I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 42 If you never come back

From Raymond's point of view, there is one of the safest methods, which is also the most commonly used method by well-intentioned corporate executives and administrative departments, namely:

Raymond stated the matter objectively to Stephanie, took the initiative to take responsibility for failing to prevent Tony Stark from disbanding the Stark Industries military business, and promised to minimize the impact of the corresponding incident.

In this way, he will leave Stephanie with the impression of being loyal, responsible, responsible, or in general, reliable - a reliable person will be a reliable partner in the eyes of any investor - at least you don't have to You are worried that he will take away the money you invested, and even if you take a step back, there will definitely be feedback on the tasks assigned to him.

But...is this enough?

Perhaps for ordinary people, this is enough; even for most investors on Wall Street, this is enough - these days, even the entrepreneurs recommended to you by the managers of the most credible large funds on Wall Street may not be There is someone as conscientious as Raymond Xu.

But for the Washington bureaucrats who pursue livable luxuries anytime and anywhere, and who are eager to take advantage of the world with just one book, reliability is not even the beginning of the end of the game, but just the end of the beginning of the game. Those bureaucrats can Who has climbed the steps of Washington D.C. and has not made such an answer that can not only protect themselves but also gain favor in front of their bosses?

As an outsider in Washington, Professor Xu’s standard insider statement may reassure Stephanie for a moment, but he is an outsider in this circle after all. If he wants to get the benefits, resources and platform of the circle, Professor Xu must A courageous answer is needed.

Professor Xu knows this, Stephanie knows it, Stephanie knows that Professor Xu knows it, and Professor Xu also knows that Stephanie knows that she knows it.

But neither of the two smart men who met unexpectedly said anything. They just held the wine glasses in their hands quietly. The liquid in the glasses was as calm as the eyes between them without any ripples.

Among the skyscrapers, the feasting and feasting weave together a boundless dream; in the sparkling traffic, the colorful lights reflect the lively conversation and laughter. Contracts, options, and intentions are woven into Hong Zhongda Lu, and the sound of desire and money colliding makes him laugh heartily in the quiet whispers. Crossing the reinforced concrete, the Hudson River crashes wantonly on Manhattan Island, dividing into two branches in the flowing light and shadow, and then merges into one in the interlacing of glasses, and finally merges into the eternal waves of the Atlantic Ocean under the illumination of the golden lantern.

In this world where everything is measured by money, even the inexplicable fate or the endless history are nothing more than an insignificant embellishment in front of Manhattan where capital is condensed.

Raymond raised his eyes and looked at the luxurious statues behind the director and on both sides of the hall. After a few seconds, he slightly raised the champagne glass in his hand to signal Stephanie, then drank the golden wine in the glass, and then Bowing decisively, his tone was deep:

"Ma'am, I take full responsibility."

Then the professor just remained silent, looking at Stephanie calmly and emotionlessly with his eyes like the night.

"Courageous enough!"

Stephanie's eyes twitched. Surprise was her first reaction——

In her expectation, as long as Professor Xu is willing to state the facts objectively and take part of the responsibility, she will continue to invest.

But the other party actually chose to take full responsibility——

You know, that also includes Tony Stark's part—

No matter how many people know how big a baby Tony Stark is, after Professor Xu said these words, all questions——

Whether it is the collapse of financial markets, dismal economic data, depression of local economies or a constitutional crisis caused by large-scale legal confrontations——

In a word, because of any chaos caused by Stark Industrial transformation, Raymond Xu will face the full wrath of senior Washington officials, congressmen and senators affected by it.

At that time, being hit and killed by a dump truck in the street was regarded as a sign of great grace by the Congressmen.

However, on the other hand, from Stephanie's point of view, this sentence is not only Professor Xu's assumption of responsibility, but also the general idea of ​​how to deal with the aftermath——

Raymond Xu will bear all the responsibilities. Naturally, he also needs to be given corresponding powers.

This was said to be extremely arrogant, but to Stephanie it sounded extremely reasonable - giving and receiving are equal, this is the underlying code of Washington, and it is also the only code.


Stephanie completed her reassessment of Raymond in a moment: a new-age Richard Milhouse—for huge risks were matched by unprecedented gains.

As long as Raymond Xu can safely implement Tony Stark's vision and prevent the President's concerns from becoming a reality, he will immediately be regarded by Washington as his true man - a man with flexible skills and superb abilities. , loyal and reliable own people.

