I am Noble

00070 I'm a tanker

In the scene where the early alarm was taken, the white breathing Hextol was captured alive. Everything that touches your breath freezes. Water vapor in the air. No trees, no cement. All of them.

Analyzing the screen failed to link up with Jean. What am I supposed to call that? Ice Attack?

That's not the point! ’

He slaps his cheek. He was hired to lead Raid with expensive money. Then you must pay the price. Whether it's a professional or not.

After one frozen attack, Hextol flaps his wings and slowly descends. I looked around for a moment to see if I liked the ice I made, and I bent over my body, burying my beak under my wings. Perhaps the attackers were wiped out.

“Did you get the analysis? ”

“Yes, sir! Your target's Shield Concentration level has significantly decreased! It must have been consuming a lot of energy with that frozen attack a while ago! ”

“Is that so?"

If it is true, it was good news. After confirming the reading, Tae-jun immediately placed an order.

“Main Tanker, charge straight ahead! ”

The attacking party members are rigid. Everything in front of him was frozen solid. Hextol's attack has been processed. Have you ever seen a monster attack this magnificent?

They encounter an unknown attack and do not take a step back, as if nailed. Waking them up was the order of the leader.

"Main Tanker, go straight ahead!

In one word, the crew woke up. Jeong Hyojoo lowered his gaze and grabbed the double-edged sword again.

"Drag the Aggro of the goal and leave the frozen area immediately. We must move the battlefield and fight.

“Got it!”

Jeong Hyojoo ran as hard as he could. Your feet are slippery, but your swift reflexes keep you from tipping over. Hextol's eyes flash with a sense of intelligence.

― Queeeek!

Hextol flaps his wings and howls. The annoying enemy who thought he was dead was already angry when he was alive.

Jeong Hyojoo stops charging as Hextol chases after him, and immediately retreats. As Team Leader Jang said, the frozen areas were not a good place to fight. It was too cold and the floor was slippery.

She managed to lure the Hextol to the outskirts. Once Aggro is stabilized, the leader orders again.

"Proximity Dealer Input! Distance Dealers Start Dealing!

Deal pours out like a storm, waiting. Hextol hesitates for a moment after being struck by a myriad flashes of light. He saw it in the command vehicle situation room and cheered for it.

“Weakened! Clearly weakened! ”

“That attack must have consumed a lot of energy! ”

The frozen attack was clearly powerful and intimidating, but the motion was large and easy to avoid. He will only consume his strength. Thanks to this, it's an excellent situation for the battlefield.

The Shield Concentration Readings graph was dropping at a noticeably faster rate. Thanks to that shield, monsters ignore conventional weapons. Once the shield is removed, the monster is just a giant creature.

Hextol suddenly stops attacking. And I took a deep breath. Chief Jang is in a hurry.

"Dealer, healer scatter! Spread Out!"

Hextol opens his mouth, exhaling cold air. A cold air gushed out in a straight line, like a flamethrower. The goal was the location of the long distance dealer.

The cold energy spills like ice, and the long distance dealer goes crazy. Some quickly dodged a cold attack, but others remained unavoidable and exposed to the attack. The cold areas freeze quickly, and the dealers standing there struggle with severe frostbite.

Except for the dedicated hiller of the main tank, Hill is a full distance dealer! Give me the heel!

The heels spill, the statue heals, and the dealers wake up. It was weakened compared to the previous frozen attack. Instead, you get shorter motion and faster attack speed.

Aggro didn't jump. Perhaps the dealers who are attacking themselves from a distance are annoying and have launched a frozen attack. Evidence suggests that Hextol was still attacking Jeongyeoju.

Distance dealer, hold the deal!

The long distance dealers were not in a position to deal. Jeong Hyojoo dragged Aggro and only a close dealer was dealing behind Hextol.

Hextol spreads his wings wide as he treads on the ground. And I pecked Jeong Hyojoo at an incredible speed. Jeong Hyojoo, who was hit by the beak, fell back, unable to withstand the shock.

Fortunately, the shield avoids critical wounds. The heel spills and even heals her wounds. She gets up quickly and tries to rush back in.

At that moment, Hextol roars loudly as if he were beating him. I spread my wings wide and cried my beak to the sky. An open beak emits a white chill.

