Chapter 131

"His Royal Highness, the White Crow has left Bambi City, and the Rose Parrot is still at the Legendary Hotel.."

Hogan walked over to Joshua and reported to him.

Joshua threw a few beast breeding fruits in his hand to the beasts in the breeding farm, and nodded with satisfaction: "Give her the next room fee, this is a smart and interesting woman.."


Hogan nodded.

Joshua knows everything about what Rose and White Crow did in Bambi City, including the fact that they visited the cemetery and finally changed their minds and gave up the assassination mission.

Joshua admires Nightingale's rules of conduct.

Such a group of assassins who are in the dark but have a heart for the light is worth Joshua to win over.


The low roar of monsters sounded in the breeding ground.

During this time, Joshua would go to the Silver Moon Forest from time to time to capture demon beasts.

With the feeding of beast fruit, these little guys grow up very fast, and are close to the strength level of the fifth-level beast.

In order to feed these guys, Joshua also cultivated dozens of breeding fruit trees in the breeding farm.

"When the spring of next year begins, the Wyverns and the Wyverns will give birth to their offspring, and the plan of the Wyverns and the Wyverns of Bambi City can be officially put into progress."

Joshua threw away the beast-breeding fruit in his hand, wiped his palm and was about to leave, when he suddenly got a reminder, his expression was startled, and then he showed a look of joy.

"The first piece of legendary equipment?! Norton has been promoted to a master blacksmith?!"

When Joshua hurried to the blacksmith shop, he found that a lot of players had gathered around the blacksmith shop.

There was no way, a magnificent orange beam of light emanated from the blacksmith shop, nothing could block it, and it rose more than ten meters high.

"Damn it, legendary weapon! This light effect is too handsome!"

"If there is a legendary weapon at this stage, it would be a blast. Gods block and kill gods and Buddhas, and Laozi even dares to go head-to-head with high-level monsters. 35

"Don't think about it, brother, even if there are legendary weapons, it will not be our civilian players' turn. Now the recharge channel is not open. I guess no one can afford the whole game."

The players talked a lot, envy and greedy.

Joshua walked into the blacksmith shop, and soon saw Norton, who was holding a gorgeous silver-white longsword in his hand with a frenzied expression.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing Joshua, Norton immediately knelt on one knee on the ground and presented the long sword in front of Joshua with both hands, and said excitedly: "Norton is fortunate to have survived, this legendary sword is dedicated to His Highness!

Joshua picked up the long sword and put it in front of him to appreciate it carefully.

The long sword is silver-white in its entirety, with a fiery red gemstone inlaid at the connection between the hilt and the blade, exuding a fiery aura. It is obviously made of materials from high-level fire-type beasts.

Joshua tried to inject a little vindictiveness into the long sword, and a layer of pale golden flames immediately floated on the long sword, which was blazing and unbearable.


Joshua couldn't help but praise.

Norton rejoiced: "I used the magic core of the eighth-level flame giant bear to make it, and a small half catty of mithril. If I can enchant a powerful fire magic on it, the power of this sword should be able to go even higher. ."

Joshua said casually: "Rodriguez majored in fire magic, and I asked him to enchant the long sword later.

Norton nodded excitedly: "Please give him a name, Your Highness!"

Joshua looked at the long sword with the rising flame, thought for a while, and said half-jokingly: "Let's just call it Joy of Fire. In the future, I will have the opportunity to create a long sword with the ice attribute, called Frostmourne."5

"The Delight of Fire... Frostmourne...'

Norton repeated these two names, and the more he read, the more meaningful he felt, and he happily replied: "I will live up to His Highness's expectations."

Joshua put away the long sword easily.

He didn't plan to use it by himself. When the players' game recharge channels were opened, he threw this "Joy of Fire" into the auction house and left it to the players to bid.

"Oh, right.."

Joshua remembered something and asked Norton, "Is there any news from your friend of the jeweler?"

Norton frowned and said: "I sent her the letter written by His Highness and got a reply very soon. She said that she would come over very soon, and she is probably on her way now... Your Highness..."

Norton asked curiously, "What did you tell her in the letter? As far as I know, many great nobles couldn't invite her out of their family's precious jewels, let alone just a letter."

Joshua smiled mysteriously and replied, "I just showed her something she could only dream of.

Joshua found a few epic-quality jewelry patterns in the system store and attached it to the letter. As a master jeweler, it's no wonder that he wasn't excited after seeing it.

When Norton's jeweler friends come to Bambi City, Joshua's jewelry store will be opened.

Jewelry equipment is also an extremely important part for players, especially in the later stage, which is a channel to greatly enhance combat effectiveness.

"These bastards are really ready to bring the clansmen back to their clan..."

Scrig stood on a hillside, his eyes fixed on a certain direction in the distance.

There was a large group of orcs on their way, some of them wearing thick chains on their hands and feet, while others were shouting with whips and driving them on their way.

"Then it's good that we were in time.

A warrior-like player beside Screg muttered that he was the rock of the Soros team.

433 "How far is it from the tribe of the evil orcs you mentioned?"

Soros asked Scrig.

Scrig said lightly: "It's almost a day's journey. 55

Soros nodded, then winked at his comrades, and the group avoided Scrig and Safia and walked aside to discuss.

Looking at the behavior of Soros and others, Safia couldn't help frowning.

"Scregg, these guys are not very strong, they are sneaky, and they can't help us at all... I really don't know what's the point of that human prince letting them come back with us?"

Scrig said with a deadpan expression: "Let them go, Safia, tonight is our last chance.

Safia gritted her teeth and nodded, "I understand.""

Screig and Safia both looked resolute, and even had the will to die.

At this time, Soros and several others also came back after the discussion.

"Let's do it tonight..."

Soros said to Screg: "When your people are rescued, we will return to Bambi City immediately."

Safia twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard this, and seemed to want to laugh.

With the seven of them trying to rescue the clan? It was a dream.

But in the end he didn't laugh, his eyes were full of bitterness.

Scrig just nodded lightly and said, "Okay.

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