At the foot of the mountain is a small village with about a hundred households. Now that the end of the world has come, the houses are basically empty.

There are zombies in the village, but they are scattered, one in the east and one in the west.

This time Wang Bin didn't shoot because they were going to stay in the village tonight. If they did shoot, they were afraid of attracting zombies, and because they were afraid of revealing their whereabouts and being targeted by someone with a heart.

Everyone has survived the apocalypse, and they all know what to do at the right time. Everyone did not make a sound, and followed closely behind Wang Bin and Officer Miao. woman and child.

Of course, other people also have guns in their hands. Although their marksmanship is average, holding a gun in their hands can also scare many people who are interested.

Occasionally there were zombies chasing them on the road, but they were all hacked to death by Wang Bin with a machete.

For safety's sake, Wang Bin and Officer Miao chose the outermost house in the village. It was a small three-storey house, enough for them to live in. Moreover, this house was far away from other houses, so they were not afraid of other houses. Someone wants to beat them.

The door of the house has been damaged by others. In order to prevent zombies from running in at night, the intruder lifted a wardrobe from another room to block the door, and then moved two sofas to block the wardrobe.

Even so, people should be arranged to stand guard at night.

After everyone cleaned up the house, they started to prepare for the meal. Wang Bin took out a bag of rice, a piece of ham and some fresh vegetables and started cooking.

There is no need for Wang Bin and the others to worry about cooking. It is enough for the other two women to do it.

It didn't take long for dinner to be ready. Everyone sat around the fire, talking and laughing as they ate dinner. The atmosphere was quite good.

But at this time, more than 20 people gathered outside the house. These people were hiding in the nearby farmland with various knives in their hands.

Today's farmland has been abandoned for a long time, and most of the weeds that grow are as tall as people, and it is difficult for people to hide in them.

"Can you smell it, they're cooking!"

"It smells like ham!"

"My God, where did these people come from? Their backpacks are all bulging. There must be a lot of food!"

"So what, they have guns in their hands!"

"I'm afraid it's us, don't we also have guns here?"

"With our muskets, how can we beat their rifles?"

"I observed just now, they only have two men, and one of them is still crippled, it's very easy for us to kill them!"

"That's right, when they're asleep, we'll sneak in and kill them!"

"Okay, do you agree?"


"Finally, everyone agreed, so let's go back first and come back at three o'clock in the morning!"

"Okay, let's go!"

After speaking, these people left quietly and went back to their respective houses.

These people are the survivors in the village. Since every family has food, it is enough for them to live for a year or two. In addition, many men in the village are hunters, and they can go hunting in the mountains at ordinary times. Many of them survived at first.

When the end of the world broke out, they organized people to grow food while cleaning up the zombies.

It's just that when the grain is about to mature, people from other places know that they have grain here, and they come to grab it one after another. They fought several times for food, and the people in the village were killed or injured. Later, only fifty or sixty people survived in a village of five or six hundred people. Later, some died of diseases, and some went to find the legendary The gathering place was gone, and in the end there were only twenty or thirty people left in the village.

The surviving part is very united. They often rob passers-by when they get together. In addition, they can find wild vegetables and hunt some prey in the mountains. This is why they have survived until now.

Wang Bin and the others were discovered by them before they entered the village, but when they saw that they had guns in their hands, they hid and observed in secret.

Now seeing that Wang Bin and the others did not leave, but lived in their village, these villagers wanted to rob Wang Bin and the others again.

After dinner, Wang Bin and others gathered around the fire, talking and laughing while listening to the songs played on their mobile phones.

Since Wang Bin joined the team, everyone has solved the food problem, and now they have guns in their hands. They feel very safe and their mood is much better.

After the mood improved, everyone talked more.

But Li Chengping didn't talk much, most of the time he just smoked a cigarette and listened to everyone talking while smiling.

Even though Wang Bin gave him a Big Chung Nine, Li Chengping was still reluctant to smoke one, and he was only willing to take it out to smoke one after dinner at night.

Wang Bin doesn't smoke, he likes to drink, and he likes to drink a little beer when chatting, but he doesn't drink much, at most one can.

This is not to say that he can't drink well, but that he is afraid that he will cause trouble if he drinks too much.

It is estimated that not many people can have food, drink and smoke like them every day in this last world. Now Wang Bin has helped them realize it. Everyone is very grateful to Wang Bin.

Especially the two little boys, A Bao and Xiao Nan, who used to regard Officer Miao as their idol, but now they stick to Wang Bin all day long.

There is no electricity at night, so there is a lack of entertainment. After nine o'clock, everyone went back to the house to sleep.

Li Chengping was in charge of the first shift at night, and Guan Xiaoyue in the second half of the night.

For safety, everyone lives on the third floor.

In the first half of the night, Li Chengping didn't notice any movement. At two o'clock in the morning, he woke up Guan Xiaoyue, and he went back to sleep.

After Guan Xiaoyue got up, she hugged Wang Bin's rifle equipped with a night vision scope.

In order to save power, it is usually not turned on.

When Wang Bin came this time, he also brought a battery, which had fully charged the night vision scope, but everyone was reluctant to open it, and would only open it when there was a situation or a battle.

In order to be able to observe the situation outside, Li Chengping moved a sofa to the window during the night vigil, and when it was Guan Xiaoyue's turn to watch the night, Guan Xiaoyue also sat on the sofa, wearing her clothes and chewing gum, staring outside .

For the first hour, nothing happened, but at three o'clock in the morning, it started to rain lightly outside.

"Is it raining?"

Seeing the rain, Guan Xiaoyue stood up and looked at the light rain outside in a daze. At this moment, she found many dark shadows moving quickly from the weeds downstairs.

Seeing these black shadows, Guan Xiaoyue's mind cleared up a lot. She turned on the night vision scope on the gunshot wound and looked over, only to see more than 20 bright spots gathered in the weeds outside.

It was so late, so many people gathered outside must be aimed at them, Guan Xiaoyue hurried to wake up Wang Bin and others.

"Brother Wang, there are more than 20 people outside, and they seem to be aiming at us!"

"Understood, go and wake up Officer Miao, Uncle Li and I will come over right away!"


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