lead gray sky, everything is bleak.

behind a huge bluestone, dozens of pairs of lewd mouse eyes, silently stared at the barefoot boy in white and gradually drifted away.

the rat king gritted his teeth and said: “This damn little whirlwind, eating inside and out, actually betrayed her handsome, fresh and handsome, thief-eyed rat-eyed king!” < p idx="3"> a young man asked curiously: “Wang, what did this stinky snake do last night?” It can actually change the color of heaven and earth! ”


Rat King turned his head and scolded, and lowered his voice: “If King Ben guessed correctly, this stinky snake should be trying to evolve into a jiao.” ”

“Wang, what is Jiao, are those spirit fruits delicious?”


Rat King slapped him fiercely, and the young brother of the fan was like a top, spinning in place for several times.

“Every day you know to eat and eat, if you dare to become the second pig intestine of our rat tribe, the king will cook you.”

“Little ones, this stinky snake doesn’t know where to go, anyway, the time is running out.”

“Rush into the cave, leave all the spirit fruits alone, and empty them all.”

raised the sword in his hand that was as bright as snow, and the rat king said with a solemn expression: “Now this stinky snake slanders the rat tribe, the rat tribe, the rat tribe, the laughing rat tribe, the light rat tribe, and the pariah rat tribe.” ”

“Wait another ten years, and see how we rat tribes will eat the smelly snake inch by inch.”

“The day the rat race is born, it is the time of the birth and calamity.”


Rat King gave an order, dozens of white-haired rat spirits turned into human forms, hundreds of rat tides, Wuyang Wuyang rushed towards the cave on the cliff.

after half a blaze of incense kung fu.

in front of the cave.

Rat King was stunned, staring at the ancient rattan that looked like a living thing.

it is like snakes tens of meters long, actually drawing large swathes of red blood that seeps into the soil.

< p idx="21">“grunt~” Rat King swallowed his saliva fiercely and muttered: “King Ben can be regarded as knowing how those spirit fruits came from~”

Is this snake blood, or jiao blood?”

“It won’t be dragon’s blood, will it?!”

look at the ancient rattan deep in the ground, and listen to the clearly audible grunting and drinking sound.

King Rat is creepy, “Little ones, the wind is tight~”


a corner of the mountains and rivers.

whimpering, Zhu Jiuyin stabbed a wild boar to death with a black death spear.

In just a few seconds, two hundred pounds of fierce wild boar were squeezed alive into a jerky by the ancient war spear.

Black Death Spear that binge-drank the qi and blood essence of several wild boars, and it was red and bright at the moment.

cracks all over the rough spear body open and close, like a human breathing.

turning his head to look in the direction of the cave, Zhu Jiuyin slowly lowered his raised arm.

“What’s wrong master?”

asked the little whirlwind lying on his shoulder.

“It’s okay.”

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head and continued to walk towards the town ten miles away.


freezing weather.

the town entrance is sparsely crowded.

Under the bare old locust tree, the old willow who sells sugar gourds in Sword Alley, dressed in a tattered sheepskin fur, sits on the stump, squinting slightly.

his yellow-earth-like face was frozen red, and a pair of withered hands covered his mouth, breathing hot breath from time to time.

on the body of the locust tree next to him, leaning on the grass target that the old man used to insert sugar gourds.

on it, there is only one string of bright red sugar gourds.

Amid the brittle laughter of silver bells, several children rushed from the end of the long street.

“Grandpa Liu, what’s the last string left?”

old man smiled kindly, “You little gluttonous cats, it’s very cold, go home quickly, grandpa, I’ll do more tomorrow.” ”

“Grandpa Liu, we ran most of the town to find you, this last string, just give it to us.”

several boys sniffed hard.

old man shook his head, “Today, grandpa, I will make this string.” ”

“And it is for the undead, not for the living.”

“Well, obedient, go back, don’t get frozen.”

a few children walked away with their heads down.

after about a cup of tea.

a snow-white dress came into the eyes of the old willow.

his appearance is estimated to be seventeen or eight years old, and the young man with a white ribbon in his eyes walked through the town archway and passed by the old willow.


Old Willow sighed lightly, “The sugar gourd made by the old immortal has even been eaten by the little ghost surnamed Qi, but the child.” ”

“This blessing cannot be sent.”

old man was about to get up, and suddenly sat down again, the corners of his mouth outlined a meaningful arc.

footsteps come from far and near.

a cold voice rings in your ears.

“Old man, how much is a bunch of sugar gourds?”

old man raised his eyes and grinned, revealing his mouth full of crooked yellow teeth.

stretched out a finger, “A copper coin.” ”

“I want it~”

“67”> “Okay.”

old man stood up, took out a piece of oil paper from his sleeve, wrapped the first and last string of sugar gourds today, and handed it to the boy in white.

The small whirlwind squatting on the shoulder of the teenager also grabbed a copper plate from the thick and smooth white hair.

old people and teenagers.

one person receives money and one person takes things.

looking at the distant back of the boy in white, the old willow head carried the target and hummed softly as he walked home.

“nine is the pole of numbers.”

“a sweet one.”

“Child, eat grandpa’s sugar gourd, keep you sweet nine.”


Town Wind Lane, blacksmith shop.

“waste, unified group waste, even his mother’s family can’t look at it!”

Han Ying, the owner of the blacksmith shop with a short figure and a shiny bald head, is pointing at several large dogs and cursing.

several big dogs all shrug their heads.

several master blacksmiths were silent while expressing deep sympathy.

The blacksmith shop has been thieved five times in the past ten years.

that group of thieves not only stole eighteen weapons such as knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, but also hoes, axes, kitchen knives, sickles, and other things.

forced to helplessly, Han Ying had to feed several large dogs.

Unfortunately, last night the shop was stolen again and almost completely ransacked.

even the dragon slaying knife that Han Ying personally forged was gone.

literally poured eight lifetimes of blood mold.


After taking a deep breath, Han Ying looked up in a certain direction.

I saw a sword suspended high in the air tied with red cloth on the beam of the blacksmith shop.

“It’s good that you didn’t lose it~”

Han Ying ordered: “Da Niu, go and replace the red cloth with white cloth.” < p idx="93"> the honest young man wondered: “Why? ”

“Let you change what you want, where is so much nonsense.”

“The treasurer, this red blood has been hanging for several years, why haven’t you seen its owner come to take it?”

Han Ying said faintly: “Immediately come to the person~”

It’s just a pity, it’s not its owner.”


town of Wuyi Lane.

crunch, Zhu Jiuyin pushed open the courtyard door.

this is his third visit to the Chen Family Courtyard.

things that are still so familiar.

Zhu Jiuyin pushed open the door of the main house.

look suddenly startled.

On the wooden bed > > In the blink of an eye, the woman disappeared without a trace.

on the wooden bed, the quilt is neatly folded, the mattress is not wrinkled in the slightest, but it is full of dust.

Zhu Jiuyin felt like he had broken into an old yellowed photo.


ps: I don’t know where to start with thanks, there are too many Taoist friends who give gifts.

In short, thank you for the strong support of all the Qiandao Kundao, the little brother is under a lot of pressure.

only word for word.

book is free, paid gifts are free, don’t break the bank,

watch a free advertisement, give a free gift.

short reviews, book reviews are needed, in addition, I will take time to read everyone’s comments one by one.

please correct any errors.

don’t talk about it, change the outline of the Cangxue chapter.

no more knives!

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