Today a top quality elbow fell to the ground.

Immediately, the sect leader scolded the whole family for half an hour.

There are all kinds of swear words, but the most prominent one is "family reunion".

Half an hour later, the sect leader picked it up.

Okay, now my sect leader’s mouth is dirtier than it is, and you can eat it!

——Taken from the Supreme Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth, Chapter 1533 of "My Diary" by Demon God Zhang

In the next few days, Sect Master Zhang continued to consolidate his defenses.

The Fangri Divine Envoy who escaped back was also ordered by Sect Master Zhang to garrison the Snow Feng Mountains, finally stabilizing the situation.

Jie Dian's surprise attack was tried several times, but he could not open up the situation, so he had to retreat again.

Zuo Qiu quickly regained his territory, and then joined forces with Jie Dian, pretending to attack the Snow-sealed Mountains.

In this regard, Sect Master Zhang did not panic at all.

He only ordered that Fangri Divine Envoy and others defend with all their strength.

If you want to fight, fight, don't be afraid, this sect leader is your solid backing.

If it really doesn't work, this sect leader will personally...

I sent the envoy to support you!

Of course, this letter was also written to Fangri God Envoy and them to read. If something really happens, Sect Leader Zhang D is not sure that he can take charge of it.

He himself might even have to run to the Lord Envoy.

But I don’t know why, after Sect Master Zhang wrote this letter.

Both the Wuji Alliance and the Jie Palace were quiet for a while.

He stopped fighting and retreated slowly, as if to defend himself.

Who is this confusing?

Can this sect leader fall for this evil trick?

If you don't fight, this sect master will be happy and at ease.

But soon, Zuo Qiu's letter was delivered to Zhang Mo through the hands of Fangri Divine Envoy.

While sending the letter, Zuo Qiu also intentionally released the news. Not only the monks in the Snow-sealed Mountains knew about it, but also the Dragon and Snake Kingdom knew that Zuo Qiu was going to negotiate with Lord Pleiades God Envoy. What other angles could there be? The Wood God Envoy is still alive. If you want to get the Kakumu God Envoy back, the shrine must give up some territory.

Zhang Mo hadn't received the letter yet, but various news had reached his ears first.

What was originally a good negotiation turned out to be a conspiracy between the Pleiades God Envoy and Zuo Qiu of the Wuji Alliance to harm the Jiaomu God Envoy, complete the borrowed knife killing, and eliminate the competitors.

Zhang Mo was about to curse after hearing the news.

Be sick!

It's a bit too much. If these words reach the ears of other ambassadors, wouldn't it mean that his honest, honest, loyal and lovely image will be tarnished!

This decisiveness is unbearable!

Immediately, as soon as Zuo Qiu's letter arrived, Zhang Mo called all the candidate divine envoys here for a meeting.

The letter was directly given to Tang Ji. Zhang Mo didn't even read it, so he asked Tang Ji to read it aloud in public to put things in perspective.

This sect leader has not had any "illegitimate" transactions with Zuo Qiu.

This is purely a slander from the enemy!

Just for fun... No, it should be for the sake of the reputation of the Pleiades God Envoy.

Lian Qijun sent a witness, the Divine Envoy of Heart and Moon.

In front of everyone, Zhang Mo asked Tang Ji to show the letter first.

"Look at it, take a look clearly. I haven't even opened it yet, and the bamboo tubes are all intact."

Tang Ji took the letter and walked around for everyone to see clearly, and everyone nodded.

Believe it or not, I don't dare to refute Zhang Mo at this moment.

"Open! Read to them."

Zhang Morang said loudly.

It's really too much. It has ruined the reputation of this sect leader. It must be clarified.

Tang Ji immediately opened the bamboo tube in front of everyone and took out Zuo Qiu's autographed letter.

After coughing twice, Tang Ji was about to start thinking.

There was a flash of light on the letter, and then, the letter itself flew up and floated in the air, and then a shadow appeared, which was Zuo Qiu's head.

So lifelike!

Then Zuo Qiu's shadow began to speak.

"Brother Zhang personally initiated it. I have completed the mission you gave me. I have captured the Jiaomu Divine Envoy alive. The method you gave me is really useful. But it is time for me to give up the snow-covered mountains as promised. Why are you still occupying it and not leaving? Should the Divine Envoy Jiaomu be killed or released? I'll keep it for you. Otherwise, let's find a time and a place to meet..."

Damn it!

Zhang Mo slapped the shadow away.

I really couldn't listen to it anymore.

Seeing the letter fall on the table, Zhang Mo stood up and pointed at the letter: "Rumors, pure rumors!"

Everyone else looked at Zhang Mo without saying a word.

Oh, this is your clarification, sir!

What a great clarification!

The more you talk, the more problems you have!

Tang Ji was dumbfounded and stared at Zhang Mo.

As the shrine monk who has been with Zhang Mo for the longest time, he doesn't quite believe that the sect leader and the Wuji Alliance can still have a relationship and cooperate.

But when I think about the various tricks and manipulations of the sect leader, it is always unexpected.

It doesn’t seem impossible!

So what is this today?

Did you mess up?

Everyone present had complicated expressions. If they had only two or three points of faith before, now they have five or six points.

It's just that Pleiades God made you act too disrespectful.

You can take this thing out and talk about it in public.

Or was he too confident and asked Zuo Qiu of the Wuji Alliance to write a letter to clarify, only to be tricked by Zuo Qiu?

I can't understand it, I really can't understand it.

But there is no doubt that with the level of the Pleiades God Envoy, he can really pull off this trick.

Zhang Mo didn't know what to say.

He knew by looking at everyone's expressions that there was no point in explaining.

You old Yinbi from the Wuji League, you must have spread the rumors deliberately.

The entire sect master, right?

Well played!

This sect leader was really caught off guard.

You also deliberately let Xin speak out on his own, for fear that this sect leader's "good reputation" would be ruined by you, right?

After a moment of silence, Zhang Mo pointed at the letter and said: "Don't fall into the enemy's tricks, this sect master is innocent!"

Others nodded.

Tang Ji also said beside him: "That's right, that's right. I believe in your sect master, you must be white."

"Yes, yes, yes, Lord Pleiades God Envoy is very white!"

"White, very white!"

"My lord, there is no need to explain. We all understand. This matter cannot be elaborated on."

Zhang Mo looked at everyone again with "I understand" expressions on their faces.

I really don’t know what to say.

I guess within two days, the entire shrine will know that he deliberately harmed the Divine Envoy Kakumu.

Hey, although this sect leader does have this intention.

But this sect leader really didn’t do this!

He brought it all on himself, okay? Don't push it on this sect leader's head.

There was a cry of sadness in my heart.

Zhang Mo couldn't explain clearly even though his whole body was covered with mouth.

That’s it, it doesn’t matter. If you have too much debt, you don’t have to worry about it. If you have too much shit, you don’t have to stink!

Suddenly, Divine Envoy Xinyue asked: "Envoy Pleiades, we all believe in you. But since Divine Envoy Jiaomu is still alive, what are you going to do?"

With one sentence, everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhang Mo's face again, waiting for Zhang Mo's answer.

At this time, if Zhang Mo chooses not to save him again.

Does this mean that Lord Pleiades Divine Envoy has really planned to let him die for a long time?

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