I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 85: Mr. Descartes is worried (Part 1)

  Chapter 85 Mr. Descartes Worries (Part 1)

Louis thought that Mrs. Christina Alexandra was once the head of a country no matter what, she should be at least sensible, but he still underestimated the stubbornness and violence of this lady, just when he and Mr. Bishop were busy dealing with While the Spaniards were returning from Avignon to Fontainebleau, Madame Christina did something horrific—she executed her knight commander and her love, Monardesi.

Although both the king and the bishop knew that this knight-in-chief student was probably a traitor who betrayed the former Queen of Sweden, the lady was clearly wrong - first of all, because she was no longer the king of Sweden, she was now just a landowner It’s just a noble lady, not to mention that she is now in France. Even if Monardesi did something rebellious, she should bring it to the ropes of the law, rather than deal with it on her own; secondly, even if she did She should not admit that she was in charge of this matter, she could have pushed it onto those hired officials, but she refused, and she admitted that she was the one who planned this incident; in the end, Mrs. Christina still She is an unmarried woman - although Europa at this time is very tolerant towards married men and women, she is strict with girls who have not been involved in marriage, especially those with status, just like Louis repeatedly rejected Mary. , and precisely because she needs a good, immaculate reputation to have a good marriage—of course, there is hardly anyone to accuse Madame Christina of her publicly, but her execution of Monardesi was not like a king The execution of rebellion was so bright, but it brought an indelible shade of pink. When people mentioned her, they would say "the woman who killed her lover", which made Bishop Mazarin's good name for her in Naples. All of a sudden, I am afraid that no one will believe that a young woman who not only lost her virginity before marriage, but also murdered the people next to her pillow can be lenient to her subjects who had nothing to do with her before - in fact, her cruelty And disgrace has pushed her completely from the throne, both in Sweden and Naples.

Bishop Mazarin was also very angry. He even discussed with the king whether it should be punished. Some ministers have already suggested it. After all, such a careless behavior should not occur in any country under the rule of law. If it is in England, this lady Even if he is not beheaded, he will be ordered to enter the monastery and spend the rest of his life repenting for his reckless behavior.

  Before Louis had made a decision, a man came to him to intercede for Madame Christina, who did not surprise the king, because he was René Descartes.

Since René Descartes came to France, his mind and body have improved a lot. He can hardly see how he almost died of poverty a few years ago. When Descartes met Christina, he could be said to be poor, but He was not always like this. Descartes was born in a low-class aristocratic family in France. His father was a judge, so he also hoped that his son could become a judge, so he studied law and medicine in college. , but he also had an amazing talent for mathematics - here's the problem, on the one hand, Descartes was indeed a devout catholic because his university was affiliated with the Jesuits, but on the other, an obsession with mathematics With mastery, he had an incredible idea, that is, he wanted to use mathematics to prove the existence of God - he really did, and then he initially came to the conclusion that the devil does not exist! The specific steps are probably—human beings are not perfect→but God must be perfect→God created the world→for the world, the devil is evil→so a perfect God would never create a devil...

I also know that this theory immediately angered the clergy and bishops, he was questioned, scolded, almost excommunicated, and he was safe thanks to the growing weakness of the Church and the contempt of the Inquisition - but also because of being disgusted by the clergy, Therefore, although he has outstanding talents, he has not been favored by the nobles. Therefore, before his "Principles of Philosophy" was seen by the Queen, the scholar was almost impoverished. It is no wonder that when he heard that the Queen of Sweden had He was so interested that he immediately packed up and ran to Stockholm.

Unfortunately, his mind can adapt to Stockholm, but his body is not, especially because the Queen's state affairs are busy, his class is scheduled to five o'clock every morning, it is conceivable that such an old man, out of breath, starts from three or four o'clock every day. Get up in bed, tidy up your clothes, pack up your school papers, just have a quick breakfast or even not use it, rush to the Three Crown Palace to wait for Her Majesty—the Queen’s time is always variable, sometimes it’s for business, sometimes it’s for business It's for a private matter.

In this way, Descartes fell ill within a few months, and he had to return to the Netherlands to recuperate, but he was still a little grateful to Her Majesty the Queen. After all, Christina was the first noble person who was willing to face him, and he also He was paid handsomely from her - just unexpectedly, just as he was recovering and was about to return to Sweden, the queen abdicated, which was a bolt from the blue for Descartes, and Christina left Sweden afterward. , went to Rome and France, and he was disappointed to think that he would continue to be silent (many of his books were banned by the church at that time), who knew that Christina introduced him to the king of France again?

To say, Descartes prefers France, France is his hometown, Louis is his king, and he is young, knowledgeable, intelligent, and unquestionably orthodox. He also respects Descartes, and Descartes takes his An annuity of three thousand livres a year and a house not far from the Louvre were quite satisfying for the older scholar—after all, his favorite thing to do was lie in a bed. Reading and thinking on a comfortable big bed, when he heard about Mrs. Christina, he also thought about it for a while - because he didn't know whether going to plead for her without authorization would attract the king's ill will or make him lose The king's favorite, he is old and can't stand another ups and downs, but in the end he decided to try it once, only once, he said to himself, he is not the bishop of Mazarin, and the king is not that old affection.

Louis was not as unhappy as people thought when Bontang passed on Descartes's interview request. Madame Christina's reckless behavior really added a lot of trouble to them, but Louis was a gentle person and would not be happy to see the people around him. Rene Descartes was favored by Christina when he was poor, and Christina introduced him to Louis. If he also pretended not to know anything like the others at this time, he would not know anything about Christina. Madam does not pay attention, the king really wants to hate this person.

Rene Descartes was dressed very solemnly today. When he took off his hat to the king, he bowed very deeply and violently. Even his sparse white hair was dancing violently in the air. Bontang couldn't help but step forward. He helped him to prevent the scholar, who is sometimes not very good at flattering, from falling to the ground - he thanked Bontang, and then bowed slightly to the king...

Seeing him like this, Louis remembered a scandal circulating in the court when he first arrived at the Louvre - it was the relationship between Mr. Descartes and the former Queen of Sweden. It is said that Mr. Descartes was also the queen's dress. The lower minister, of course, this is purely a rumor, maybe it is to slander Madame Christina, because Mr. Descartes and Christina are thirty-two years apart. When they first met, Queen Christina was twenty-six years old, and Mr. Descartes was twenty-six years old. At fifty-eight years old, Christina was still an unmarried young woman, and Mr. Descartes was an old man and a very smart gentleman, who could not occupy an important place in the Queen's heart no matter what.

The queen does appreciate his talent, but it's just talent, and she's more interested in Descartes' philosophy than mathematics, so the Church of Rome shouldn't be so merciless to Descartes, after all, no one knows that Christina is leaning from Protestantism To Catholicism, there was no Descartes influence.

   There is only one chapter today, and we will continue to add more tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

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