I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 44 The professor’s headache

"Miss Stacey?" After hearing the name, the mysterious element in Felicia's smile that made Raymond feel a little uneasy added a little more.

"Miss Gwen Stacy is indeed extremely talented. Not only that, she is also energetic and clean. She is simply a model for college students in the United States. I have no doubt that she can easily keep up with the high-intensity pace of the engineering laboratory. Even more impressive What I admire about your vision, Professor, is that the student you selected is also very advanced in art and sports. Not only was she the drummer of the school rock band, but she also participated in the gymnastics club for quite some time."

What the hell? According to a pleasant interpretation, this is to say that Gwen has "wide range of interests and hobbies." According to an unpleasant interpretation, this sentence can be interpreted as "Gwen is a girl who doesn't pay attention to anything, and is only interested in everything for three minutes. There is no single-minded and solid attitude.”

Is this the top level of yin and yang?

Seeing that Raymond's face turned ugly, Felicia felt a sense of accomplishment that "the teasing was successful", so she decided to go even harder:

"Of course, some people will suspect that Miss Stacey may have some other shady hobbies or occupations because she often leaves early and comes home late, but I think since she has not delayed anything due to this, and decent people should not presume to speculate on other shady hobbies or occupations. People’s private lives, so you don’t need to be bothered by that.”

Raymond, who was familiar with Gwen, almost covered his face. Anyone could tell that Felicia's long list of praises definitely did not contain any kindness towards Gwen Stacey. The professor even began to suspect that Gwen's reckless girl might have been caught by others and leaked her superhero identity.

Listen to this, "There should be some other shady hobbies or professions." What do mysterious college girls who go out early and come back late usually do? This is a self-explanatory question.

Raymond smiled awkwardly, but after all, he didn’t have much need to be afraid of the black cat. He pointed out Miss Black Cat’s intentions and defended his student at the same time: “Gwen is a little lazy, but she Her scientific research ability is very good, so I hope you can study hard with her."

There is always a desire to compete among creatures like women, no matter what field they are in. Felicia curled her lips with some dissatisfaction. It seemed that the professor was determined to protect Miss Stacey and was determined to kick her to the absent heroine.

Raymond didn't want to be entangled with this dangerous black cat anymore, and the other party's "sharp comment" on Gwen just made him a little angry. The professor raised his glass again at the right time: "If there is nothing else, I think I will leave now."

After saying that, the professor took out a business card from his breast pocket and handed it to the other party. At the same time, he gave Felicia a nail in the face: "I hope you can make an appointment through Associate Professor Mellon next time." , I am used to dealing with technology, and I am not used to strangers being more enthusiastic towards me."

Seeing Raymond pretending to be calm and leaving, Felicia raised her eyebrows. As a sea king, she had never tried to attack the professors in the college - usually those in their fifties and sixties. The old man really can't stand Miss Hardy's eyes. But Raymond Xu is different. In addition to being a tenured professor and CEO of a top multinational company, he is only 24 years old!

Oh my god, what kind of little fresh-faced diamond king is this?

And Felicia Hardy's vision for choosing men was directly appreciated by Peter Parker himself in the multiverse.

Although she didn't plan to have a grand love affair with this genius professor, it was still quite interesting to flirt with him a few times.

According to her past experience, there are not many members of the opposite sex among her peers who can withstand her temptation. Today, here in Raymond, there is no breakthrough at all - as expected, the professors are well-informed and are not as restless as those crazy adolescent boys who can tell the truth of the incident in a few words.

Miss Black Cat licked her lips, and she thought of the mysterious Gwen Stacy again. There was always the cute ghost spider Miss in the suit near her.

Not long ago, the friendless and lonely Gwen Stacy suddenly joined the laboratory of Professor Raymond Xu, the most difficult person to join at Empire State University. Before Felicia had time to understand the two of them, When further investigating the relationship, Raymond suddenly announced that he would be the general counsel of Stark Industries, and he would become the rotating CEO of Stark Industries together with Tony Stark's personal assistant Pepper Potts.

"Oh, this is interesting" - Felicia, who was sitting on the rooftop of a high-rise building, reading the newspaper with a cup of instant coffee, commented to the red sunset in New York - her "cute" Gwen actually turned out to be... Climbed up such a "hidden boss".

