I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 36 War and Gwen (3)

After the bombing stopped and the dust had not completely settled, Raymond glanced back and confirmed that Pepper had gone to the laboratory to find a tool that could cut the spider silk and put down Tony Stark. The shoulder strap of the submachine gun was slung over his shoulder, and then he stumbled around the crater and rushed towards the explosion area.

Sweeping away the blinding dust, ignoring the handguard and gun stock that were shaking and bumping against his body, the professor just tried his best to open his eyes wide and wide, trying hard to see the smoke that was so painful that his eyes were about to shed tears. Looking for the figures of his students, the figures of the students he personally sent into the battlefield.

At this time, the professor just felt great regret - he regretted that he should not have handed over the brand new suit to Gwen so early, but thinking of this, he regretted bringing Gwen to this place of right and wrong... In the end, the professor regretted it all the time. At the beginning of everything, he regretted getting Gwen involved in this matter, treating Gwen's wounds that night, and even the beginning of the beginning, the name he called.

"Gwen Stacey——" The professor wanted to call out the name, but thinking of Peper Potts and Tony Stark behind him, he suppressed the shout in his heart. Raymond held it in so much that his heart hurt, it made him jealous, and he couldn't breathe. It only made him anxious, panicked, and hurt.

The professor who could do nothing, not even save Gwen Stacy, who had saved himself, could only open his eyes wider and wider, trying to use this panic to cover up the mistake that he had made every plan but failed. This confusion concealed his recklessness in bringing an innocent girl into this bloody battlefield.

If it weren't for Gwen Stacy today, he would have been killed by the fragments and shock wave generated by the 40mm grenade. The professor who had seen Gwen injured once again watched helplessly as the girl who had just saved his life "buried" herself into this death field, without even taking any action to save her.

But in the end, Gwen Stacy still didn't let Raymond Xu continue to be so disappointed and crazy. Perhaps due to the aura of the protagonist, perhaps due to Spider-Man’s true ability, Gwen finally came out.

Spider-Woman is carrying a big man on her shoulders. Her usually clean suit is now so dirty that the original color cannot be seen at all. The pink and white areas are now red, and the red is covered with a layer of earth color. The earth color is not even yellow, but burnt black, and there are even some blasted turf hanging on the girl's blond hair. As for the black areas, Raymond couldn't tell whether it was the color that was sprayed on or the blood that was covered up.

Seeing the swaying Gwen, Raymond, who was worried and blamed himself until he collapsed, finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the professor didn't care about his usual sense of propriety and reserve. He just watched the girl put down the unconscious gunman in front of him, then held the sluggish and thin girl in his arms, and checked the girl by the way. Are there any fatal injuries on the body?

Gwen didn't struggle, the girl's body was numb, and she just stood blankly in Raymond's arms. Even she didn't know that she was stunned by the screaming bomb, frightened by the intestines falling out and the broken limbs.

Raymond let go of Gwen, patted her shoulder, and said softly: "Are you okay?"

"I..." Gwen, who was wearing a mask, raised her head numbly. She was not answering herself, but the strange gunman: "I don't know, is he still alive?"

Raymond was suddenly startled, but looking at Gwen's hard and stiff mask, he seemed to be able to see the injured but stubborn girl hiding behind the mask. He just shook his head and sighed with some shame. With a tone of voice, he knelt down, touched the gunman's neck, and then nodded to Gwen.

After receiving the news that her efforts were not in vain, the girl who was exhausted by being involved in this complicated war finally could no longer stand upright. The girl who always stood gracefully with standard dance movements in the past had her legs weak and sat down on the blasted lawn.

Normally, Gwen would never sit in such an unladylike, wanton, or twisted manner, but today, at this time, she just wanted to sit, no matter how she sat, as long as she was sitting. She only felt that the soles of her feet were weak, her calves were weak, and her whole body was weak.

She thought of the bloody intestines in the gunpowder smoke again, but her mind was just blank and dull, not even afraid, just blank, a scary blank. At this time, she didn't even remember the mask on her face, the web launcher on her wrist, or that she was the Ghost Spider-Man, or that she was majestic, or that she was playing the drums and playing wildly.

She is just Gwen Stacy, a twenty-year-old college student from Empire State University and a homeless girl with no family.

"Hey." Raymond waved his hand in front of Gwen. The professor was also at a loss for words at this time and could only ask the same question over and over again: "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

Gwen shook her head numbly—the shaking movement was as slow as a movie that had been slowed down and stuck. The girl's usually clear voice also became hoarse: "I'm not hurt."

