After the heavy rain, the mountains and forests are all crystal clear.

babbling stream, reflecting the moon in the sky, sparkling.

peach blossom-eyed girl returned to the snow, taking Zhao Mansion with dozens of martial artists, not moving.

the gaze of a group of people and others, all looking at the green falcon that was suspended in mid-air with its wings quickly flapping its wings.

“Lord Hui Xue, why is your blue falcon hanging over?”

a takeo asked suspiciously.

girl said with a cold face: “That young assassin’s aura is dispersed, and the green falcon needs time to discern.” ”

“”So it is~”

“8”> a half-empty blue falcon, facing south one moment and east the next.

to the south, there is a majestic mountain, which looks like a creeping wild beast from afar, bringing Huixue a sense of oppression deep into the soul.

“Swagger mountain is 8,000 zhang high, and it wants to fall southeast.”

“This mountain is not much worse than the swagger mountain, is it famous?”

Huixue asked as he looked up at Jugaku.

“Lord, Mr. Qi once named this mountain, calling it Buzhou~”



back snow willow leaf eyebrows frowned slightly.

“Sir, Mr. Qi has a saying, Buzhou Mountain is the backbone of the ancient gods who opened the heavens and the earth.”


“> Huixue said disdainfully: “Compared with Zhong Lingyuxiu and the swaggering mountains of thousands of weather, this is not a high left.” ”


“20”> the blue falcon in the air suddenly made a crisp sound and flew towards the east.

“keep up~”

“22”> Huixue greeted all the wufu and followed the green falcon across the stream.


the girl in the rush suddenly stopped.

Huo Ran turned around and looked somewhere in Buzhou Mountain, which was flowing with moonlight.

that’s a cliff.

cliff, stand two large trees with lush leaves.

the distance is too far away, and it is dark to tell what species the two trees are.

“What’s wrong, adult?”

Huixue narrowed her peach blossom eyes slightly, her eyes flickering.

“Fangcai, I seem to see a man standing on the edge of that cliff!”

“Obviously no one, adult, are you mistaken?”

Huixue whispered: “Maybe~”


half an hour later.

thousands of peaks.

next to a stream.

Huixue crouched down and looked at the large area of soft grass that was overwhelmed by the stream.


“The assassin bandaged his wound here.”

stretched out his palm, stained with a little blood.

you can clearly feel the faint warmth of the blood.

“The front and back feet are only half a blaze time.”

Huixue smiled coldly, “If I catch up, I will definitely pick you up and cramp!” ”

a group of people and others, followed the green falcon, and rushed into the primeval forest of ancient trees.


after a blaze of incense.

the smile on the face of the snow goose egg is getting bigger and bigger.

without even being tracked by a falcon, the girl had smelled the blood of the assassins from the oncoming wind, and heard the footsteps of desperate rushing.

‘ should be a hasty bandaging of the wound. ‘

“Presumably the fierce running at this moment has caused the wound to burst open. ‘

‘ must have heard footsteps faintly coming from behind, presumably panicked and terrified. ‘

cornering prey and then brutally killing it.

smile as the prey struggles and the various expressions that appear on the face before death.

Unwillingness, despair, regret, fear…

girl likes this feeling of playing with and controlling her prey.

because it’s really cool.


in his mind, it was as if a thunder had fallen on the ground.

an instant, more than a dozen people, including the girl with peach blossom eyes, suddenly stopped their figures in the sprint, as if they had taken root under their feet, and did not dare to move.

on everyone’s bare skin, the originally soft sweat and fluff are now as strong as needles.

In front of everyone, a large tree outside the sky covered the sky, stood a long figure.

because of looking up, in the eyes of everyone, the long figure seemed to come out of a round jade disk high in the night sky.

white clothes are dusty, and black hair is flying freely.

his face was as desolate as snow, with a pair of evil and awe-inspiring red vertical pupils.

stared at the pair of terrifying red eyes that were definitely not human, and Hui Xue swallowed a mouthful of saliva fiercely, as if swallowing a mouthful of magma.

