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Following the captain’s order, the sailors got busy. The horizontal sails on the three masts were put away one by one, and then there was vibration from below the hull. Sifa came to the edge of the ship and looked down, but did not see anything. When I arrived, I saw that the waves near the hull of the ship suddenly became a little bigger, like something heavy falling in the ship, causing the waves.

"What is a flywheel." Edward's voice came. He was wearing a white linen shirt with a pair of beige trousers. If it weren't for the recent tanning and roughening, even wearing this simple clothing, Edward's temperament that a poet and a painter rubbed together would still be difficult to connect him with pirates.

"That's a kind of human device." It was not Sifa who answered this question, but Frank. "There are several huge flywheel devices at the bottom of the Breaking Wave. In this case, the bottom plate will be opened to let the flywheel into the water. Then human power is used. Step on and turn the flywheels, and let them replace sails, like a horse-drawn carriage on the sea."

Edward wondered: "There is actually such a device, how did you know about it, have you seen it before?"

Frank shook his head, answered the question, and said: "Professional habit."

Xifa guessed that after he was on the Breaking Wave, he ‘visited’ the ship inside and out. After all, this is a ‘thief’. It’s normal for a thief to step on a spot every time he goes.

Soon, Sifa felt the movement of the ship. He looked towards the sea. The Breaking Wave was setting off a wave, and at the upwind position, it was chasing the Merchant Intis ahead at a faster speed.

After a while, Intis Merchant Marine was already in sight.

The captain stood at the bow and roared: "Listen to the ship ahead, I am Ken Angus, Brigadier General. I order you to stop. This is for your good."

"I don't have the habit of killing indiscriminately, so if you are willing to cooperate, I can guarantee that I will only plunder property, will not kill people, and will not hijack your personnel. But if you don't cooperate, then don't blame us for being impolite. ."

Although shouting like this, the captain made a gesture of ‘ready to fire’. When the second officer Vincent saw this, he immediately issued an order: "All artillery is ready to fire deterrently."

"Three, two, one, fire!"

Boom boom boom—

Amid the ear-splitting sound of cannons, a jet of water exploded around the merchant ship. This was a deterrent fire. The shells only landed in the sea instead of directly hitting the ship.

However, the merchant ship still had no plans to stop, and it seemed that the captain was going to struggle a bit.

Ken hehe laughed twice, picked up a megaphone, and shouted at the sailors in the bottom compartment: "Boys, take out your enthusiasm for pursuing the ladies, give me more energy, and catch up!"

The Wave Breaker immediately increased its speed, broke through the waves, and pushed toward the Intis merchant ship, preparing to get close to the other side's ship.

Xifa vaguely heard that someone on the opposite ship yelled ‘right full rudder’, and the merchant ship began to turn to avoid exposing one side of the ship’s hull to the many muzzles of the Wave Breaker.

Ken stopped being polite and gestured.

Vincent shouted immediately: "Fire, shoot!"

This time it was no longer a deterrent attack. The shells crossed the water, hit the decks of the merchant ships, blasted their masts, and caused exclamations and screams from the ships on the opposite side.

The Breaking Wave slammed on it, and the sailors prepared on the deck in the morning immediately put the wooden planks with barbed hooks on the sides of the ship, then jumped on the planks and rushed to the deck of the opposite ship.

Sifa, Edward, and Frank also followed the sailor to the opposite merchant ship, but Quincy could not see the figure, so he jumped off the ship early in the morning and invaded from the bottom compartment.

When they fell on the deck, the escorts of the merchant ship were still resisting. Sifa and the others hid behind some cargo. Edward glanced at Sifa and then sang poems that would make people fall asleep.

Amidst gunfire and cannons, Edward’s poems were floating on the deck. Sifa, who was hiding behind the cargo, immediately heard a sound of falling to the ground. He stood up and saw that the merchant ship’s **** fell over half of the rest. He was fighting against the Sandman, and it seemed that he would fall to sleep at any time.

"We surrender."

A tall, big beard with obvious features of the Fenebert race put a revolver on the deck: "Please don't hurt us. Just keep what you want, but please keep us some food and water. "

So simple?

Xifa thought he had heard it wrong, because this bearded man was the captain of the merchant ship and the owner of the goods.

Since you are about to surrender, I thought you had to do a lot of fighting just now.

"What do you say?" The beard asked again.

Xifa looked at the Breaking Wave, and seemed willing to hand over the matters here to Xifa and the others. Even if the merchant ship surrendered, the captain had no intention of coming over.

He looked at the two Edwards again, and saw that they had no plans to take over the topic, so he could only step forward and say: "No problem, as long as you cooperate, you won't be hurt."

"Are you the captain?"

"Yes." The beard nodded.

Xifa said: "Then call out all your people. I need to see each of them on the deck. I don't want to be disturbed when we move the cargo away."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The beard turned around and called a tall and strong man.

The height of nearly two meters reminded Sifa of Nafi, thinking that this man should be the ‘warrior’ among the three Beyonders on the ship.

"Go and call everyone up, including the guest in my room." The beard ordered.


What guest?

Xifa looked at the cabin and suddenly had a strange feeling, as if something in the cabin was calling him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a step forward: "Wait."

Both the captain and the "warrior" looked at him.

"I'll go down and have a look. You stay on the deck, control the rudder, lower the sails, and don't let them run." Sifa commanded the two Edward and walked towards the cabin alone.

When passing by the captain and the ‘warrior’, he warned: "You are not allowed to follow, or you will be at your own risk."

The "Blood Salute" has been carried in Sifa's hands~www.readwn.com~ He walked into the cabin, followed the stairs, and came to the floor below the deck.

After turning a corner, Xifa saw a dim passage in front of him, and at the end of the passage was a staircase to another level.

Trusting his inspiration, he walked towards the front room with his feelings.

A small wheel rudder hung on the door of that room, which seemed to be the captain's room.

When Sifa came to the door, he suddenly jumped back. At the same time, a gunshot sounded in the door, and there was a bullet hole in the door.

Xifa didn't idle either, lowered his elbows, squeezed the revolver firmly, and fired at the door and the wooden board that served as the wall.

Bang bang bang bang —

So on the deck, everyone heard a gunshot from the cabin...

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