022 World Destroyer – death (for flowers, for everything) a more

His body was penetrated by several bullets with a 100x speed, but Kuzan’s body recovered instantly. Even if the bullets were wrapped around Haki, it couldn’t hurt Kuzan’s body at all.

Facing the fist of Valdo who was so close at hand, Kuzan didn’t even bother to use Hyōrinmaru’s Bankai, so he directly showed the Bracer of Ice on his right hand, then wrapped Armament Haki, and grabbed Valdo directly with his right palm. fist.


A punch with a hundred times the speed hit Kuzan’s palm. The violent force directly pushed Kuzan’s body horizontally for dozens of meters. His legs were firmly planted on the ice field. Kuzan’s palm firmly grasped Valdo’s fist. .

Raising his head and looking at the surprised Valdo with a flat face, “This is your full strength? Weak, really weak! Compared to Teacher Zephyr, Garp Vice Admiral, your fist is as soft and weak as a sponge.”

“Don’t be kidding, I’m World Destroyer Byrnndi Valdo, how can I not beat you, a trash Marine who doesn’t even have a name.” Byrnndi Valdo growled.

He wanted to back away, but he found himself suddenly unable to move. Holding Waldo’s fist, Kuzan’s ice froze him directly along Waldo’s fist. Although it was not difficult to break free with Valdor’s power, it was enough time.

Kuzan’s other hand was raised, the Ice Bracers wrapped around his fist, the dark Armament Haki wrapped around it.

“Don’t blame me for pushing too hard, Diamond Star Fist.”

Under Waldo’s terrified gaze, Kuzan’s fist slammed into Waldo’s abdomen.

“Puff puff~~”

The power of Haki and his fist directly sent Valdo out with a savage punch, his body bowed in mid-air, and blood spurted out of his mouth. Finally, it landed on the ice and passed out.

Along with the blood, there were also ice crystals that kept flying out of his stomach.

Diamond Star Fist, this is Kuzan’s trick to imitate the golden saint of Aquarius, Kamui.

Although the impact of this move is very heavy, it does not have the ability to defeat Valdo with one punch.

The wrist guard Kuzan was wearing on his hand had needle-like spikes at the front end. Combined with the strength of Armament Haki and the fist itself, it was no worse than the cone head of the Cone Dragon Green Pepper.

With Valdo’s defense, he couldn’t prevent this blow at all, and even if he strengthened his body with Armament Haki, he could only be pierced.

And this is only the first blow. After piercing through Valdo’s defense, the next attack is the real attack method of the Diamond Star Fist.

After Kuzan’s fist smashes through Valdor’s defenses, countless ice crystal shards will fly out of his fist.

Each of these ice crystal fragments is very sharp, and it is unfavorable to cut gold and jade. Just imagine, Valdo’s body defense had already been smashed by Kuzan’s punch, and only the mortal body flowed down.

With a human body, it is absolutely impossible to block the ice crystal fragments that bless Haki. Perhaps, in this world, only Kaido, who is known as the strongest duel, can resist this blow.

Of course, the Diamond Star Fist looks very strong, but it also needs to be brewed and charged. It is generally difficult to use.

Only when Valdo was temporarily frozen by himself, like just now, could Kuzan perform this trick.

If their opponents are not Valdo, but Garp, Sengoku and the others, this move will definitely be useless, because with their Haki cultivation base and fruit ability, it is impossible for them to be frozen by Kuzan.

All in all, Valdo’s strength is too weak. If his Haki cultivation base is stronger, he will not be frozen by himself and can escape this fatal blow.

Kuzan lowered his head and looked at Valdo, who was lying on the ground constantly coughing up blood. Without a diagnosis, he knew that his internal organs had been blasted into slag by ice crystal fragments, and he would not live for long.

“Do you have any last words?” Walking to Waldo’s side, Kuzan squatted down and looked at Byrnndi Waldo, who was dying, without showing any sympathy.


Valdo vomited blood and laughed dryly.

Those confused eyes tried hard to open, and when he saw Kuzan, he smiled and smiled very happily. “I lost, but I also won.”

“You are just a Marine in the end. Although the Celestial Dragons are not dead, don’t forget that you did kill the Celestial Dragons. With the character of Celestial Dragons, which must be punished, if you continue to be a Marine, you will definitely die. Cough. cough~”

While vomiting blood, Waldo felt that his body was getting colder and colder, but he also felt happy. He could foresee that the Marine who killed him would also be hunted down by Marine and the World government just like himself.

ps (I’m usually not very watery in fighting scenes, and I will get it done in about three chapters. The reason why I fought Akainu for so long is also to satisfy the wishes of most sea fans, watching Akainu being abused. This book has no thunder, no abuse, please rest assured .

The other flowers are already more than 4,000, and it’s almost 5,000. Come on everyone! Full 5000 plus one more chapter. )*

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