I am Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

I am in the Three Kingdoms. Emperor Chapter 710

Fly, remind you.

Thank [Sleep] big monthly ticket support, thank you!

amp; amp; amp; lt; / bamp; amp; amp; gt; (July 15, August 31)

1105, Xu Wei flustered reasons [2Q automatic subscription]

The most important thing is that Liu Xin's hand will be more. There are fewer people who read literacy, they are naturally reused.

Xu Wei's county in Ninghe City is a high-level person to visit his people every day.

But recently a time. Xu Wei refused everyone's visit to him to help Liu Xin to deal with Jiangdong. When I saw Liu Xin for the first time. I was a lesson by Liu Xin. Since then, Xu Wei knows. Liu Wei is a thing that he can't believe in people Liu Xin. He didn't dare to delay.

Dare to perfunctory

A thing.

It is very smart, Liu Xin is his too much ¥ legs,

Such as: If you don't hold this too, you are too incomplete, he will go to the head, so about Liu Xin's things. Xu Wei did not dare to entrust others to personally personally do things through him and only.

"Call. Trouble"

12 Two passs are busy. Xu Wei has two o'clock to sneak him with a long breath, self-prone.

Mad. Came again. "

I have a small idle, I feel that I amphased _ I can't help but have a sentence. Xu Wei can't be hired from his brow from last night,

in particular

After getting up in the morning, his brow jumped even more.

At the same time, I am flustered in my heart. I only put the work wholeheartedly.

There is no feeling.

However, it is open to this kind of fluster, and the feeling of the past is coming again. And more and more strong.

Is there anything else to do it? This feeling is in this feeling that I will start to check my work. Because Xu Wei feels that if someone can give him this dangerous feeling, then this person must be Liu Wei.

Liu Weijian fined division

Ming, Liu Xin wants to punish him, definitely because he works well. Or doing a mistake, Liu Xin will punish him.

However, Xu Wei has been recalling from a few months ago. Now Xu Wei did not find something abnormally. Liu Xin's business, he all personally did to do and perfectly, there is no mistakes. Xu Wei took a disappearance. The constant memories did not expect themselves where they were wrong. There is a thing that can be punished. AMP; amp; amp; quot; said,


"Mom is not sleeping recently, Xu Xu finally cursed, he wanted to think about the reason. In the end, it can only be blamed for this reason." There is someone in the county. "

The people are really reported.


Make a bad feeling in annoying,

I am not cool in my heart.

Tao, "Which balance is to see me? Don't you say this time no one?" The man did not answer the sound of a crisp life. "It's a few bastards."

Xu Wei listened to this voice again - people who came in immediately jumped. "How is the three princess

Once, it is coming. Don't you say hello? "

The face has become very fast. It is only full of angry. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a face. no way. He can't afford to come. Liu Jing Liu Liu Liu Ting, these three

Who is people who are walking in Qizhou, who dare to provoke? Although Liu Xin and Liu Jing are the title of the princess of the court. However, the following people say that Liu Ting, Liu Ting, is princess.

"Don't you don't see?" Liu Jing came in to use his face to see how to be scared, you must jump out.

Don't look at him is Liu Xin. But Liu Jing is easy to kill him. And you will also get two support for Liu Zhe Liu Xin. Xu Wei really wants to kill the column next to it, and then return to that time, then give it a few pieces of himself. Let yourself not talk to your mouth. "Haha. The princess should not laugh Xu Wei and continue to laugh," That is not that the three printers are different. If you want to see you, you can do not allow him to lose your low, you follow Liu Xin, so the only thing to learn is not in front of Liu Jia's people, or you will die.

He began to follow Liu Xin. It is not forced to do it. Naturally some small movements. Give some small confrontation. Or sometimes Wang's crisp display - the so-called literati arrogant% ¥ proud results, all this is too much to fly to the smoke. Finally, I'm old and I've followed Liu Xinfei 457. I didn't dare to have two small.

"I don't know what the three princess came to find something?" . At the same time, there is no change in the transition. Just just he is a boy, he is a boring, but he is held by him. He can't eat it.


Liu Jing snorted two, "Today is to help you."

"Princess, although it is said that the next two must give you something." Xu Wei took the chest. "If you don't do it?" Liu Jing looked at him with his eyes.

Xu Wei saw Liu Jing. I can't help but = trembling Liu Jing like Liu Pan. It is a feeling that gives a scalp. He believes that if he is not good. There will definitely have Liu Jing to wear a small shoe. "Princess. You can rest assured that if I don't do it. You should punish me." Xu Wei had to hit the head

Anyway, he is hiding, it is not as good as the king stick. Refreshing = point. A fly point reminds you.

1106, people ghosts [3 request automatic subscription]

"Well, very good."

Liu Jing was very satisfied with Xu Wei, then put forward her request .. "You let us go to the boat."

"What?" This is really true that he jumped.

"Public, public princess, you said

What is 1? "Xu Wei is screaming, and it is unfavorable.

This will not be throrted.

Liu Jing San Sisters want to follow Liu Xin to Jiangdong this, Xu Wei is known .. Liu Zhejian disagree with Liu Jing three sisters to Jiangdong this matter is also known. Jiangdong this matter .. Xu Wei also knows. Now Liu Jing wants to help 17 busy to let their three sisters steak the boat. This is no longer a wish, I think Liu Jing is what I want to die.

Who is the land of Youzhou? Who is doing the Lord? The fool knows is Liu Zhe. It can be said that Liu Zhe is in Qizhou. Although he is not an emperor, he said that it is absolutely better than the emperor to make Liu Zhe's resolutely disagree with Liu Jing three sisters to Jiangdong. Xu Quanfeng committed a crime, this is a long.

"I want you to help, let us three boats, can't let others know." Liu Jing repeated her request. "No, no."

Xu Wei shakes his head like a rickete, resolutely disagree, he said, "Princess, the main public has ordered," "I know, so I want you to help me hit it, first sneak When the boat waits him, we have followed aunt to Jiangdong. "

Liu Jing's words let Xu Xi want to die. Can you get it? It is estimated that Liu Jing is in front of the boat. After Liu Zhe, I will know. "Absolutely not." Xu Weijian refused.

"Don't you do?" Liu Jing's eyes narrowed. He is asked in the eyes.

This fact is not good, the main public has an order. _ Princess, you don't do it. "


Fly cold

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