I am Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

I am in the Three Kingdoms Emperor Chapter 406

The drama of the South made Liu Zhe very happy, Liu Zhe is watching the taste of Jinjin, and suddenly there is a

Yuan Shu said in Shouchun

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624, Yuanjia final hope [first more subscription]

Winnan Yuanjia, IIIII, in the past, it is a very unpleasant family, before going out, the festival, the people in the New Year, the people in the New Year, the people of the people

It can be said that in addition to the emperor's Liu family, Yuan's family is the first family in the Han Dynasty.

Yuan Jia family has developed to this point, and Yuan family's principal will naturally began nothing, and the eyes are aligned with the unique position between the world. However, Yuan's person is very small, only the core talent knows what is the purpose of Yuan's family. They secretly planned, careful, and after the troubles of the yellow towel, the soul died, by his son as the emperor, the court's power quickly and side, the Weixin continued to be low, the authority of the court is not as good as one day

Yuan family found that this is a great opportunity. They secretly push the ribs, count the chaos of the court, Dong Zhuojin Beijing, and the Guandong coalition to discuss the videody of Yuanjia.

Unfortunately, Yuan Jia Wang Feng took away from Dong Zhuozai for a few years, Yuan Shaosheng's father will also go, Yuan's old generation to death is undoubtedly huge.

Yuan Shao Yuan had to pick up the heavy burden of the family, provoke Yuanjia's girders

Unfortunately, they are still bad compared to the old foxes such as Qingyu.

Yuan Shao is anxious, he wants to further fight the authority of the court by Jindi, but he is too urgent, and it will enhance these two people in Liu and Liu Zhe.

If it is just to provoke Liu, it is not his opponent. However, Liu Yu is not his opponent, but Liu Yu is a good friend, he defeated Liu, and he also killed Liu Zi. This will lead to Liu Zhe. Great god

He was hit by Liu Zhe, Yuan Shao continued to defend, even if it was retrained, a joint army was not Liu Zhe's to the king, and finally the soldiers were killed, Yuan Shao's consideration is full.

Liu Zhe went Yuan Shao, and he had a lot of people in the world. These people have a relationship with Yuan's family. Some people continue to go to Yuanjia's new home, Yuan Shu

My big brother hangs, Yuan Shu is greatly benefited, and many come to go, this is constantly enhanced, the real nine is enhanced, and the ambition will naturally expand.

Yuan Shu was afraid of Liu Zhe, so he hangs in his brother. He didn't dare to jump out to threaten to revenge, but he is in the vicinity of the little fighter.

Although only such a small place in Shouchun, with the perspective of the Three Mongolians and reputation, Liu Bei's Sun Wei, etc., I don't dare to pay too much.

Yuan Shu has passed very comfortable, Xuzhou's battle, and Liu Bei Gong's partnership to bully Cao Cao, very enjoyable. Especially in the river, it is more enjoyable.

However, Sun Ce was anti-him, which made him feel furious. When he was preparing to deal with Sun Ce, he was suffered from Cao Cao Liu Bei.

So many people are forced, Yuan Shu is naturally anger

After a small , before or his own classal brother Cao Cao, a Liu Bei, which is just selling herbal shoes, and another is still Liu Zhe's hand, the wolf ran to Xuzhou's Gongsun

These three people, Yuan Shu can't afford them, but he is threatened by these three people. This is too bad.

What is even more awkward is that Liu Bei and Gong Sun have actually listened to the order of Cao Cao, and let him be bold to be a small ghost.

However, at the same time, Yuan Shu is also beautiful, the United States is a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

In Yuan Shu, this is because of the reasons of the mandatory, Wang is, Yuan's goal is once again remembered.

If you are an emperor, you will not dare to deal with yourself, and you will definitely take yourself. After that, Yuan Shu said that the idea of ​​the emperor did not pick up, especially after the book, the book was held, and the momentum was grand, let Yuan Shu envyed.

