small town Shenmu Forest, fence courtyard on the bank of the Taiping River.

the blue-shirted man fished out a small watermelon from the water tank, put his fingers together into a sword, and gathered qi into a blade.

click to easily center the watermelon and cut it.

first put half in front of the big yellow dog, the blue-shirted man took a wooden spoon, picked up the other half, sat on a small bench in the shade, and happily ate melons.

Suddenly, footsteps came from far and near.

the blue-shirted man looked up.

but saw a small head leaning into the courtyard door.

little boy is about eight or nine years old, wearing shorts, shorts, straw shoes on his feet, and holding a jade box in his arms.

the big black and white eyes exude a moist and silent aura.

boy called Dumb, who lives in the small town of Clipping Rain Lane and is a student of the blue-shirted man.

“Dumb? Come and eat melons. ”

the blue-shirted man smiled and beckoned to the little boy.

boy came to the shade of the tree and faced his master, somewhat nervous.

smiled sternly, handed over the jade box in his hand, and whispered: “Master, this is a son surnamed Zhao, let Adu give it to you, saying that it is a gift for you.” ”

the blue-shirted man looked at the boxy jade box, and at the end of his nose, he faintly smelled the slightest wisp of blood.

frowned slightly, and took the jade box.

“Master, the students go first.”

the little boy ran away with a cigarette and disappeared.

put down the half-eaten melon, and the blue-shirted man opened the jade box.

what comes into view is a bloody human head.

two dead gray eyes that had long lost their radiance, stared at the blue-shirted man deadly.

Mr. was expressionless.

gently toss.

the jade box was thrown out of the fence yard with human heads and into the Taiping River not far away.

while continuing to eat melons, he whispered: “One head falls, all things are born~”


small town.

the rooster of Zhangsan’s family in the east of the town laid a golden egg, and the chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and cats in the town of Ming’er will know about it.

news that Ji Yuan of Wuyi Lane was sent to his wife Xiao Ran and sawed off his head with a saw, spread throughout most of the town in just two hours.

people were panicked for a while.

many people want to escape the town and hide in the deep mountains and forests.

it is a pity that the Janissaries brought by Zhao Mang, chased by the rollers, crawled with rolls, crying daddy and calling mother.

under the old locust tree at the mouth of the town.

Zhao Mang shook the folding fan, the heat was so hot that he wanted to stick out his tongue.

Ye Zhaoqiu is the second product of internal refining and moving to the mountain realm, and his true qi is automatically cycling all the time, and he has long been not afraid of the scorching heat and cold.

As for Liufeng and Gu Wuyang, the heart is calm and naturally cool.

“This broken place is no different from a stove, what a sin.”

just as Zhao Mang cursed, several elderly people in the town, all on crutches, walked towards the old locust tree.

leading old man, about 80 years old.

ravine-like wrinkles are covered with dirt.

“Old Immortal Shen Ping, I have seen the Seventh Prince.”

old man first hugged Zhao Mang, and then said with a solemn expression: “Before, the group of mean women in this town, as well as the group of dog men who were full of courage, angered the Seventh Prince and the two girls. ”

“Old age is here, on behalf of the whole town, I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to the Seventh Prince and to the two fairy-like girls.”

plopped down a few times.

seven of the most respected old men in the town knelt in front of Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, Liufeng and Gu Wuyang.

Zhao Mang yawned, with a cold face.

The reason why he killed people was because he was offended by the eyes of the townsman Chiguoguo at the entrance of the town before?!

these old immortals really think of themselves as murderous devil without blinking?

Zhao Mang never likes to kill.

Mo said that the royal brothers had hundreds, if not thousands, of lives on their hands.

Zhao Mang has killed more people than ordinary disciples.

can be counted.

Zhao Mang’s favorite, most through various means, to make the husband willingly kill his wife with his own hands.

let the wife chop up the children, and let the children cook the old father and mother alive.

“old sir.”

Zhao Mang, who was squatting on the tree stump, looked down condescendingly at several old people who buried their foreheads in the loess,

said nonchalantly: “This palace came to your town this time to ask about a person from that Mr. Qi Qingqi. ”

“Mr. Nehozi does not want to tell me.”

“In desperation, this palace made this decision.”

“Sir, I really, really don’t want to kill.”

