gongs and drums are loud and firecrackers are sounding. Red flag exhibition, rat mountain and rat sea.

the blazing sun hangs high in the heart of the sky.

not around the mountain, rat infestation is rampant.

thousands of white-haired rats squeeze the cliff in front of the cave. The largest is like a dog, and the smallest is like a cat.

hair is thick and shiny as snow, as if satin. The rat’s teeth are sharp, and the rat’s eyes are black and slippery, exuding a cunning color.

Looking down from the long sky, the dense group of rats looks like a white horse, hanging horizontally on the majestic mountains.

even the two peach trees, Peach Da and Xiaosan’er, are overgrown with fat white fur rats, hanging heavily on the branches.

Before the cave, he swallowed red fragrant fruit more than ten years ago, turned into a human form, and led the rat tribe to fight with Zhu Jiuyin in a fierce battle, and now his hands are crossed at the waist, and his body is not hanging an inch.

“Stinky snake, twelve years ago, King Ben warned you during his strategic retreat, I will definitely return.”

“Today, this majestic mountain, this cave, it’s time to change owners!”

The heat wave rushes from heaven and earth on a scorching hot day, blowing the white hair of the rat king, like a silver snake dancing.

“Children, after twelve years of indecent development, it’s time to raise the majesty of our rat race~”

“12”> “This battle is destined to be difficult, and many rats and rats will die.”

“But, don’t be sad, don’t be afraid, don’t hold back.”

“This stinky snake has almost wiped out our clan several times, and countless ancestors have come and followed, throwing their heads and spilling blood, just for the shame of our rat clan.”

“In a word, mourn for the dead and fight for the living.”

“Kill this stinky snake and let the gods see who is the owner of this mountain!”


Rat King drank fiercely, two or three hundred white-haired rat essences turned into human forms, and tens of thousands of white-haired rats rushed into the cave.

the cliffs tremble and smoke billows.

monstrous murderous and startled the birds.


half an hour later.

“Damn stinky snake, King Ben will definitely be back!”

the whole time as a wall view, and the rat king, who did not even step further into the cave, led a large wave of defeated soldiers to run for their lives, bringing a burst of smoke and dust behind his butt.

inside the cave.

the corpse of the white-haired rat spirit was spread all over the ground.

Eighteen weapons such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks are scattered everywhere.

“Hiccup~” IDX=”29″> In front of Chixiang Fruit Mountain, the python’s body swelled two and a half circles of Zhu Jiuyin, slowly raised the python’s head, and hiccuped a long, long full burp.

a little bit.

that’s a little bit worse.

Zhu Jiuyin will be held to death.

turned into a human form, and two or three hundred white-haired rat essences all entered Zhu Jiuyin’s belly.

the thickest part of the python’s body, at least two adult men can hold it.

Twenty-six years after crossing this world, Zhu Jiuyin ate so full for the first time that he held up until the whites of his eyes turned up.

“Click~” IDX=”37″> dense red scales run over the rough ground, and the muscles containing terrifying power pull the python’s body.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly swam in front of a white-haired mouse.

cat-like white-haired rat on all fours, mouth slightly open, tongue pulled to the side.

it’s clear that you’re playing dead.

huge python head hangs low, and between breaths, hot snort sprays on the white-haired rat.

Zhu Jiuyin’s voice was cold: “If you don’t get up again, I will crush you alive into rat pieces.” ”

“python fairy spares life

~” “snake master’s subordinates show mercy~”

> two voices sounded at the same time.

in addition to the female mouse in front of Zhu Jiuyin, there is also a male mouse in addition to Liangzhang who turns over.

Two white-haired rat essences, one pair of front paws in the shape of a fist, constantly begging Zhu Jiuyin for mercy.

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the female mouse in front of him and asked, “What’s your name?” ”

a pair of red-eyed female rats said in a soft voice: “Back to the python fairy, the slave family is the slowest in the rat clan, and the rat king called me a little whirlwind.” < p idx="50"> Zhu Jiuyin looked at the male mouse with black eyes and shining eyes, “What about you, what is your name?” < p idx="51"> male rat said sincerely and fearfully: “Snake master, the small one is the most edible in the rat clan, and the rat king called me pig intestines.” < p idx="52"> looked at the skinny female mouse.

looked at the fat male again.


Zhu Jiuyin sighed heavily.

also wants to train the two rats to become the guardian rats of the future apprentices.

strangled this thought in the cradle sooner rather than later.

otherwise it is difficult to ensure that when the disciples go out to wander, they will not die without corpses.

“You two rats, are you willing to join me and be my minions?”

Zhu Jiuyin asked expressionlessly.

male rat immediately kowtowed, “Snake master, from now on, my pig’s intestine is your most loyal dog leg.” < p idx="62"> female rat also respectfully said, “Python fairy, from now on, the slave family is willing to serve you.” ”

“very good~”

“64”> Shenhua blazing, Zhu Jiuyin turned into a human form.

in front of the small whirlwind and the pig’s intestine, bite the index finger, and write the word “death” in the void, which is for ‘death’.

slender palm lightly patted, the first word ‘death’ was beaten into the body of the small whirlwind by Zhu Jiuyin.

the second word ‘dead’, which is punched into the pig’s large intestine.