The voice of the team leader confirmed by the video became even more urgent.

"Nearby Dealers! Scatter! Scatter!

Hextol's cold air doesn't spread far. He was lying on the floor, centered on himself. Thanks to this, the area Hextol was treading on began to freeze at a rapid rate.

The floor is freezing! Get off the floor! Get off the floor!

Jang's voice became even more urgent. Proximity dealers quickly scatter and try to get away from Hextol. Some were responsive and agile, and some managed to escape. However, some of the slower speeds remained exposed to cold air floors that made the surroundings freeze.

“No! ”

Yeouiong quickly placed a protective shield on those exposed to the attack. The protective surface was white and frozen. They were no longer frozen and could slowly escape Hextol.

Hill spills from the injured melee dealer. They recover quickly and regain consciousness. Hextol growls loudly to see if it offended him.

“I'm your opponent! ”

Hextol struggled with the pain as Jeong Hyojoo stabbed his chest hard. A Tanker's melee attack is a way to pierce its shield and strike directly at the body. Feels most threatening to inflict pain directly, even if it is not fatal compared to the dealer.

Indeed, Hextol started attacking Jeongyeoju again.

"Distance dealer, reinsert! Keep formation in a scattered fashion! We must never band together!

The melee dealer needed time to recover. Unlike before, the long distance dealers began to deal in unison with a large herd.

An endless beam of light spills out. The weakened shield of Hextol's body twists, unbearable. The Situation Room swallowed a dry needle and saw a graph of the Shield Concentration levels dropping at a rapid rate. The moment the shield was fully depleted was the moment he died.

“The Red Mob may be aggressive, but it's nothing compared to Micai. ”

“That's right. She had a calf and attacked, and she struggled a lot. It was hard to keep pace. ”

“But earlier, the attack on the ice in the area was very threatening. You should keep that in mind. If that happens, I don't know about the tankers, but I will exterminate Hillerzin. ”

Hextol flaps his wings again, making sure the ranged dealer's attack is annoying. The one who took a deep breath began breathing into the air.

"Freeze attack! Move, move!

The breath of cold air flies towards the distance dealer. The breathless place quickly begins to freeze. The dealers nearby panic and evade. It was a quick attack, and the dealers standing in the direction of their breath were unable to avoid it with their eyes wide open.

Avoid the floor! Don't step on the floor!

When the cold hits the ground, it freezes quickly. What's even scarier is that the cold lasts for a certain period of time. This means more heels will be consumed if the dealer continues to stand.

Yeongwoong gave a protective shield to the dealer who had not yet escaped from the center of the cold air floor. No damage is taken while the protective shield is maintained, allowing for rapid escape.

“Oh, get away from me! Why can't you avoid any of that? ”

“Hiller's not here to give the dealers heels! I have a healer for Tanker Hill! ”

The hillers grumble as if they were treacherous. They were also under a lot of stress to save the dealer.

In Yellow Mob Raid, there is little conception of giving heels to dealers. If the dealer is beaten, he will die immediately. The Yellow Mob never attacks as complex as the Red Mob. The Red Mob Raid was all different, complex and elaborate.

Kungen's heart was beating fast. Oddly, I felt alive. Tough guy.A monster that can only be caught if everyone is united and clasps their hands and feet. With that goal in sight, his heart was beating faster than anyone else.

I got it! I can prove it! ’

The self is strong. No doubt about it. So I willingly gave up the comfort of America and came here for the Red Mob Raid. I was really satisfied with the decision.

Hextol breathes again. The breathless floor quickly freezes and ties the crew together. Every time, there was a commotion in the Situation Room, Hiller, and Dealer Jin.

"Floor, floor, floor! Don't stand there like an idiot!

“Get off the ground! Why are you standing there? I thought heels were infinite! You're the one who's gonna die! ”

“Aah! It's cold! I can't move! Give me heels! ”

Cold attacks aren't quick, so it's quite difficult to avoid them with your eyes. From the dealer's point of view, it was difficult to determine which direction the attack was headed. There are times when you avoid the right-hand side and leave a completely safe area and escape into the cold zone.

The cold attack didn't kill the dealer in a heartbeat. However, it made it difficult to escape by freezing the body. That's why Yeong-woong also gave a protective shield to the crew exposed to the cold attack. Without the shield, it was difficult to leave the area, and Hiller's heels were consumed that much and could go on to die.

