I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 77 Zhao Helen

The plane is entering a pentagonal route. The approach control radar of Seoul Incheon International Airport has made contact with the Gulfstream G550 business jet, and the tower is guiding the plane to land.

At the door of the private bedroom at the back of the aircraft cabin, the flight attendant gently pressed the doorbell and woke up Raymond Xu, who was sleeping soundly: "Sir, we will land at Incheon International Airport in 20 minutes. South Korea's The greeting vehicle has arrived.”

Raymond Xu was sleepy-eyed. He first lay down on the bed, stretched his limbs, and found that his left calf was almost cramped. He hurriedly rubbed it, and then replied: "I know."

When the flight attendant outside the door heard Raymond's reply, he nodded and continued to do the work at hand.

The professor lay down and looked up at the low white ceiling of the cabin, feeling a little annoyed.

On the day when he arranged to go to South Korea for a business trip, he asked his secretary to buy two business class tickets on Boeing 777 - upon hearing this, his secretary gave him an expression of disbelief.

Only then did Professor Xu realize that he was no longer a mid-level consultant to Stark Industries. Now he was the supreme commander of this giant enterprise with 250,000 people. The idea of ​​business class travel was not suitable for the society he had reached. class.

Then, he thought that he already had the right to use the Gulfstream G550 private jet from the Stark Industries business jet fleet.

Professor Xu, who lamented "hard life and getting used to being poor", is still brooding about this and firmly believes that he has lost face in front of his secretary.

Stark Industries employs pilots who are used to flying early warning aircraft, transport aircraft and tanker aircraft in the Air Force, and generally have more than 4,000 hours of flight experience.

Under the control of such a pilot, the already "gentle" Gulfstream G550 business jet became more and more well-behaved, dotting the concrete runway of Incheon Airport like a light ballet lady.

At this time, Raymond Xu also finished taking care of himself, put on his suit, and came to sit down at the front of the cabin. The flight attendant made him a low-alcohol mojito. Now the professor needed some alcohol to relax his mind.

The business jet finally stopped on the runway, and the pilot steered the aircraft toward the hangar that Stark Industries had rented at the Seoul Airport. Professor Xu raised the visor beside him and saw the convoy greeting him outside through the oval cabin glass. ——All modern.

The professor shrugged and stood up as the plane taxied slower and slower.

Finally, the cabin door opened, and the professor took a deep breath of Seoul air, then stepped out of the cabin and waved to the crowd below—of course Helen Zhao was among them.

Young Dr. Helen Zhao was wearing a sapphire blue skirt today, which perfectly outlined her beautiful Asian curves. The doctor's long hair is draped gently on her shoulders. She is wearing low-heeled high heels because Dr. Zhao is 177 centimeters tall.

But in today's meeting, Zhao Hailun, a professor at Seoul National University and leader of U-GIN Company, was obviously not ranked. In this dimension, Dr. Zhao Hailun’s research has not yet touched the nanometer level. Her main focus now is 3D printing technology.

Standing in the front row are three senior officials of the South Korean government-the Deputy Minister of Defense, the Deputy Minister of Science, Technology, Information and Communications, and the Deputy Minister of Industry, Trade and Energy.

For Koreans, although Raymond Xu is only an Asian, his political background reaches the White House and he is the rotating CEO of Stark Industries. He can be called an "angel to the country" and welcome him. Must exceed specifications.

Raymond Xu shook hands with these Cheong Wa Dae bureaucrats one by one, but he just remained serious and said nothing. It was not until he was in front of Dr. Zhao Hailun that the professor showed a slight smile: "Dr. Zhao, I have long admired your name."

Helen Zhao was a little flattered and shook Raymond Xu's hand. Compared with Stark Industries, U-GIN she founded was considered a small company in any aspect. Unexpectedly, as an American, she was also a Stark Industries company. Raymond Xu, CEO of Ke Industrial, treated him so politely.

"Professor Xu." Helen Zhao smiled elegantly and gently, "I have admired your name for a long time, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

At this time, the bureaucrat behind him had already stepped forward and said softly behind Professor Xu: "We have arranged a banquet for you, and I hope you will appreciate it!"

If it were Tony Stark, he would definitely take Helen Zhao away directly and give these Blue House bureaucrats a look of disdain - but Raymond Xu obviously knows better how to get around in such social situations, and he also knows how to Take advantage of such situations.

----Dividing line----

It was another banquet filled with wine and wine.

In the banquet hall of a high-end hotel in central Seoul, chartered by the U.S. Embassy in South Korea, guests were dressed in luxurious dresses, standing in groups holding wine glasses, and chatting about various interesting or boring topics. Chores.