“As long as Mr. Qi can tell me the news I want to know, the main palace will leave.”

“Killing Brother Ji Yuanji, the main palace is also very heartbroken, after all, it is my Wei country’s people.”

“But sir, I really can’t help it.”

Suddenly, Zhao Mang closed the folding fan and gently tapped his head with the fan.

“Old sir, no, Brother Ji Yuan Ji was not killed by me.”

“His head, but it was sawed off by his wife, Miss Xiao Ranxiao.”

“As the seventh prince of the Wei capital, the future king of the Wei Kingdom, it is too late to love you, how can you kill my people?”

“Old gentleman, this kind of slanderous remarks that slander people’s names, don’t dare to say it casually~”


after a blaze of incense kung fu.

little boy panted and ran back under the old locust tree.

Zhao Mang hurriedly asked, “Did Mr. Qi receive a gift?” ”

boy nodded, “received big brother.” < p idx="73"> “Did Mr. Qi say anything?”


Zhao Mang shoved a few gold leaves into the boy’s hand.

smiled and said, “Hard work, go home.” < p idx="77"> little boy smiled brightly, “Thank you big brother.” ”

looking at the boy who blushed little, Zhao Mang’s eyes dripped and rolled.

“What’s your name?”

“Big brother, my name is Dumb.”

“Is Mr. Qi a student?”


Zhao Mang narrowed his slender eyes slightly, “Dumb, my brother is hungry, can I go to your house to eat something?” < p idx="84"> little boy said hospiciously: “Of course.” ”


after one hour.

the sun gradually sinks to the west.

a small loess courtyard in Swift Wind Lane is filled with dozens of small-town residents.

“Dumb dead!”

“The child is so pitiful that his head was sawed off by his mother.”

“Dumb dead?” What the hell is going on? ”

“The seventh prince gave a silver ticket worth 1,000 taels to Dumb’s stepfather, and asked the man to sawn off Dumb’s head. I never thought that Dun resisted fiercely, and the man couldn’t suppress it for a while. ”

“What’s next?”

“Next, the seventh prince threatened Dumb’s mother, saying that he wanted to kill Dumb’s stepfather.”

“The dumb mother immediately took the saw from the man’s hand and sawed off her own son’s head with her own hands.”

“Strange to say, facing his stepfather, Duan is like a violent little tiger. In the face of his mother, he remained motionless from beginning to end, Mo said he resisted, and he didn’t even make a scream. ”

“Alas, you can’t blame the woman, after all, she is a widow, she really wants to die two husbands in a row, and no one in the town dares to marry again.”

“That’s right, if the son dies, he can have another one, and if the second husband dies, the woman is Kef’s lone star and will become an outlier in our town.”

“That Seventh Prince, put Dumb’s head into a jade box and sent it to Mr. Qi.”

“Damn Qi Qingyan, he is the culprit who deserves to be pickpocketed and cramped and shredded corpses!”

“I’m wondering, didn’t that seventh prince inquire about someone’s news, why didn’t the surname Qi want to tell him?”

“Do you say that if the surname Qi is not in the oil and salt, who will suffer next?”

“We can’t sit still, we have to act!”


under the old locust tree at the mouth of the town.

Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, as well as Liufeng and Gu Wuyang, all four of them looked at the war horse galloping towards the covered bridge.

warhorse carrying a Janissary.

Janissaries hold a jade box containing Adu’s head in his arms.

“Ji Yuan has nothing to do with your surname Qi, you are cold-blooded and cold-hearted.”

“But Dun is your student, I want to see if you Qi Qingqian can still sit firmly on the fishing platform.”

Zhao Mang’s eyes are bright and playful.


the ground, a scream startled Zhao Mang.

“You call a hammer?!”

Zhao Mang angrily glared at the flower’s discolored.

“temple… Your Highness, what a big mouse! ”

look in the direction of the flowing wind finger.

Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, and Gu Wuyang all gasped.

across the long street, a cat-like white-haired rat, standing upright like a human.

two red onyx-like eyes stared straight at the four people under the old locust tree.

after discovery.

the white-haired rat is like an off-string arrow, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.


ps: I’ll be here today, four more 10,000 words tomorrow, write the plot of Zhao Mang at once, and open the verification recommendation the day after tomorrow.

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