The girl in the realm of the fourth rank is still creepy, and the dozens of martial artists in the Zhao Mansion have long broken their guts.

one by one, the two strands trembled, and their faces showed horror.

“Senior~”< P IDX="70"> the girl pressed the sea of hearts that surged strongly, and hugged her fist at the white-clothed boy on the canopy, =”71″> tone and posture were all respectful to the extreme.

“Junior Huixue, subordinate to the Wei State Wuge.”

“I don’t know why my predecessors stopped me and waited?”

Zhu Jiuyin, who looked down condescendingly at a group of people and others, slowly opened the five fingers of his right hand, and raised his right arm high.

“Guys, it’s time to go back to hell~”

next second.

sleeve hunting.

the entire right arm with the palm of the hand, slap it hard.

there were seventeen martial artists in Zhaofu.

all were instantly crushed into meat mud by the terrifying gravity of the sky falling.


the sound of bones cracking, swords shattering, the sound is in the ears.

warm blood splattered the peach blossom-eyed girl all over her body and face.


> pungent smell of blood goes straight into the seven tips.

the girl’s whole body was steaming with wisps of heat.

that’s uncooled human blood.

sticky blood, dripping down the ends of the blue hair.

the heart in the girl’s chest, pounding.

out of the corner of his eye, he saw the pool of flesh and blood.

not far away, there are several pieces of intestines hanging.

At this moment, in addition to the fear that can fill the abyss, there is also a doubt in the girl’s heart.

‘He… Why didn’t you kill me?! ’


white clothes hunting, Zhu Jiuyin jumped down from the canopy.

bare feet that seemed to be glowing, stepped on the wet leaves on the ground, and came to the girl.

“How many swords did you cut off my apprentice?”


Huixue was stunned.

Could it be that the white clothes in front of him are the master of the young assassin?!

looking at the white clothes that were in the dust, the girl’s teeth chattered, and said, “Before… Seniors, juniors do not know what you are talking about. ”

Zhu Jiuyin said expressionlessly: “I smelled the blood of my apprentice, from the long sword hanging from your waist. ”

“I don’t like people who lie.”

girl shuddered, gritted her silver teeth, and said: “One sword~”

“Senior, only one sword


Zhu Jiuyin said indifferently: “I believe you.” ”

Immediately, stretch out his slender palm.

gently grasp the hilt of the long sword around the girl’s waist.

with a bang, the sword is unsheathed.

red vertical pupils full of evil like golden candles, indifferently looking at the girl with wide peach blossom eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin whispered: “The ancients cloud, the grace of dripping water, when the spring springs reward.” ”

“I only stab you ten swords.”

“After ten swords, I will give you a pain.”

a bang.

Without waiting for the girl to react, the long sword that flashed with the cold light of Sensen had already disappeared into the left chest.

blood gushes out, instantly staining the girl’s clothes.

this sword, Zhu Jiuyin pierced between the two ribs under the girl’s left chest.

the hand holding the hilt of the sword, slowly spinning.

unbearable pain, making the girl’s beautiful goose-egg face immediately hideous like a devil in hell.


suddenly came out of the girl’s mouth, and I don’t know what was crushed.

that face became more and more distorted.

in just a few breaths, it turned into a pool of rotten and foul-smelling blood.


Throw away the long sword, Zhu Jiuyin tiptoe lightly, and jump onto the canopy.

[remaining free time: twenty-four days and three hours (291 hours)

this time dominance: two hours

remaining time: half an hour and a quarter of an hour

countdown: 01:15:27]

night wind ruffles black hair.

Zhu Jiuyin overlooks the end of the sky.

it seems that he can see the boy’s head and run away with embarrassment.

“Fly, fly freely.”

“Fly higher, fly farther, see this world for the teacher.”

“Go home when you are tired, Master will always … Always waiting for you. ”

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