Waiters in white shirts shuttled around carrying wine glass trays. Occasionally, a guest placed a half-drunk wine glass on the tray and took out a glass of crystal clear champagne.

"Don't worry, even if Stark Industries is liquidating its military-related business segments, we will cooperate in more areas in the future." Professor Xu explained to the Koreans in front of him, "Stark Industries is currently developing aviation Aerospace, biology, medicine, agriculture, intelligent machines, and intelligent manufacturing businesses. I think that in these fields, we can achieve greater win-win results through cooperation."

"Win-win?" The Korean raised his head and looked at Professor Xu with some surprise - this is not what an American would say. Americans don't even understand the concept of "win-win". They often think of "win-win". "Win" means "unilaterally win twice"...

On the contrary, the style of Professor Xu's words was more like the mysterious big country that was closer to them.

"Then if that's the case..." The Korean stepped back slightly and nodded to Professor Xu, "I'm looking forward to Stark Industries' subsequent investment in South Korea."

Seeing the difficult Cheong Wa Dae bureaucrats sent away, Professor Xu sighed softly, placed the champagne glass on the tray held by the passing waiter, and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

Although he could handle the situation, dealing with bureaucrats was too tiring for a scientific researcher.

Under the bright lights of the banquet, Raymond Xu, who was the center of the banquet, suddenly became discouraged - he didn't know how many times he would have to go through such situations where he was entrusted with virtual snakes before he could finally reach the peak he wanted to reach. , hold the scepter you need.

For a moment, Raymond felt a little lonely, and the girl's aqua-blue eyes, which showed infinite youthful vitality from her stubbornness, appeared in his mind.

When she opened and closed her eyes, Gwen Stacy seemed to be wearing a purple-pink dress, gently stretching out her slender white wrist to herself, smiling gently to herself.

The professor instantly felt a warm current flowing through his heart. He stretched out his hand and took the food from the catkins. What came to his ears was not the crisp voice of the blond girl - that voice was obviously more mature:

"Professor Xu, are you okay?"

Raymond raised his head and saw Helen Zhao's worried eyes clearly.

"This kind of situation is really annoying." The black-haired beauty brushed the broken hair back from her forehead and stood side by side with Raymond Xu with a smile: "I also hate dealing with people from the Blue House."

"Yeah." Raymond gently distanced himself from Helen Zhao. He was not the kind of character who would be driven by primitive human desires.

The black-haired beauty naturally noticed the professor's actions. She just smiled lightly and did not react further. Instead, she continued: "For people like us, dealing with experiments, simulations and papers, in the process of data processing, Traveling in the ocean is romantic.”

"That's right." Raymond responded gently, knowing that he couldn't offend this talented and beautiful doctor.

The professor handed the wine glass to the other hand, raised his right hand slightly, and pointed at the gorgeous and dazzling splendor in front of him: "Compared with the data, these things now seem very fake and artificial."

"You are indeed a CEO born as a scientist." Zhao Hailun praised. Under the bright lights, the dark-haired beauty's smile was almost breathtakingly beautiful: "That's exactly what I thought."

"What do you think about the email I sent you?" Raymond asked calmly.

"Are you talking about letting me join Stark Industries?" Zhao Hailun smiled cheerfully, "You haven't given me any conditions yet."

"Stark Industries will acquire U-GIN, but will retain your position as president of U-GIN, will not interfere with your research, and will not require you to hand over profits." Raymond laid out all the conditions he had prepared.

"Then I agree." Zhao Helen turned around, "With such a good condition, who would disagree?"

As he spoke, the doctor gently approached the young professor, quietly touched the glass in his hand with his own champagne glass, then leaned his head forward and whispered in the professor's ear——

Raymond could even smell the fragrance of Helen Zhao's long black hair.

"I look forward to becoming famous in one fell swoop, and thank you for giving me this opportunity, Raymond~"

"Ahem." Regardless of Helen Zhao's temptation, Raymond took a step back, "I'm looking forward to your results, Dr. Zhao."

The professor pronounced the word "doctor" very strongly, as if to emphasize the difference in their status and rank.

"I understand." Zhao Helen was not annoyed at all, but still smiled softly.

"That's right." Raymond took a deep breath and silently chanted the name of "Gwen Stacy" to steady his mind, "Dr. Zhao, have you ever considered turning your research direction to nanomaterials?"


"Your current research direction is 3D printing of composite materials, right?" Raymond placed the wine glass on the tray in the hands of the passing waiter, coughed slightly, straightened his appearance slightly, and said to Helen Zhao in front of him. asked.

"That's right." Dr. Beauty answered quickly.

“You can think about building printing materials from the nanometer level up,” Raymond pointed out.

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