Chapter 129 Yin & Yang’s Project

Shenqin time and space, the land of the west, an army of one hundred thousand…an army?

Barely count as an army, if you don’t care about the wooden sticks in the hands of some people and the rags on their bodies, probably, they should be regarded as an army?

Looking at this team, whether they were holding them in their hands or on their bodies, they were not neat, their faces were yellow and thin, and they looked like victims of a disaster, Liu Feng had a headache.

Is he thinking too simple?

These crooked melons will not die on the road, will they?

However, in order to pull up this team, he really did his best.

Mainly, there are too few people in this land! A few years ago, two big countries had a fight, and one of them lost. After a few years, the one who lost was unconvinced and fought again.

In these two fights, the few people who were originally not many were beaten away!

This is the reason for this group of disasters…the army is not many.

And these people have yellow and thin faces and no weapons and equipment, which is easy to understand.

He, Liu Feng, the traveler, doesn’t know how to govern the country!

Just kidding, in his previous life, he had never been a squad leader in a school. Can he sort out a large piece of land so that everyone can live and work in peace?

After all, it’s not just a keyboard, it’s really hard to manage.

For this, Liu Feng has enough self-knowledge.

Although he is lustful and arrogant, he just wants to have power, but he doesn’t like to use his brain.

However, he clearly knows the short version of own, and because of this, he only advocates power to solve everything.

Don’t tell him anything about the traverser in modern society, he shouldn’t be so short-sighted.

For a genius magician who travels through the magical world and has all the magical elements that will be able to learn it, and then for a while, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by a forbidden curse.

If there is, it is not strong enough, and he needs to become a god to solve it.

He has been obsessed with it since he has seen the level of individual power.

Because of this, even his temple was finally built through magical coercion and temptation. As for the people, it was naturally governed by the original kingdoms.

The monarch power is granted by the gods, he only needs to be the superior god.

With power, he just wants to enjoy it. The situation of the so-called low-level people is like this in this era anyway. As long as he casts the glory of God, isn’t this justice?

And now, Liu Feng regrets it!

This groceries army, take the lead and go to the east!

However, now, he can only bite the bullet and use more magic methods on the road to protect as many people as possible.

Otherwise, the effect will not work if one person goes to pretend to be a magic stick!

“Lost lambs, people in the land of the East are blaspheming God. This is an unforgivable thing! Spreading the glory of God to the East, destroying all heretics, and marching in the name of God, this is the will of God!”

It was the Holy Maiden selected by Liu Feng. He looked at the Holy Maiden who was mobilizing on the high platform. He began to consider whether or not to give her the key to heaven?

East, on the territory of Shenqin.

In a deliberately vacant land, piles of people gathered together. In the center of them, there was a shelf on which was a column.

The bottom end of the column was blazing hot flames, jetting out from the shelf, and gradually lifted into the air.

When it rises to a certain height, its very end falls off, pushing the remaining part to a higher place.

Gradually, the second quarter also began to fall off.

Below, everyone’s eyes were full of excitement, and Ying Zheng in the crowd was also very excited to watch this scene.

To succeed…

As one of Shenqin’s main projects, this attempt naturally requires Ying Zheng himself to witness it.

Then, in everyone’s eyes, a brilliant firework bloomed in the sky, just like the most beautiful scenery in the world.


Ying Zheng was a little disappointed, but, as the lord of the empire, he certainly wouldn’t blame anything for it.

Because, in the initial expectation, this test flight originally had a great possibility of failure.

“Your Majesty, it’s obviously wrong for the Mo Family to do this! I have already said that the rocket of my Shenqin should be based on the god pattern. This time, if it is based on the god pattern of my Yin & Yang family, the rocket might succeed! ”

Hearing the person in charge of the Yin & Yang family speaking like this, the giant of Qin Mo next to Ying Zheng heard this, his face turned red, pointing to the person in charge of the Yin & Yang family and said: “I also said it was the god pattern Used too much, which led to the failure of this rocket!”

“Those materials have enough information for a long time, and the students of my Mohist school have already understood them thoroughly. It is obvious that you can succeed only by imitating!”

“Those things are not suitable for Shen Qin, my Shen Qin has its own way, as long as I study the Yin & Yang family’s god pattern, my Shen Qin can have everything!” The Yin & Yang family’s face has a haughty expression on the gods. In Qin’s development, the god pattern they developed was indispensable!

“Shit you Yin & Yang’s god pattern, god pattern is obviously my god Qin’s wealth! In the development of god pattern, Taoism, Legalism, Confucianism, and my farmer, which one has not developed the own god pattern? This How did it become your family’s credit?”

Hearing what the Yin & Yang family said, the others couldn’t sit still, and the Yin & Yang family took credit here again.

Although the god pattern originally came from the Yin & Yang family, the Taoist charm, the forbidden pattern left by the Fa school in the prison, the god pattern developed by the Confucian school, the magic pattern that the Mo school transmits energy and drives the equipment, the farm automatically Sprinkle water and take care of the god lines of agricultural produce by yourself.

Which one was not developed by each individual’s painstaking efforts?

“Huh!” Seeing the gazes of several families, the Yin & Yang family didn’t dare to say more about what the Yin & Yang family said. After all, the Confucian family with a god pattern and waving sleeves made him startled.

However, it is impossible to be convinced! There are still good things in Yin & Yang’s house that he hasn’t brought out! Let you know the gap right away!

“Your Majesty, the Sky Survey Battle City that my Yin & Yang family presided over has been built! Please inspect!” The Yin & Yang family reporter bowed to Ying Zheng, but his eyes were a provocation to the others!

Shake it! The achievements of his Yin & Yang family will surely surprise everyone.

Yingzheng doesn’t care about the quarrels of his subordinates. Only when there is competition, there is motivation. As long as it is within a reasonable range, this is a good thing. He nodded gently and motioned to the Yin & Yang family to show it quickly.

This is a project that has been planned for a long time, and it was originally located not far away.

As for the transparent person named Zhao Gao, who is really high-minded, he just stood aside and laughed secretly as he watched this scene, so that the corners of his mouth were grinning to the roots of his ears.

All the magical arts are his magical arts, all his points.

Now, in the chat group, he, Gao Yao, is the richest person, more than Hong Yi and Baiyue. After all, this is the result of his own research, and the chat group has additional rewards.

At the same time, following Yingzheng’s orders, not far from the Rocket Base, a giant steel city rose from the sky!

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