European boss was struggling with the North American channel because he had no time to spare, so it was Boss Zhang who was doing it alone.

This matter is a headache, because if the North American market is not well managed, it will be inconvenient to rub off against the Japanese slaves. In the final analysis, in terms of business competition, apart from some small tricks, the Japanese cannot compete with the big stick of the Japanese slaves. Never mind This big stick is not made of meat.

Boss Zhang is really not interested in letting him do it himself, but...the bureaucrats in Jiankang and Guangling are not only interested, but also very interested!

The "Longgong Shoe Factory" project in Guangling City has stimulated Jiankang to a certain extent. After all, I am a college student in Jiankang. How dare you poach someone at your level in Guangling City?

Although it was unlikely that he would be interviewed, Jiankang City gave Zhang Haonan a good shake. They mainly asked him if he had any difficulties in study, if he was bullied by his classmates at school, and if there was any school bullying incident, Don't be afraid, tell the government.

In short, I urge Zhang to strengthen himself so that he doesn’t have to worry about being bullied.

"Longgong Shoe Factory" has taken over part of the assets of Shensen Garment Factory, so it is logical that real money is real money, but it is basically a loan.

In terms of family wealth, Jiankang ranked first in Liangjiang Province.

There may be many factories in Suzhou, but funding is really not the case.

Mainly because of the particularity of city power, Boss Zhang, with a confused look on his face, led his team of secretaries to sign various agreements with the relevant departments of the Jiankang Municipal Government.

I didn’t pay a dime for the whole process. In fact, it was the same with or without him. The main thing was that I needed a decoration. Boss Zhang happened to be very suitable for this decoration, so I just put it there for the TV camera to take pictures.

The current problems that the Jiankang Municipal Government has to deal with are, after all, how to solve the city’s unemployed population and how to increase the number of jobs for the working-age workforce over the age of 16.

"Katyusha" is after the great development in the future, while "Purple Gold" and "Longbow" are now.

"Longgong Shoe Factory" is a typical labor-intensive industry. It solves the problem of employment and food for young adults. You can look down on it, but you can't really look down on it.

Shensen is located in the outskirts of Jiankang, where land prices are not high. Apart from one Shensen Avenue, there is no decent transportation link to the city.

However, after the Shensen branch of the "Longgong Shoe Factory" was finalized, the planning of an east-west diversion urban road was put on the agenda.

Sometimes, the government and enterprises cooperate with each other to achieve success.

Zhang Haonan heard the news and expressed his willingness to become bigger and stronger at the entrepreneur forum invited by the Jiankang Municipal Government at the right time. He also announced that he would reorganize the company next spring and officially establish "Longbow Clothing".

This is the antecedent, hiring a handsome guy from Lingnan to be the CTO, this is the consequence.

Ye Guodong went to Europe to give a technical presentation. He did not go alone. There was also an official visiting delegation from Jiankang City. The number was not small, and there were also a lot of other people in it, mainly to help carry goods.

However, this basically signals that the Jiankang second-generation circle does not reject Boss Zhang and welcomes him. Of course, it doesn't really matter whether this time going abroad is a step or something.

Zhang Haonan actually doesn't care much about what's going on in the second-generation circle. The main reason is that he is now the government's favorite tool person. It's not the top and second-in-command of a specific department who likes it, but the government as an institution, who likes roles like Zhang Haonan the most.

It doesn't matter to the government whether he pursues or kills some second-generation people. As long as you cooperate with the government's work and conform to the development of the times, then you should get rich, and you should get rich too.

At this time, Boss Zhang is raising wages for the workers. The government's mouthpiece can remain silent on the surface, but at the appropriate time, it will provide some benefits to Boss Zhang's company.

These benefits will be widely publicized in a timely manner.

For example, after Zhang Haonan promoted Ye Guodong, director of the R\u0026D Office, to chief technology officer, the Jiankang City Propaganda Department did not just take advantage of the impact of the Ministry of Finance's policy to increase the income of low- and middle-income urban residents this year, and focused on reporting on the growth of "township enterprises" Gong Shoe Factory attaches great importance to scientific research investment and improves the treatment of enterprise employees...

What is its general background?

The Ministry of Finance made big news this year.

Increase the basic living expenses level, unemployment insurance level, and urban residents' minimum living security level for laid-off employees of state-owned enterprises by 30%; increase the wages of active employees in government agencies and public institutions and retirement benefits for retirees; increase the pension standards for enterprise retirees; one-time increase Reissue the pensions in arrears under the unified project for corporate retirees before the end of June this year; increase the pension standards for some preferential treatment recipients, etc.

As a long-established big city, Jiankang has a predominantly urban population, so naturally a large number of people will enjoy this benefit.

In fact, in the second half of this year, the country's increased fiscal expenditure alone will reach 54 billion.

Except for the local finances of the seven coastal provinces, which cover part of the expenditures, the remaining provinces are borne by the central finances.

Liangjiang Province is naturally one of these seven provinces, and Jiankang is the provincial capital. The performance involved is so huge that even one team may not be able to sort it out.

Boss Zhang asked the handsome guy from Lingnan to engage in technology. On the surface, he was exaggerating that the boss valued research and development and scientific researchers. In fact, it was a false shot to support Boss Zhang to raise workers' wages.

What is the average salary in Jiankang City now?

It’s less than 800 a month, and a lot of it is averaged.

How much salary does Boss Zhang give to front-line workers?

Starting from one thousand, the three factories in Shacheng, Guangling and Jiankang all have the same price.

Shacheng is strictly closed. Almost every month, Zhang Haonan will emphasize that workers are not allowed to go out to get wages to show off, and they can just keep the door behind closed doors and keep track of what they are doing.

Guangling is because the factory is remote and there is no place for the workers to show off, so it is not so conspicuous. But it is different in Jiankang City because there are too many departments and there are so many imps below that ordinary people are extremely annoyed, not to mention Boss Zhang is not a local boss from Jiankang.

Therefore, you cannot exaggerate that Haonan raises his salary, but you can exaggerate that the boss values ​​investment and talents. There is nothing wrong with that.

The situation is somewhat similar to Lu Weidong's, but specious.

The handsome guy from Lingnan still doesn’t know that he has become a tool, and he is quite happy, but it is also normal. Who can’t be happy if he pays 300,000 yuan a year?

So during the first few days of school, in addition to having meetings by himself, Boss Zhang also took Ye Guodong around from time to time. Occasionally, Ye Guodong himself would also wander around, and there would be so many dinner parties.

On September 9th, the economic and trade departments of Liangjiang Province had another dinner party, and Zhang Haonan and Ye Guodong were interviewed again and again.

However, this time because of the establishment of the Japanese Slave Chinese General Chamber of Commerce overseas, I just said some auspicious words. During the dinner, a prominent figure in the province asked Zhang Haonan about the export trade to the Japanese. Zhang Haonan just dealt with it, thinking that this person Director Tong, who is also the deputy secretary-general of the provincial government, wants to sell "Dongdong shoes" to Japanese slaves.

As a result, Director Tong of the Foreign Trade Commission changed his subject and almost got into Boss Zhang's waist.

"Isn't the prospect of eel farming very good? I think the Japanese slaves have established a considerable scale of industry in Minyue Province, and the export channels are very mature."


The braised eel in the small bowl in front of Boss Zhang is still warm. He hasn't even taken a bite yet, so why does he feel that the taste is a bit bland?

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