I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 51 Gwen’s worries (2) (please recommend me for three rounds of reading!)

Professor Xu reacted quickly and guessed what the girl was referring to when Gwen said the word "my".

It would be incorrect to say that he, Raymond Xu, was selfless in this matter - just like all his previous emotions, he seemed to know that he had "forbidden feelings" for Gwen Stacy. A professor who preconceptionally defines his selfishness as the teacher's love for his students.

Because of this, he used other reasons to explain, or to cover up, his selfishness and personal feelings:

"I didn't think of it specifically for you, but it just happened to happen at such a time after the whole plan was made." The professor answered carefully, "I think this can just help you."

"But why didn't you say it?" After hearing Raymond's explanation, Gwen did not give up, and even felt aggrieved for a moment:

"Why didn't you tell me when I asked you for a solution?"

"I... you just happened to be involved in this matter. I'm not a prophet. How could I have designed and prepared it for you in advance?" The professor was speechless, but then he cleverly blocked Gwen's mouth: "What's more, this The project is considered a commercial secret until it is announced.”

The professor's business-like, even perfunctory answer left even the sharp-tongued Gwen Stacy speechless. After a long while, the girl managed to say "Okay" as a reply to the professor.

She originally wanted to use this to attack Raymond, but she didn't expect that the professor who was always good at listening and patient in the past seemed to be more and more coercive today.

But...this seems to be what she asked for——

In class and on campus, couldn't Raymond Xu regard her as Gwen Stacy as a friend?

After being keenly aware that the professor was a little angry, Gwen carefully kept silent - in the past, she would not have cared so much about other people's feelings -

One of Gwen Stacey's shortcomings is that she often only asks others to understand herself and never cares whether she takes care of others.

"Have you helped Mr. Jonathan Stuart?" Raymond glanced at the girl holding a book and walking obediently beside him from the corner of his eye. For a moment, he couldn't adapt to the sudden coldness between the two. The atmosphere and the sudden distance increased, and I tried to ease it by changing the topic.

"Jonathan Stuart?" Gwen, who devotes all her spare time to the superhero cause and doesn't watch much TV shows, frankly expressed her confusion, "I help many people every day, which one do you want to talk about?"

"Don't you watch talk shows?" Now it was Raymond's turn to be shocked, "Jonathan Stuart, he is almost the living god of this type of talk show."

"Uh..." The somewhat embarrassed girl turned her eyes to the side, pursed her lips and tried to blow up her bangs, "I haven't heard of it."

"Well, that's not important." Raymond shook his head, "What's important is, do you know what he is following up on?"

Gwen really hated Raymond's habit of making secrets and showing off. As if she had finally found an outlet to vent her emotions, along with the depression and embarrassment that Raymond had just said, the blond girl turned her head. , covering her face with her pink-highlighted hair hanging down on the left side.

"Ah..." The professor looked at Gwen, and he also realized what a bad behavior his betrayal was. But he couldn't save face, so he could only say awkwardly: "Blonde hair looks good with pink highlights."

Hearing this, Gwen turned her head back slightly, revealing more of her face. She didn't know if she was showing off her new hairstyle or something.

The professor took a breath and explained: "After Jonathan Stuart paid attention to the firefighters who were injured on the job during the 9/11 incident, he discovered that the asbestos materials used in the construction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers produced toxic substances in the flames, which caused Thousands of firefighters and volunteers involved in rescue efforts have suffered from various lung diseases, including but not limited to asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea..."

Gwen turned around, and the girl frowned. She didn't want to hear about the illness the hero who saved people suffered from because of his heroic actions.

The professor sighed and continued: "As well as lung cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer..."

"Firefighters..." Gwen asked tentatively, "The federation should help them, right?"

"Yes." Raymond didn't know how to express his regret about this matter. Even if he felt that 911 was the result of the empire's interference in the Middle East, the fund managers who were hit by the plane deserved their death.

But the ordinary people who died innocently in this attack, and even the firefighters, volunteers and police who were injured or died trying to save people, were just ordinary people, and they did not deserve such an ending.

“But the federal aid funds allocated are pitifully small and can only last until 2015. After 2015, these poor people who have lost their jobs or even the ability to work will lose all their sources of livelihood, and then they will be waiting for them. There is only death..."

Gwen lowered her head sadly. Spider-Woman instinctively felt that these former heroes should not have ended up like this, but she also felt a little powerless - what could she say in the federal government?

"Those who work for everyone should not let them freeze to death in the snow." The professor used more precise language to describe the feeling that Gwen wanted to say but could not express, "So..."