Therefore, Felicia, who has always suspected the relationship between Gwen Stacy and Ghost Spider-Man, of course also included Raymond Xu in the scope of her investigation. However, Miss Hardy, who was still relatively junior, hit a snag in her first contact with Professor Xu.

Felicia, who was wearing a backless black evening dress that showed off her fair and beautiful figure, turned around. The girl's long silver hair looked particularly dazzling under the lights of the reception. She turned around and left with confidence.

No matter how Raymond Xu defends himself, as long as he can't erase the shame of rejecting Tony Stark's mentor's recommendation letter and let himself into his laboratory... then he will have no secrets to tell. !

Miss Felicia Hardy knew it so well that she could see that she had Gwen Stacy's little secret in the palm of her hand.

----Dividing line----

When Raymond left the reception, according to the professor's own words - his head was about to explode.

Those who can attend such a cocktail party are all the best among the best. Except for successful people, they are speculators. Therefore, no matter where Raymond goes, he will face compliments and flattery that can make people faint - he must choose from those flattery what the other party really wants to say and the cooperation they want to discuss, and write it down silently. Contact the other person again.

After all, at the behest of the White House and the Office of National Intelligence, Washington and Wall Street unanimously applauded the news that Raymond Xu would take over Stark Industries. From various cabinet ministries to major companies across the United States, everyone was watching. It will be interesting to see how much progress Stark Industries can make during the transition under the leadership of this technical expert.

The impact of being forced to deal with the effects of alcohol in the power field on Professor Xu, who has a somewhat reserved personality, is by no means small.

Now that he was out blowing the evening breeze, his fevered mind finally became clearer. The professor took out his cell phone and was about to call his student to ask about her situation, but the cell phone rang first. The professor answered the phone:

"Professor Xu." There was a slightly familiar female voice in the trance. Raymond hadn't remembered the identity of the other party, but the person on the phone introduced himself: "I am the secretary of the college office. I have something to tell you. .”

"About Stark Industries?" Raymond suddenly thought of the other party's most likely question. After all, the CEO of such a top multinational company is usually an honorary doctorate from a certain university at most - it rarely happens that he has not yet retired. Tenured professors wear two hats.

"No, no, the academy congratulates you on your upcoming appointment as the rotating CEO of Stark Industries, but this is not what I want to learn from you today."

This answer was somewhat unexpected by Raymond. The professor concentrated his attention and decided to continue listening.

"The student you just recruited into the laboratory, Gwen Stacy, was rumored to have experienced a reaction similar to morning sickness after accompanying you on a business trip to California. Are you aware of this matter?"

Even for the well-informed Raymond, the news was shocking enough. If I were to say that what I was most worried about about Gwen right now was that she was afraid of the psychological shadow left behind by this girl who had never seen blood before going to the battlefield.

But where did this “pregnancy scandal” come from?

"I don't know." Raymond answered frankly to the college. There was really no need for him to lie about this.

After thinking for a moment, he added: "Does the college need my cooperation now?"

"Miss Gwen Stacey contacted the college's Act 9 office today. We have obtained her medical examination report. She is not pregnant, but she has been overly anxious and stressed recently."

Generally speaking, the college and Raymond are still on the same side - the inquiry to Raymond was somewhat tentative at first, but the other party could soon read it from Raymond's answer. He didn't know anything about it, so he wanted to eliminate the impact of the matter as soon as possible.

"Excessive anxiety and stress?" Raymond had roughly guessed what happened to Gwen at this time.

Pregnancy, excessive anxiety, and a phone call from the college. By simply stringing these three pieces of information together, Professor Xu immediately judged that girl Gwen must have thought of the scene on the battlefield and vomited inexplicably. As a result, someone put " The news spread that Gwen Stacey is suffering from morning sickness.

Then she probably went to the college, and after a physical examination, she explained that she vomited for no reason as she was under too much academic pressure - so now the college wants to check with her.

Raymond Xu didn't really care about the scapegoat Gwen threw at him. He was already a tenured professor, and trivial matters of this level could not affect him at all. The most the college "suggested" him to do was to give Gwen some time to relax. .

Oh my god, if he doesn't give Gwen Stacy a holiday, the golden retriever girl will at most be scratching her hair in front of math outside his office; but if she does have a holiday, her life will be in danger!

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