Avoid the floor! Don't just stand there! Jang Hee Sung, they're coming your way! Avoid it! "

“Aah! Where the hell are you?! Where are they flying to? ”

“Get out of the way! Don't just look for heels! ”

Yeong-woong breathed. I'm sweating on my forehead.

It was the first time that the shield was fired in all directions. The other crew needed the shield more than Jeong Hyoju did. I would have saved the shield if I had assurance that the crew could only survive in Hillo, but I could not gamble with my life.

‘Thank God you're not physically fit. ’

I was short of breath. My health is rapidly depleting. How long do you think you can hold out?

“Sir, is he here yet? ”

The goggle terminals confirm the shield concentration level, but he urges the support team.

Goal Shields are almost exhausted. You got it! Hang in there! "

“I'm close to retiring……. ”

I was short of breath. The dealers were relatively fine. Hextol is a pain in the ass by Hiller, not the mob by the dealer. But the Hillers were better off than him. It was because Jang Tae-jun had already sent all the Hillers in the atmosphere.

‘I'll never catch a strong man. ’

The Red Mob cannot be caught without a shield. But his radar time is clearly limited. If he's restrained, that's the end of Raid. It concludes that you can't even dream of being strong.

Are you close to retiring?

Kungen asked me to communicate. Closed circuits, team leaders and others were deaf communication circuits.

He replied honestly.

“Yes, it is. ”

May I use a special attack?

Class S equipment that is unlocked allows special attacks in addition to increasing output. Kungen's equipment was able to fire a direct aiming blow at the beast's body, ignoring the shield. If we can penetrate the core with authenticity, we could get hit.

Powerful, but with that much penalty. There is a limit to how many times you can use it. If you use it at the beginning of a battle and miss, it will cause more disaster than attacking your eyes. This skill is rarely used by Kungen because it has no reason to use it against the Yellow Mob.

I was short of breath. It's close to Retire. Yeouiong decides what to do. Should we talk to the team leader? However, when will they explain it in such an urgent time?

That team leader may not be average, but I am more competent than the dealer. Trust me. "

Kungen steps back without waiting for an answer. He folds his hands together and heads forward. His whole body begins to glow. Dealers who were suddenly beside the change paused.

The light that surrounded him became stronger and darker. Light began to condense from his whole body with his two hands.


A sharp clash erupts. At the same time, a shooting red beam emanates from his hands. The red rays that cut through the air go straight through Hextol's head. Hextol's head disappears in no time.

"Success. He was tired, so he was slowed down, so he could easily guess.

There was no spectacular impact. A red beam as thick as a telephone pole pierced through your body. But it was really great to ignore the shield. You took down the Red Mob so desperately.

“I think it's a good idea to use it from the start. ”

"Write, it's hard. You can only use it three times, and if you don't hit a critical point, it just pops up all around you. I wasn't sure if he was tired or slow.

The crew is puzzled. Kungen's peculiar attack caused Hextol to collapse suddenly. The shield concentration readings show almost the bottom, but there are still some remains. But how did they defeat him?

“You got him! You got him! ”

“Hooray! Hooray! ”

Anyway, after Raid, the crew jumped up and down. He was tired and his legs were loosened. It's a retreat. There's no room for more shields.

Hyojoo Jung raised his body while making a weary face.

Suddenly, the cold wind starts to blow.

“What, what? Why is it so cold? ”

“What's the wind doing here? ”

The shivering crew creeps up. Cold cold winds were brewing at every point where Hextol launched a frozen attack. Especially in the area of the first high ice attack, there was a visible storm.

The cold winds were all converging in one place. It was Hextol who just collapsed.

The Shield Concentration Reading Graph fluctuates like crazy. There was a commotion in the situation room with the graph figures going up.

Prepare for all-out combat! Battle stations! Target is not dead yet!

Obviously, until a moment ago, the graph was showing zero. Jang Tae-jun's voice trembled.

"Mo, the goal is playing!

The wind that was pouring out of the frozen area stopped. The frozen area melted back like when. Hextol, who recaptured the vital energy released from the ice attack, flaps his wings and rises into the air.

White eyes peer down at the base. Rich in the air, he breathed heavily.

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