Any president, any administration, even any Congress would love such collaborators. This means that Raymond Xu’s future path will be a smooth one. The most optimistic prediction is that if this young man can maintain this sense of responsibility and ability in the next forty years of his career, he will be able to occupy the White House West. Wing is not delusional.

Stephanie's eyes softened when she looked at Raymond. At such an important moment of decision, she put aside her assessment of Raymond's personal ambition and risk appetite.

After a while, the Director of National Intelligence raised his glass with a smile. His smile was sincere and straightforward: "President Xu, thank you for your candor. You remind me of my hometown, Nevada."

Hearing the word "Nevada," Raymond knew his gamble to let go began.

----Dividing line----

After Stephanie left, Raymond finally breathed a sigh of relief. The professor walked to the edge of the party hall with an empty champagne glass, and sat down heavily on the chair, as if the big gamble just now had drained him of everything. The strength is average.

Taking full responsibility for the dissolution of Stark Industries' military business segment - this is simple to say, even a three-year-old child would say this, but only after you really carry this responsibility on your shoulders will you realize how complicated it is. things.

Stark Industries has more than 250,000 employees, and the military business involves 65% of them, which is more than 160,000 people. This does not include contractors and related parties. Tony Stark hopes to lay off 160,000 people. people while trying to control the impact as much as possible.

Stark Industries' factories, contractors and related companies are almost all over the United States. Whether it is the DEM Donkey Party or the GOP Elephant Party, many members of Congress have Stark Industries facilities and employees in their districts. If he causes a wave of unemployment in any congressman's constituency, and the congressman attacks the president, all the pressure will eventually be directed back to him.

It can be said that the fifty states, one special district and five territories of the United States are all on his shoulders.

After all, he said it himself - I am willing to take full responsibility for this.

Just think about it briefly and you will know that the factors he needs to comprehensively consider include but are not limited to the following factors:

The number of constituencies involving 160,000 people, the complex employment situation in the constituencies, the role of Stark Industries in the industrial chain, whether cutting certain business segments will cause some upstream or downstream suppliers to lose orders or be unable to complete them business, ultimately causing the supply chain to collapse.

This is only the impact on the physical manufacturing industry. Stock market giants like Stark Industries have cut off their main businesses. I don’t know how long Wall Street speculators will remain calm about this news.

Raymond didn't know anything else, but he knew one thing - those speculators were less courageous than chickens.

Maybe some underground banks are now starting to bet that Raymond Xu will be finished in a few days.

But if you don’t do this yourself, what can you do? Raymond Xu gave a bitter laugh. Gwen Stacey, an undergraduate who was on the verge of failing the class and a weak-headed girl, put her life on the line many times for the justice she insisted on. She doesn't care about fame or fortune, just for the justice and kindness in her heart that are extremely ridiculous to others and extremely naive to Raymond.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." The professor muttered silently.

Gwen's abilities are nothing more than amazing arm strength and recovery ability, nothing more than the ability to fly between tall buildings, nothing more than a spider sense. What does this ability mean in front of the state machine of the United States? What does a little brute force mean in front of those fat-headed guys on Capitol Hill who are soaked in conspiracy and conspiracy?

He is nothing more than a thug with poor political acumen and easy-to-use abilities - just used to eliminate dissidents.

The so-called superheroes are all kinds of people, but they also have human hearts. As long as they are human, they have humanity. As long as they have humanity, they may have weaknesses and be exploited. This is something that Baron Zemo has already confirmed to the world. . What Zemo can do, Washington bureaucrats may not be able to do.

Even though Gwen was so weak in the eyes of the superiors, she used her own blood over and over again to try to fill the city, and even the country, with their desire for sin.

She literally bleeds for it and really enjoys it.

A twenty-year-old girl is so responsible, so what reason does he have to shrink back?

A man should always have some dignity, hide behind the skinny figure of a twenty-year-old girl, live quietly, sit back and watch disaster happen, bad luck come to his door, and then wait for the girl to rescue him. This is what a man should do. Any behavior?

Go to hell!

Raymond took a long breath, stood up again, and put on a standard smile used to deal with politicians. The professor took the champagne glass from the waiter's hand again, and then plunged into the neon light, the power field that was full of feasting and feasting, and could swallow anyone up like an abyss.

I'm considering superpowers, but I don't want to make them too abrupt. If I think it will affect the overall text, I might not add them, or even if they are added, they won't be combat abilities.

The last chapter of the bureaucratic drama may be said to be weak, but the existing problems still need to be explained clearly. In addition, it is a key point in Professor Xu's transition from being wise to protecting himself to letting go of big gambles. He had never been so reckless before, including when he met Tony.

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