I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 14: werewolf mr kleilan

   Chapter 14 Werewolf Mr. Clayland

   "Uncle Cleland." The Duke of Cornwall whispered, "How come you are here?"

   "They asked me to come to you," said the giant wolf, its voice lower than a human voice, with some wheezing: "Your Highness."

   "Is that the group of Scottish Presbyterians?" Charlie said, "I don't believe them."

   "You don't have to trust them, you just need to use them." The giant wolf said: "The most important thing for you now is to hold a coronation ceremony and become a king."

   "I'm still mourning my father."

"Trust me, the best way to mourn is to hang all those traitors in the square. Of course, if you are sure, you can also drag their intestines out. All the thugs who dared to assassinate the king should end up like this, Not even Cromwell should be an exception."

   "Sure," said Charlie, "but I now, you see, I don't even have a horse to get me out of Paris."

   "Have you pleaded with the Queen Mother Anne?"

   "I beg."

   "What about Bishop Mazarin?"

   "I also asked."

   "Aren't they willing to let you go?"

   "This is what I fear most. It is said that they are in contact with the traitor's messenger. I don't know if they will come to an agreement."

   "Then go and appeal to King Louis of France."

   "He's still a boy, Uncle Cleland."

"Because he is a child, there may be a precious light on his body." The giant wolf said: "Also, don't call me Uncle Claylan anymore, don't forget that the outer world and the inner world are not connected. Yes, those who cross without permission will be punished and attacked by both worlds."

   "In that case," Charlie said after a moment of silence, "Mr. Cleland, I'll try it."

The giant wolf nodded and "stands up", his figure changed in an instant, shrinking and lengthening, the wolf's long snout shrank back, the hair retracted into the flesh, and the bones and muscles were rattling. , it wasn't the first time Charlie saw it, but he still couldn't help feeling a faint pain.

When Clayland's transformation was completed, there was only an ordinary man with a strong face and a tall stature standing there. If there was a third person in the room, he would definitely find that he was somewhat similar to Cornish Charlie. Surprisingly, because the Serbian werewolves originally migrated from England.

This goes back to 1216 AD, King John Lakeland of England was poisoned by a wizard and died, and the cup of poison contained wolf's head grass, which means that the poisoned person will eventually become a werewolf, and soon after A bleak and horrific howl was heard incessantly from the king's mausoleum - the terrified people decided to drag the king's body out of the tomb and perform an exorcism ceremony. The ceremony was held, but the results were not satisfactory. The new king insisted again and again that his father had been laid to rest, but the werewolf in the crown robe and golden crown was still seen wandering through the forest.

Why did the new king at that time do this, Charlie can fully understand, because according to the tacit agreement between the inner world and the outer world, the werewolves, vampires or wizards in the inner world are not allowed to intervene in the secular regime. Similarly, the people in the inner world are not allowed to interfere in the secular regime. Nor is he ruled by the king or emperor of the world - if the new king dares to admit that the werewolf is his father, then he will either be deprived of his heir by the church and princes, or die under the continuous attack of the world. , even his father who became a werewolf was not spared.

   Maybe King John Lakeland, who became a werewolf, also noticed it. Not only did he leave England and settle down in Serbia, he also gave up his original surname and changed it to Kelelan, which is the origin of the Serbian line of werewolves.

  The Duke of Cornwall watched Clayland put on his guard's clothes one by one, "So, what happened to those werewolves who attacked Louis?"

  Clayland's buttoned hand paused slightly. "They're for you, and your father."

The Duke of Cornwall pursed his lips. He felt sorry for the werewolves. They could be said to be his relatives, and compared to the arrogant princes, the erratic ministers, and the insatiable priests, the werewolves of Serbia could Said that he had exhausted the last bit of effort for their father and son, and now Uncle Clayland is still mediating for him in every possible way, and he even sneaked into Paris at the risk of being discovered. The werewolf attacked the king here just now. There are also ascetics and paladins stationed in unknown places.

   "Your Highness?"

   "Uh, what?" Charlie looked up: "What? Sorry, I was a little distracted just now."

   "My daughter Louise..."

  Charlie shook his head, "It's nothing, she's still a child," he said, "Of course she's scared to see a wolf skin with a wolf head, no one doubts her."

   "Let me take her, I think," Clayland said.

"I hope you don't mind," Charlie sighed. "You're not in a situation for a five- or six-year-old girl—the war between you and the Hungarian werewolves isn't over yet. Keep her by my sister's side. Safe, at least the king of France hasn't been caught and beheaded."

  Clayland hesitated. "Okay, if you think it works."

   "She's a good girl," Charlie reassured him. "We all like her, and she'll be Henrietta's best companion."

   "I hope so," said Cleland.

   (end of this chapter)

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