“This is a death spell, and if I dare to give birth to two hearts, I will die without a whole corpse and turn into blood.”

the two rats said in unison: “Don’t dare~”

“70”> pointed to the mountains of fruit not far away, Zhu Jiuyun said lightly: “You rat clan have killed me several times, isn’t it just for the red fragrant fruit.” ”

“I have become my minions, and I can eat it as I please.”

little whirlwind: “Python fairy generous!” ”

Pig Intestine: “Snake Master Mighty!” ”


> Looking at the gobbling up two rats, the corners of Zhu Jiuyin’s mouth couldn’t help but outline a subtle arc.


the next day.

in front of the mountain of fruit.

python’s body exploded to 30 meters long Zhu Jiuyin, coiled into a crimson mountain.

small whirlwind and pig intestine respectfully lying on the ground.

“You two rats, who is faster?”

Zhu Jiuyin asked.

small whirlwind pointed at the pig’s large intestine,” he said. ”

pig intestine also pointed to the small whirlwind, “she.” < p idx="85"> Zhu Jiuyin had a headache: “You two rats, who has a more sensitive sense of smell?” ”

“Snake master, me!”

pig’s large intestine said excitedly: “Don’t hide from you, a hundred miles of, the small one only needs to sniff a little, you can know which beast pulled it.” ”

Zhu Jiuyin’s eyes lit up.

after a blaze of incense.

pig intestine wearing Ah Fei’s tiger head hat and galloping towards the east.

as for the small cyclone, it is to the town.

After finding Ah Fei, the pig’s large intestine will hide in the dark and peep closely.

and the small whirlwind is to notify Zhu Jiuyin in time when Wei Du comes.

the most urgent thing at the moment is the apologetic.

“Where to look?”

Zhu Jiuyin pondered.


Xiangang Continent, Ten Kingdoms and Thousands of Jiao.

although the Wei state was not comparable to the ten states of Northern Qi, Dali, Baiyue, and Dijung, it stood out among the small countries.

the land of the thirteen states of the Wei state is like a bright star, jointly guarding the blazing sun of the Wei capital.


Changning Street.

a corner of the magnificent mansion.

Under the shade of the trees, Zhao Mang, the Seventh Prince, was lying comfortably on a rattan chair.

two maids beside him, one gently shaking a fan, the other from time to time rolled a red date from the jade bowl and sent it into Zhao Mang’s mouth.

Under the scorching sun outside the shade, there are two men.

a man in his forties, dressed in a coarse linen shirt, just one of the thousands of poor people in Weidu.

man sweating profusely and kneeling on hot granite floor tiles.

the other wearing a parasol, dressed in a black power suit, and wearing a long knife hanging from his waist, about twenty years old, is the personal martial arts attendant of the seventh prince Zhao Mang.

“This jujube tastes really good, Wuyang, do you want to taste one?”

Zhao Mang asked while chewing.

the young man called Wuyang did not reply, but shook his head slightly woodenly.

Zhao Mang pouted, “boring~”

“114”>”seven… Seventh Highness, can you reward the slave with a sip of water, it is so hot that he almost faints. ”

middle-aged man in ragged clothes begged in a low voice.

beads of sweat continue to drip from the tip of the nose and chin.

Zhao Mang sat up, propped his chin, and asked, “What’s your name?” < p idx="118"> man hurriedly replied: “Seventh Highness, the slave is called Li Xian.” ”

“Li Chang~” IDX=”120″> Zhao Mang continued to ask: “How many silver taels did you borrow from my money bank?” ”

“a total of five taels.”

“What are you doing?”

“bought a few sheep.”

“The one-year deadline has arrived, why don’t you pay it back?”

man said hoarsely: “Seven Highnesses, thirty taels, too much, I really can’t finish it.” ”

“The slave sold all the houses, sheep, and land, but it was much worse.”

“Seven Highnesses, I beg you to be a slave, please spare some time.”

Zhao Mang narrowed his slender eyes and bowed slightly at the saber youth.

youth will be happy and walk out of the yard.

“Li Chang, the suffering of the world, who has not yet been difficult, His Highness understands very well.”

man immediately kowtows like garlic.

shouted: “Seven Highnesses are benevolent and magnanimous!” ”


> Zhao Mang sneered.

Soon, the Saber youth returned.

holding a steaming bowl of broth in his left hand and a pair of chopsticks in his right hand.

“Kneeling for two hours, in addition to thirst, I must have been hungry.”

Zhao Mang stuffed a yin jujube into his mouth and chewed fiercely: “Here, Li Chang, dry this bowl of broth.” ”

“After drying, His Highness will grant you three years.”

man said excitedly: “Thank you, thank you Your Highness Seven!” < p idx="141"> he said, stretched out his rough hands, took the broth and chopsticks, and gobbled them up.

looking at a man eating meat in large chunks and gulping soup.

Zhao Mang said faintly: “Li Xian, when you return home later, you will find that your old lady who is sick in bed has suddenly evaporated in the world.” ”

“no one can be seen in life, no corpse is seen in death~”

> man’s body trembled violently.

staring at the broth in a white porcelain bowl.

pupil in the orbit suddenly shrinks to the size of a needle tip.

stomach, it is even more upside down.

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