And Liu Zhe also ran to the book after giving, more Yuan Shu felt that Liu Zhe is also the right to hear

If Yuan Shu is a tomb, there is no way to go to the emperor, then the son's encounter will let the directly ready to say

Yuan Yao, Yuan Yao, was interrupted by Liu Sheng to grab the property. If he didn't get luck, he didn't return to birthday. After waiting for the return to Shouchun of Yao Wolf, Yuan Shu exploded, his son actually Maked it, Liu Zhe displaced too much

It is not going to find Liu Zhe, so he does not dare to find Liu Zhe, so he will determined that he believes that as long as he becomes an emperor, he does not dare to work with him.

So after the year after year (Wang Money), Yuan Shu convened the meeting

He said

Former Han Gaozu Liu Bang is just a pavilion, I got the world for four hundred years, now I have been so long, the number of people is exhausted, the count of the court is lost, the people of the world are booked. I am the Yuan's Yuan's Yuan's family, the people of the world, should comply with the death of the five respect, how do you think

Yuan Shu's hand is shocked, the first meeting of the New Year, that is, this

Everyone is very surprised, this news is really exciting.

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625, Qizhou's attitude [Second, subscription]

Yuan Shu did a while, after digesting this exciting news, they reacted

The heads of the reactive, the first one of the main words jumped to oppose: "The main public, there is no. Although the imperial situation falls, the emperor is not enough, but the people are not lost, but also hope to think about the main bus.

There are also many other men who oppose everyone, I don't agree.

Yuan Shu anger, actually so many people opposed himself, this is not to explain his own sense of prestige, more important to the emperor, increase the prevailing? He is anger: "Hu Yan, Yuan Shi is from Chen surname, Chen Naizhen afterwards, It belongs to the fire, with the fire ten, in line with the heavens, replacing the Han Dynasty. There is a language saying that it is also a highway. I have a preliminary highway. I have made my determination to say that the emperor will die again. In the speech, I will stand! "11

Some people objected, naturally some people agree that Yuan Shao is dead, many people run back to Yuan Shu, good, there is speculative crackler, naturally take Yuan Shu's horses, and great agreement

I saw that I had my own, Yuan Shu is gratified, and more firmly wants to say that the emperor's determination can not read these faithful parts, and in the second year of Jian'an (195) (different from the middle of the two years) History, Duan Emperor has been in the year of Xingping, two years, there is no, so the second year of construction is 195 years, not in 197, the officials don't have to get confused,) in Shouchun , Set the gongqing to the northern suburbs, Li Fengfang girl, the long-son Yuan Yao is Taizi East Palace

Yuan Shu said that after the emperor, he was

Yuan Shu passed out in Shouchun, the news of the emperor, and the world was in a hurry.

Yuan Shu called the emperor?

After Liu Zhe received a message, it was surprised. He knew that Yuan Shu didn't have a brain, but did not think that there would be no brain to this step in the hanging, but it has not yet lost his heart, this world is still surrounded by Liu's surname, you are not looking for death. ?

The Han Dynasty was practiced that the world has already faded into the people's heart, and the world has been recognized by the people of the world. The emperor of the people of the world has already been deeply rooted, and the emperor of the other surname will be admitted.

It is now called the emperor, but it is only for self-defense. Don't take Liu Zhe, the people around him are enough for him to drink a pot.

Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Gong Sun, and Sun, Jiangdong, these four people, one is not a strong intention? Yuan Shu is not surname Yuan him can never go to this step today.

Yuan Shu took a step back.

After receiving the news of Yuan Shu, Liu Zhe's belongs to the meeting, Guo Jiazhao intelligence, self-proliferation

If you want to help the Han Room, there are still many people, even Cao Chang is still loyal to the court, and the power of Wang and Wang, but it is necessary to win

Take the control of the court, and the kind of scotting rights

The Han Dynasty won the hearts, now this time, Yuan Shu jumped out of the emperor, the rebellious imperial court was a bumblesting on the public, and he was born in Shouchun, he was divided into his Taichuan, not a court, it is nothing, anyway, everyone Give him a little face on Yuanjia's share, lazy to pay attention to him.

But if he is self-satisfied, then it will be. This is a rebellious behavior, even if Yuan's family has once again, the reputation is better, Yuan Shu, such as the Yuan's Yuan family, has become a mouse, everyone shouted.

Shouchun, this place, someone else tiger is straightforward until Spring is not a site?

Yuan Shu is self-extracted. "Said the face of his face

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