Due to his long-term dealings with weapons, Raymond quickly guessed the current state of Miss Gwen Stacy - the blonde girl is now in a state of being stunned by bombs and frightened by bloody scenes. Her current numbness represents The mind goes blank.

In fact, Gwen is already quite strong in this state. Professor Xu himself vomited on a bunch of goats used for experiments for almost three days and three nights, and on the fourth day he only dared to inject some glucose into them.

The professor approached and wanted to hold Gwen, who was sitting numbly on the ground, into his arms again - but he didn't expect to be pushed away by the other party.

The girl stood up again with some difficulty. She looked again at the skyline that gradually dissipated and turned into blue again. She just turned around without saying a word, shot out spider silk into the distance, and then took herself away. This bloody Shura field.

Raymond looked at the girl's retreating back, but ultimately said nothing.

----Dividing line----

Gwen, swaying with spider silk and accompanied by the wind, still had not returned to the future, her mind was just blank. She doesn't hate anyone, nor does she dislike anyone. Pushing Raymond away is not so much a sign of Stacey's family's strict upbringing that "men and women are not close to each other", but rather a confused girl who habitually pushes away everyone's help and leaves. Everyone's eyes.

She just wanted to be alone, but the world was already crowded with people - so echoing spider silk in the air was the only way to distance herself from the crowd, and it became Gwen Stacy's favorite The way. She was so used to using this method to relieve stress.

But the pressure of failing a class, quitting the band, and falling out with my father is never as good as seeing a life wither away bit by bit, flowing to the ground bit by bit, to those inorganic, being The pressure that just passes by as if it were an ordinary thing.

So Gwen Stacy, who was under pressure and felt unable to support her, could only push away her mentor as if pushing away everyone and the world, and then left alone.

But not long after leaving alone, Gwen regretted it again.

She knew that she was escaping because she couldn't handle such complicated things, and she might not even be able to handle her emotions well. But escaping cannot solve the problem, nor can it even delay the problem. After leaving the whole world, Gwen finally found that the problem became more and more serious like a vicious circle.

Unable to solve the problem - escaping - the problem worsened - escaping again, she even began to wonder why she was doing these things? Who is she doing it for? Peter Parker? George Stacey? Raymond Xu? Or herself?

Ghost Spider-Man Gwen Stacy is not like other Spider-Man. She has an Uncle Ben who teaches him that "with great power comes great responsibility". Everything the girl does is only based on the teachings of her principled father. The sacrifice she had made with her childhood sweetheart, now she only felt that it was all empty.

"Raymond Xu has participated in multiple U.S. military projects. The weapons modified or newly built by him are becoming swords of military expansion. If Stark is the mastermind, then he is the most effective accomplice!"

Thinking back to the impassioned speech made to her by the girl who protested against Raymond on campus, Gwen Stacy, who had not experienced all this at that time, only thought that she was noisy and annoying, and she was different from those who were noisy and shouting all day long. The noisy young, hunkering-down-at-home daydreaming hippies are no different.

But after seeing the battlefield - even if it was not a battlefield at all, just a small corner of a real battlefield - Gwen Stacy still understood in an instant what "the sword of military expansion and the sickle of harvesting human lives" meant.

A real battlefield will not have F/A-18s with aerial cannons sweeping the ground and being stopped at all times by data links. There will only be bombs, artillery shells and missiles falling like raindrops, shouting for armored battalions and mechanized infantry to attack like a wave. The camp was covered with gunpowder smoke that blocked the sunlight. They fell dead on the roadside in pieces and were run over by heavy, forty- to fifty-ton tracks, eventually turning into bloody corpses. Under such ruthless steel, death has become the most common thing.

She, Gwen Stacy, Ghost Spider-Man, the most unbearable scenes, the most terrifying scenes, are just a small part of the girl's mouth, like a drop of water splashing from the ocean.

But Gwen doesn't hate Raymond - after all, she is not one of those idle hippies. She knows that even if Raymond is responsible, he is just a part in the war machine. The professor said, "I didn't want to give this suit to the U.S. military, so I gave it to you."

Gwen Stacy lowered her head and looked at the black spider lines on her chest and her blue-green ballet shoes. They were the latest military technology and the most elite murder weapon.

Now this murderous weapon is in her hands.

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