I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 223: Not a simple symposium (supplementary update)

"Oh, it's quite early, Boss Zhang."

"Happy New Year, Mr. Li."

"Hahahaha, everything is fine. Standing next to you makes me feel a little younger."

The person Zhang Haonan called "Mr. Li" was the owner of a small hardware factory, and he also knew Ni Hu, because "Mr. Li" taught Ni Hu when he was in primary school.

He is a teacher from a village primary school, but he is very capable.

There is a reason why Zhang Haonan doesn't call him Boss Li or Mr. Li.

Shacheng locals call teachers "sir", which has a certain sense of respect.

Li Maocai, a former teacher at Hugang Primary School, decided a few years ago that it was not possible to remain poor by farming, so he started a small workshop with a few farmers who had worked on construction sites.

Mainly making scissors, the old-fashioned scissors seen in movies and TV shows.

In the beginning, the handles of the scissors were bent and shaped on calipers semi-manually, and I could not make a few scissors in a day. But many years ago, there was still a need for this in rural areas.

Li Maocai and his men rode 28 large bars and deposited the scissors at the canteen or village headquarters of each village. If someone bought them, the money would be deposited at the consignment place first, and then the account would be collected once a month. In the canteen or village department, you can earn thirty-five cents with a pair of scissors.

Later, when I had some capital, I started making small accessories for walking tractors, such as brake handles, huge car keys...

After getting a lathe, I can also turn some bolts.

Putting these miscellaneous things together, the people of Hugang Village have made a little money. Compared with several surrounding villages, not to mention how much wealth they have made, at least they have built buildings with three upper and three lower buildings.

In the early years, it didn't cost much to build a house. People in the countryside usually helped each other and scraped together tens of thousands of yuan to build a building with hollow walls. However, when Zhang Haonan built a house a few years ago, the price soared.

After several years of hard work, Li Maocai set up the "Hexing Hardware Factory". It had many professional machines and began to produce things other than scissors, such as vices and needle-nose pliers. This volume was relatively large, and the entire protective Under his leadership, Gangcun actually opened more than a dozen similar factories. All the people who used to work here at Li Maocai went out to work alone.

Far from being dissatisfied, Li Maocai used his own money to advance funds for them, almost teaching them step by step how to open a factory, how to open up sales, and how to get orders.

Therefore, although Hugang Village may not be very wealthy now, it is definitely living a good life.

The main reason is that living conditions are indeed improving visibly. Except for Li Maocai, a second-rate gangster in the village who resents not being able to take advantage, almost no one says anything bad about him.

Before Zhang Haonan spent money to build cement roads in the village, Li Maocai had already built several roads and built street lights and public toilets.

He is a capable person who definitely deserves the title "Mr. Li".

However, he is different from Zhang Haonan. He has suffered more losses. When Zhang Haonan went to Hugang Village to catch fish with a net the year before last, Li Maocai was blocked in a car and beaten. The reason was that there was an order for garden pliers to be exported to Southeast Asia.

Being targeted, he lost his last order and stayed in the hospital for a few days.

It was already winter, and Zhang Haonan, who was wearing water pants, rushed over with the bamboo pole that frightened the fish, and scared the attacker away.

Therefore, there is also some friendship between Li Maocai and Zhang Haonan.

The first million Zhang Haonan earned before his rebirth had something to do with him. At that time, he was selling cutting sheets and other consumables in Jiangyou. The customer was introduced by Li Maocai. It took him two years to become a regular customer, and then he earned his first million. A true million.

It's not the accumulated one million, but the order profit is so high.

"Mr. Li, wouldn't you like to rest at home during the Chinese New Year?"

Saying hello, he shook out a cigarette.

"I'm going to quit smoking. There are two people in the brigade who have lung cancer. I'm determined to quit smoking."

"That's good."

At this time, both of them were sitting on the first floor of the Jinhao Cultural Center, where the meeting was held. From time to time, they saw people from Lucheng, Yushan, Jincang, and Zhenze coming over. However, it was not that people from the same city were together, but from villages and towns. As a unit, keep company in pairs or simply look around carelessly alone.

There are six of them in Shacheng. The one who grows peaches in Shenniao Town has gone to the toilet, while the ones who raise turtles and crabs are talking to each other sideways. From time to time, when they make eye contact with Zhang Haonan, they smile and nod.

The person who raises sika deer sits alone on the sofa and takes a nap with his eyes closed.

"You are the one who is here today and you are the best at it."

Li Maocai was very emotional and said with a smile, "You are so young to create such a big scene."

"If you don't make more money while you are young, how can you retire early?"

"Haha, you're right, it makes sense."

Nowadays, Li Maocai's net worth is quite good. He owns a company, three factories and a large waste recycling station. He has more than 150 employees, his assets easily exceed 10 million, and his car is also a very popular Hutouben.

In terms of style, he is actually still above Zhang Haonan.

Because among the people who came today, Zhang Haonan was wearing a casual down jacket, while the others were in straight suits and their hair was well done.

Unlike Zhang Haonan, his beard is now a mess. Although it has been trimmed, it looks very "old-fashioned".

At first glance, you would never have guessed that he was nineteen years old.

Li Maocai said that he felt a bit young standing with Zhang Haonan, which was also a pun.

Today's "Rural Youth Symposium" is first of all a condolence and care meeting, followed by an outlook and promotion meeting.

The modernization of rural areas within the city of Suzhou is planned, such as rural road pavement hardening projects, rural toilet renovations, etc. Although there are certain movement-style transformations, the basic direction is okay and the results are positive. Positive meaning.

Even after some rural families built a house, they finished the bathroom first instead of the bedroom, and they were interviewed in an encouraging manner and made news.

However, these projects all rely on the meager financial resources of Suzhou City, which is simply not enough. Therefore, in addition to top-down transformation, self-reliance will also be encouraged.

Among them, Shacheng is the poorest, so it is the most representative. Similar to titles such as "National Sanitary City" and "National Civilized City", Shacheng has long passed the stage of campaign-style assault transformation, and it is basically a daily life.

It's just that urban construction is one thing, and rural construction is another. At this symposium, veteran cadres will come out to breathe some air, convey the spirit, and then talk about the benefits.

The money may not be much, but policies and discounts are all negotiable.

So even though today is the first month holiday, all the representatives are here, and no one shirks it just because of the New Year.

"Mr. Zhang, what benefits do you think it will bring?"

"Tax relief, right? That's basically it."

Generally, individuals and enterprises are exempted and exempted separately. For example, the welfare factory that Zhang Haonan has saved up now is directly exempted from value-added tax when it produces sanitary napkins for welfare products.

But this is just one of the situations,

Such as building bridges and paving roads at home, supporting orphans and widows, and providing financial aid to students, local county-level cities in Suzhou also have benefits for individuals. For example, special cases are handled specially. The process that originally took dozens of chapters and took a year may now only take three months or even One month.

However, Zhang Haonan heard from Wei Gang that the real benefit this time is not just the "petty profit" of tax reduction. It is very likely that it will be turned into a model project, and then the central propaganda department will be invited to come and take a look.

If this really clears the way and lays out the one, two, three, four and five to achieve the needs, then Zhang Haonan will be very interested and willing to show his face on CCTV media.

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