I am Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

I am in the Three Kingdoms. Emperor Chapter 789

"I believe that the Taishou will succeed that some people have hundreds of times of Liu Zhe Xin ._" Hey ... "

But more people are shaking their heads to sigh. Liu Zhe is a good master. Good rulers, they don't want Liu Zhe to fail, but watch the clouds on the sky .. They know that this time Liu Zi will fail.


"Don't worry about mountains"

Liu Zhe frowned two eyebrows. At this time, he didn't have the end, but it's now. The arrow is on the strings. I have to send him, I can only hard my scalp.

The plaque has been hanging on the red cloth, and it has been extended to below, as long as it is gently pulled, the name on the plaque makes everyone see.

Needless to say. This approach is Liu Zhei. As seen in later generations. "I went to" Liu Zhe took a shot of the shoulders and smiled.

"Lord. It is better to let it go." He worried, "Even if there is a failure, the reputation of the main public will not have an impact. This is to use your own reputation to preserve Liu Zhe's reputation.

"Do you think it is okay?_"

Liu Zhe looked at the mouth: _ "It has been pushed behind by those families .. Today, there is a small child in Yucheng, knowing that I want to be named without a name _ let you replace me __ will only let People think I am escaping. "

.. Liu Zhe said that he doesn't know why? But he really doesn't want Liu Zhe's reputation to be damaged. "Lord ..."

_ _. But in the end, _ can only pass, _ "Everything is careful." "Haha. Gong .. When did you become so mother-in-law?" Liu Zhe is so smile, smile and smile. The face is more dark. He is in charge of Liu Zhe. _ And Liu Zhe .. But there is no heart to laugh, let .

However, while speechless, he has a five-point for Liu Zhepe, and Liu Zhe can still laugh. In exchange, it is other person, and you believe that you will only cry.

Liu Zhe and . ..

Step by step .. The smile on Liu Zhe face disappears, and his face has become serious. Don't look at Liu Zhe, he just talks and laughs, it is not flat .. But I am still a bit nervous.

After all, this is confrontation with the lightning that destroys the jade.

Thanks [ ] The big one is 100 points, becoming a second-order hundred samurai

Liu Zhe is outside through the Three Kingdoms. Inadvertently picked up a baby girl, he was a brother of the most loved sister in his 20-year-old. road...

"Our slogan is: only do business, not involved in hegemony ..."

"The main public, we attacted the city of Youzhou!"

" ....."

"Our aim is: All beauty of the Three Kingdoms is mine ..."

"The main public, , the size of the size is already grabbed by us!"

amp; amp; amp; lt; / bamp; amp; amp; gt; (July 15, August 31)

Installation: amp; amp; amp; lt; / bamp; amp; amp; gt;

1222, Questioning Cang Tian [2 Seeking Auto Subscription]

Liu Zhe is not in the losses of the list, _ he is in a flat, you can say that it is fighting with the sky, if you win. Then prove that he is really a person in the day. It can be arbitrarily horizontally in this era. If Liu Zhe is definitely, there will be bad things waiting for him.

Liu Zhe's past life is an atheist. But through this era. Liu Zhe believed in meditation, he was looking at your eyes.

Step by step, one step, Liu Zhe's speed is not fast. As he stepped by step, it was gradually tapered, so that two silence. All people put their sight in Liu Zhe, watching Liu Zhe, one step forward, the king was in the same gaze, "Nine-five Soil" Liu Zhe came to the front door, and he hangs on his head. Go to the plaque. The rope tied to the red cloth is next to him, tentacles can be.

"Pull. Pull ..."

Many can't wait to watch Liu Zhe's unlucky, the hearts of the people, silently thinking _ hope Liu Zhe quickly pulled down the red cloth. At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky are more dark, thick dark clouds. Duecent the light is like coming to the night. Such an abnormal dark cloud. Let many of the people's faces and even someone squatted towards the sky. Slutus mind has a word.

Liu Zhe looked at the clouds on the sky and then looked at the onlookers .. Slowly raise his hand and grab the rope.

Then, squat down.

The "Tongquet" three word exhibitions on plaques are now in the eyes of everyone.

"Bang ..."

A shock thunder sounded, and all people were shocked. People think that Liu Zheli is not a red cloth .. but the heavens in the sky.

"Hey .."

Umpermword. . Start lightning. After several breathing, this lightning suddenly scored the clouds to "bang."

This lightning is squatting on the highest eaves of the Named. Put a piece of tile.


The second lightning quickly followed, along with the rain, rain, rain ..

The second lightning did not have anything, but the sound cushion caused by the sound, but Liu Zhe moved by many people just did not act, he made a move that everyone wanted.

Liu Zhe pulled his sword. I direct it to the sky, roar, _ "Roll! 2, the sound is too big, cover the thunder of the sky, and let the people around you only have a thunder.

"You let Laozi come to this world .. That will help Laozi, don't give Laozi,! _" Liu Zhenawa has a "roll" word after heaven, he went to the world, some people don't understand. .

"Ha, ridiculous!"

After seeing two lightnings, I saw it. Cui Shunxin is happy. He wanted to dance on the spot on the spot. He saw that Liu Zhe actually dared to pull the sword. I went to the sky, my heart was calm, I dared to work with God at this time? "You think you can scare the sky?. You do this ._ only Will be more angered on jade, waiting for you to be better. "Cui Shun looted.

"It's ah,. Live who let you see him in this day."

Luxing on the other side also wigs. _ Expression and Cui Shuno

Li Weidao: "Don't use thunders. Today, Liu Zhe has no face, in the public, he lost his face." "Yes,." Yes, I saw that the people got up to fight him, I saw him. Good. Mountain.

Lu Jun is soaked.

_ "Is it not to ask us??"

Zheng Ping, _ "What conditions should we mention when we should mention?" "Hey, this should be thinking about it." Lu Jun has thought of Liu Zhe to look for help to them. Liu Zhe pointed to the roots of the sky, so many people disdain. Many people think that Liu Zhe is unzym to do so. "Useless."

Summary .. Many people mean this,. Liu Zhe's behavior is stupid.

However, let everyone think that as Liu Zhe's roar. There is a change in the sky.

The lightning disappears in the cloud insects. The rain, the rain, the last or even the clouds are gradually dissipated,. The sun covered is re-emerged, and the sun is again = full of full.


This sudden change. Stunned everyone.

From Liu Zhe. It is only a few breathing to the dark cloud, and it will not react.

If is the ground is still wet .. There is also 3.0 rainwater, and the two people will not believe that it is raining. No one dares to believe what you have happened, the change is too fast. Let them react.

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