Raymond stopped and looked solemnly at the tall and erect Gwen Stacy beside him. The professor looked directly into the girl's beautiful blue eyes: "You too, do you know?"

"What?" Gwen avoided Raymond's gaze. She only felt that her cheeks were a little hot, but luckily the darkening sky quietly concealed all this.

"When you do something, pay more attention to yourself." Raymond spoke very slowly. He wanted to make sure that Gwen heard what he said clearly. "There is a saying in my hometown, which is, 'if you are poor, you can live alone, and if you are rich, you can live alone. Then you can benefit the world at the same time. You are still far away from reaching it, so when doing certain things, be careful to protect yourself."

After all, Gwen Stacy did not fully understand the worry revealed in Raymond Xu's words. The girl only understood the last sentence, "Be careful to protect yourself."

Gwen Stacy just seemed a little worried because she had abruptly distanced herself from Raymond Xu, but the professor's words made her feel inexplicably happy.

"I got it!"

As Raymond shook his head and sighed, Gwen thought she understood the full meaning of what he said.

----Dividing line----

Wilson Fisk sighed, reached out and turned off the gramophone that was playing a modern opera, and sat down on his large chair a little tiredly. Kingpin did not raise his eyes, the cigar in his mouth flickered. The gangster was quietly listening to the report of the person in front of him.

“…all in all, our friends in the government believe that Raymond Xu, who is nimble and appears to be more familiar with the rules of federal bureaucracy, is a more tradable and cooperative partner than Obadiah Stane. It is also suggested that we try to contact Xu. Now he urgently needs the support of all forces to help him stabilize the internal situation of Stark Industries..."

Kingpin interrupted the report: "What I want is not a suggestion for cooperation. What I want is whether he can and is willing to cooperate with us."

The subordinates put away the report documents in their hands with some embarrassment, even though the Washington bureaucrats had probably guessed the identity of Gwen Stacy’s Ghost Spider-Man, and had learned from Professor Xu’s list of new interns and Spider-Man’s brand-new set of It is revealed on the technology suit that Raymond is helping Gwen, but this kind of confidential information, which can be called a trump card, is not so easy to obtain after all.

"There are rumors that Raymond Xu has a relationship with Miss Spider." Although he couldn't get any conclusive information, Jin Bin's reputation could still allow him to get some specious information.

Wilson Fisk raised his eyebrows in response to his surprise at this news. He had already learned from Gwen's many harassment actions that Ghost Spider-Man would never be complicit with him... But Spider-Man is only Spider-Man after all. Not everyone has Gwen Stacy's sometimes off-putting pedantic sense of justice.

"Then this professor is worth dealing with." Jin Xian pressed his half-smoked cigar into the ashtray. The hot ashes splashed on the man's fingers, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

"By the way." After putting out the cigar, Kingpin raised his head and asked, "How are things going at the Veterans Hospital?"

"We knocked him unconscious and threw him into an iron barrel. We filled him with cement as you requested, and then he sank into the Upper New York Bay." The subordinates seemed to be reporting, "I finished the laundry," and "I brought the pizza." "General, reported on the fate of the pharmacy director at the Brooklyn VA Medical Center.

Kingpin didn't even move his brows this time, or in other words, his expression didn't change at all. He just asked without emotion: "I'm asking you how things are, not how people are."

His subordinates were a little embarrassed, and he quickly replied: "No one dares to stop the experiment anymore. We have already vaccinated the first batch of test subjects. There were no special observations on the first day, but one of them lost a leg and an arm in Afghanistan." The guy is dead."

Jin Bin's brows twisted inward. For him, this news was far more important than the death of a hospital director.

Since the success of Steve Rogers' human experiments in World War II, in the past sixty or seventy years, people have been trying to reproduce the results of that year. As long as they can succeed, they can create an army composed entirely of enhanced humans. army.

Thaddeus Ross is now one of the organizers of these experiments. When he successfully saw the results of Dr. Banner's experiments, in addition to continuing his efforts in radiation, drug experiments were naturally the focus of investment. Moreover, Ross decided to stick to the tradition of the United States of America and use homeless people and veterans as guinea pigs to test drugs that may not even pass legal animal testing.

The paragraph about the pregnancy incident is not very good overall. It may be a problem with my original arrangement. I wanted to make this part funny, but when I actually wrote it, I realized that if I wrote it funny, it would destroy the character. Of course, there is also the problem of insufficient writing power. I need it here. I apologize to the readers.

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