I am Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

I am in the Three Kingdoms Dang Emperor Chapter 238

Even if it is no patrol team at night, Liu put more than 800 people to shake 09 in Huangli City, all the way is safe and unimpeded, no one is discovered

The county is situated in the Huangli City Center. This evening is that Dind Qiong is a banquet, the light is brilliant, and it can be seen far away.

"Remember, try to kill people, know?" Liu Xin's three opponents, said: "These are all money, and there will be a lot less Liu Xin, and the invitation is famous. The characters such as the ethnic owners, she once again modified the plan, yes, he intends to have a pot.

It is very satisfied that Liu Xin is very satisfied, and these are all of her.

Then Liu Xin dynasty to start actions

Gan Ning nodded, with his hands and sneak into the darkness

who? "Two soldiers who guarded the gate of the county

Don't "one middle-aged people came out of the darkness, he said to two ten soldiers:" Two pong brothers I came to the banquet.

Two ten soldiers suddenly, the two paired

A ten soldier asked: "How is it so late? Time passed

The middle-aged people continue to lick the laughter "" The family is a bit, the two soldiers are good, let me go in. "

"Let you go in?"

Another ten soldier said: "This is not good, the county has been to let people go in, just let you go in, we are penalized.

The middle-aged man said with a pleading tone: "Please also ask the two soldiers to travel. This banquet is very important to me, please also ask you.

The soldiers who started to have a dream: "Let you go in and not, but, you understand

Yes, he is good for the benefits of the eyesight

Understand. "Middle-aged people nodded, he knew behind him:" I don't hurry to give my big brother? " Watching the next two people from the middle-aged people, holding things in their hands

Two ten soldiers opened their eyes, waiting for these two people to send things to their hands, although I don't know if this is something, but I want to come to something.

However, when two people walked to them, a shovel is reflected in their eyes, they are shocked, and then they grabbed their mouths in one hand. A short blade into them.

Two ten soldiers were very big, and they revealed horrified. Looking at middle-aged people, the smile in the middle-aged people has turned into a clear laugh at the dead.

I saw my hand, the middle-aged man pinching his mouth, whistling usually blows, Gan Ning takes people from the dark, there is no extra conversation to cut in silence

After all the exports of the county, Gan Ning took people directly in the county.

The county is not a small, and more than 100 kids of Qi Sangqiong are also tied to the east of the county. Although Qi Sangqiong is not careful, but he is more careful about his own safety, there is more than 100 pro Swing around, Qi Sangqiong feels that there is no worries.

Yan Sangqiong was banned, and his martial arts naturally also had delicious, in addition to protecting the people of Shuqiong, these private deals gathered together to eat meat, not lively, even the post and sent a whistle, anyway they I feel that it is safe here, even if there is an enemy, I must first attack the Yellow County City.

They didn't think that Liu Xin took people to take someone, Gan Ning was brought in person.

The guards of the county, the first goal of Gan Ning, 917 mainly eliminates the guards of Wang Qiong, the county is not resistant to the Dind Qiong 's, and the people of Dind Qiong have been smart, these can be from You are bought, wine, good things, and how much drinks naturally, Qi Wang Qiong

When Kan Ning kills, they are slow, there is no react

Gan Ning drunk, take the lead in killing, let these guards can't wait for it, and only half of the death injury, they will be able to resist, but it is late to cry and cry.

The people who have been brought by Gan Ning have been surrounded by Gan Ning, and one hundred people who can escape, they are killed.


After the blood flowed here, Gan Ning saw that there was no living person, leaving the hand, when he kill the king Qiong sent, the other men had controlled some of the people of the county.

In this way, the county is in addition to the central banquet location, and it has settled again.

350, the necker Chi Guide controls the county! [Third, please subscribe]

who? "

Gan Ning took the center of Fu to the Guardian, and finally found it.

I was found, Gan Ning shouted, took the lead in killing

The people who come to participate in the banquet are more extraordinary, and there are many guards, some of them are in the outside, staying outside, is not being killed, there is not much inside.

Gan Ning has killed more than 300 people, how can these guards can be killed in a while?

When Gan Ning brought people to the banquet hall, Yu Wang Qiong took a weapon, drunk with full of gas, and he was hurt from Gan Ning, and the weapon didn't know where to go. After that, Wen Qiong's wine woke up.

The fat sheep is don't move. "Gan Ning looked at the fat sheep who didn't dare to go out, and he couldn't help but feel very much. At the same time, he was very excited.

The movement of the county and the county is so fast, and since the man who is firmly defeated by the county in the county, the county is not able to escape, the county is in the upper and lower pots, and the people outside are not controlled at all.

You, what do you want to kice? To, ask for money, I will give you. "After Shu Qiong awakened, there is no strong body of the county, and the whole people are shaking, and ask for mercy to Gan Ning.

Waiting for our big sister to say "Gan Ning disdain with such a small person is really a rice.

Listening to such a name, Yumi is more fearful. He thought this is really a group of robbers. At the same time, he will not ban complaints. If he will not come here, he will not come here to become a strong situation.

La la la

Liu Xin is very happy to swear into the county, she didn't think this time would be so smooth, Liu Xin smiled almost couldn't see it.

When I saw the captured tiger in the hall, Liu Xin's smile was more brilliant, and even almost fluid, this is a fat sheep. I used to rob that I was still in the state that I still have to be proud of the king tonight.

Liu Xin squatted: "Sure enough, it is hungry and dying.

When the full house captured, everyone was dumbfounded when the earth-year-old little girl appeared. Before this, they thought that there were countless times.

Four-five, the murderer murderous killing is full of knife, the ugly, they have thought of, but all people did not think that the little girl in such a cute fifting.

Big sister, big sister, let me go. "Yu Wang Qiong first reaction, hurriedly, I want to hold Liu Xin's thighs to be opened by Gan Ning.

Liu Xin smiled and said to Yan Qiong: "Reassured, I am coming to ask for money."

"Really?" ,,, as long as he can live it.

Liu Xin said to other colleagues: "You can rest assured, as long as you get what I want, you will not have something.

Yes Yes. "Other captive ends

Perhaps I saw Liu Xin's age, I cute, these prisoners couldn't help but relax, and even someone opened a joke: "Little sister is afraid that you have to have all my families.

Is it true? "Liu Xin's eyes look at the person who speaks."

Gan Ning looked at that person with mercy on the eyes, that person is obviously not a death

That person said: "This is nature.

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