Although everyone says that this sect leader is too fat.

But the heart is separated from the belly.

Especially my sect leader's belly is too separated.

So don’t take it too seriously!

——Taken from the Supreme Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth, Chapter 3663 of "My Diary" by Demon God Zhang

Vigorous and high-spirited.

Feel comfortable.

Just two words, Dejin!

Zuo Qiu felt great all over his body.

If only after he went out, he could hear the news that Zhang Laoba was beaten up by a monster.

That would be even better!

Zuo Qiu was in a good mood and even hummed a ditty.

But as they walked further and further into the deep and dark tunnel.

Soon they discovered that the underground passages extended in all directions.

There are even various channels, large and small, appearing.

This means that the underground passage may not only be used by the big dung beetle.

Maybe the big dung beetle also has many younger brothers.

The more he thought about it, the more dangerous he felt, so Zuo Qiu quickly asked everyone to speed up.

And you must not disperse the team at this time, or even act alone.

Spot the biggest passage and rush in quickly.

Of course, I didn’t just choose the channel randomly.

Zuo Qiu also has his own method of selection.

That's...looking at shit!

It is always right to choose the one with a lot of shit.

What a wit!

Wisdom, this is all "heavy" wisdom.

As they rushed forward, everyone's expressions became increasingly ugly.

One is that the pressure in my heart begins to increase.

And... there is really too much shit.

The taste is starting to get a bit strong!

"Hold on, everyone!"

Zuo Qiu was still shouting, and he rushed to the front.

The further inside, the more Zuo Qiu felt that something was wrong.

This passage doesn't seem like it's going up, but it feels like it's going down.

Gradually, Lord Duan also discovered this problem.

But he couldn't say anything because he didn't know which channel was correct.

At this moment, I can only believe Zuo Qiu!

The monks behind him also began to vomit in various ways.

It stinks, it stinks!

The further you go, the worse it gets!

They really regret it.

It's better to follow behind the shrine, at least he can still understand.

"Ah! It stinks so much that I can't stand it anymore. I want to cut off my nose!"

"No, no, no, third child, don't do this!"

"Brother Feng, don't stop me. I stink so much!"

"Third brother, don't cut it yet. Listen to me, I just farted!"

"Damn it, you're eating shit, I'd better cut your butt off first!"

The noise started coming from behind.

Zuo Qiu also knew that everyone was about to reach their limit.

Finally, a light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

The moment he saw these lights, Zuo Qiu screamed.

"We're here, everyone!"

Rushing forward, in an instant, a strange place came into view.

Huge dung balls appeared in front of me.

These huge dung balls seem to have been eroded by something unique around them. They actually have the feel of crystals and can even emit light!

Huge glowing dung balls, full of "charming" smell.

This is a huge dung ball square.

Any dung ball is as tall as several stories.

Zuo Qiu and the others looked down from above and felt that they were very small.

Who pooped so much?

Are you sure you didn't pull yourself to death?

Zuo Qiu opened his mouth slightly.


His judgment seemed to be a bit wrong.

Yes, dung beetles dig burrows in the ground. But he did not find the passage through which the dung beetle left. Instead, he walked all the way to the place where the dung beetle stored his "food."

These are all the "treasures" of the dung beetle!

They are also here to hunt for treasure.

But no one wants to find these treasures!

"Do you want to keep going?"

Mr. Duan's eyelids were twitching. This was like running into someone else's lair.

If you are caught by that big dung beetle outside at this time.

They really can't even explain it clearly.

Family members, who knows?

These dung ball thieves have all come to their lair.

Zuo Qiu didn't know what to say.

It's better to leave quickly before others catch you.


Zuo Qiu stepped back.

But at this moment, there was movement among these dung balls.

Then, one little dung beetle came out one after another.

To say they are small is to compare with the guy outside who can push a mountain of shit.

In fact, any one of these little dung beetles is bigger than a horse-drawn carriage.

It’s no problem to recommend a group of them!

Zuo Qiu's eyelids began to twitch.

No, I'm really going to be attacked by a dung beetle.

No, Zuo Qiu would rather play another round of mahjong with Zhang Laoba.

I don’t want to fight these dung beetles either!

If you win, you won’t show your face, but if you lose, you’ll be covered in shit.

ah! ah! ah!

"Quickly retreat!"

Zuo Qiu shouted, and the next moment he released an illusion, charming all the dung beetles present.

Countless people turned around and ran back.

What a trap!

What is this command? What is it?

If he hadn't been unable to defeat Zuo Qiu, many people would have wanted to kill Zuo Qiu at this moment.

Master Lian Duan's face looked very ugly.

If Zhang Laoba finds out about this, they will laugh to death.

The shrine is fighting monsters outside.

The Wuji Alliance and Jie Dian fought against Dung Beetle underground.

No need to compare, you know who is more embarrassed!

Zuo Qiu and others were already running very fast, but a large number of dung beetles were still chasing after them.

At this moment, Zuo Qiu could only bite the bullet and continue to command.


No matter where you run!

Fighting and retreating at the same time, soon no one knew whether they were going the way they came.

I didn’t even have time to read the marks left behind. The dung beetles were really chasing me too quickly.

Zuo Qiu couldn't help but curse.

"I didn't steal your shit. I really didn't. Whoever steals is a dog!"

After twists and turns, Zuo Qiu and others finally rushed into a large tunnel.

After running wildly for an hour or two, light appeared in front of me again.

But this time, it’s no longer Dung Beetle Square.

It's a big hole that really leads to the outside world!

Zuo Qiu and Master Duan almost cried when they saw the entrance of the cave.

Finally ran out.

The mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way out, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright again... that again, again!

Before he could finish his emotion, Zuo Qiu, who had just flown out of the cave, suddenly saw the big dung beetle in front of him who was controlled by his illusion, pushing a black mountain dung ball, right at the entrance of the cave.

The Big Dung Beetle and Zuo Qiu looked at each other like this, and in an instant, the Big Dung Beetle's whole body began to shine.

Why did I see you again?

Zuo Qiu's lips were trembling, and his heart was filled with sadness.

The big dung beetle even put down the dung ball this time and rushed directly towards Zuo Qiu.

The dung beetle grabs the dung ball palm!

Hundreds of limbs shoot out phantoms, the wind howls, the energy is overwhelming, and the shit is soaring into the sky!

When Lord Duan and others who had just come out saw this scene, they were surprised at first, and then looked desperate.


There are still people squatting in the "pit"!

Zuo Qiu, come on!

What else could Zuo Qiu say, other than to immediately release another illusion, hoping to control his mind again.

Unfortunately, this time, the dung beetle obviously didn't fall for the trick.

It just picked off its own head and threw it aside.

This doesn't stop it from rushing forward to fight.

Damn it!

It can still be like this!

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