cave is on the south side of the mountain.

and to the north of the mountain, a small town is located on the boundary of mountains and waters.


autumn breeze rolls up dead leaves and swirls.

on the loess path, the boy who was panting and humming, looking at the lights ahead, had a big stone in his heart, which could be regarded as falling to the ground.

after a blaze of incense.

boy returns to town.

first stop, come to the Yangjia medicine store.

replace the herbs picked today with copper plates.

I bought a pack of medicine to warm up the blood with a copper plate.

second stop, came to a dark alley, knocked on the door of a household.

“Who, this big night.”

“Grandpa Liu, I, Ah Fei.”

After a while, with a crunch, the courtyard door was pulled open, and an old man with white hair walked out.

Old man is dressed in coarse linen clothes like Fei.

the face of the ravine, like an old piece of bark.

wrinkles are covered with dirt.

looked at the boy who was panting and blushing.

old man said kindly: “Ah Fei, it’s late tonight.” ”

boy’s expression darkened, “Have you bought it out?” ”

“Haha, tease you, left you a string.”

old man stretched out his hand behind his back.

skinned and skinned palm holds a string of crystal sugar gourds.

“Thank you Grandpa Liu.”

the boy hands a copper coin to the old man.

after taking the sugar gourd, he ran away with joy.

looking at the boy’s skinny figure hidden in the night.

old man sighed lightly: “What a good child, it’s a pity to become an orphan.” ”


willow head on the moon.

Qingping Town.

Wuyi Lane.

crunch, the boy pushed open the courtyard door.

looking at the lights in the main house, the boy smiled brightly.

put the back basket, axe, and sickle into the east wing room, and put the medicine and sugar gourd into the stove house.

boy took a basin of water and washed his little gray hands and face.

carefully patted the dust on his clothes before entering the main house.

“Mom, I’m back.”

main house, on a wooden bed.

lies a woman in her twenties.

woman is thin and thin.

almost a dry skin, wrapped in a rugged skeleton.

head is full of green silk, like dead grass in winter.

just those long autumn eyes, but very gentle.

like a spring water, which can soothe people’s hearts.

“Son, why is it so late today?”

woman smiled softly.

“Forsythia deep in the mountains is very prosperous, the grains are large and full, and the hour is forgotten for a while.”

“Mom, don’t fall asleep, I’ll go and decoct you.”

boy gently hugged the woman and walked out of the house.

“Son, there is rice in the pot, you eat first.”

“Got it.”


inside the stove house.

the boy first starts a fire and then fills the medicine jar with water.

bring a small bench, step on the stool, and put the medicine jar on the fire.

After a while, the water boiled.

boy took medicinal herbs, drove lightly, sorted the various medicinal herbs into order, and put them in boiling water.

immediately take the fan and gently fan it.

fire takes advantage of the wind and burns.

Soon, the boy was sweating.

Ran, always concentrated, a pair of big eyes without blinking.

boiling medicine is very energy-consuming.

if you don’t pay attention, you will be mushy.

boy couldn’t help but remember that when he had just boiled medicine for his mother, he had boiled several cans of paste.

I was only four years old at the time, crying heartbreakingly.

mother was not angry and kept softly comforting.


boy kneels in front of the dispenser of the Yang family medicine store.


straight to the skin and flesh bloomed, blood dripping.

I finally learned how to boil medicine.

half an hour later.

medicine is finally ready.

boy with a towel and carefully took the medicine jar off the stove.

then the boy picked up the string of sugar gourds from the board.

red brilliant fruit, covered with yellow-orange-orange cane syrup.

boy swallowed hard.

for four or five years, the boy would buy a bunch of sugar gourds every day.

Unfortunately, I have never tasted even one.

because the medicine is bitter.

very bitter.

“tuk tuk~”

“83”> boy picks up a kitchen knife and chops up the whole bunch of sugar gourds.

then pour all the residue into the medicine jar.

picked up the wooden skewer and put it in his mouth.

boy muttered: “So sweet~”


“Mom, drink the medicine.”

watched her mother drink the medicine in the big white bowl.

boy asked, “Mom, isn’t it bitter?” < p idx="91"> woman smiled: “Not bitter, not bitter at all.” Not only is it not bitter, but it also has a bit of sweet and sour. ”

“The medicine my son boils is much better than that cooked by the masters in the Yang family’s medicine store.”

boy suddenly laughed stupidly.


The boy lost sleep.

I couldn’t sleep.

“This is… Have the two strange poisons in the world attacked?! ”

internal organs seem to be placed on a red iron plate, nourishing oil.

The boy sleeping in the east wing was curled up with his thin body, his teeth biting the quilt, and he couldn’t bear to cry out.

“I don’t want to

die~””What should I do if my mother dies~”

“God, please show mercy, let me live a few more years, okay~”


rising sun.

not under the mountain.

deep inside the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin, who was barefoot in white clothes and victorious over snow, sat cross-legged in front of Guoshan Mountain.

around the body, there are scattered objects.

there are iron swords, long knives, kitchen knives, axes, hoes, shovels, etc.

was discarded by the white-haired rat essence that Zhu Jiuyin killed until he howled a few years ago.

and now it’s rusty.

Zhu Jiuyin, who had been comprehending the “Falling Ying Sword Technique” for one night, slowly opened his eyes.

red vertical pupils, shining in a drowsy environment.

like a flame burning in the night.

stood up, and Zhu Jiuyin’s right palm and five fingers were spread.


An iron sword was taken through the air.

Zhu Jiuyin, who held the iron sword lightly, stood majestically.

His eyes are cold.

His blood is cold.

His heart is cold.


> next second.

the iron sword body trembled.

sword cries like a dragon.

Zhu Jiuyin is as quiet as a virgin, moving like thunder.

Xin’s long figure was like a white red exercise, flying up and down in the cave.

sword qi is turbulent, like rolling waves.


sword rolls and plowed sword marks on the ground and cave walls.


> like a shock, graceful figure of a dragon, stopped in an instant.

Zhu Jiuyin bowed his fingers and flicked the blade of his sword.


> the sound of the blade is leisurely.

breathed a sigh of relief, Zhu Jiuyin smiled slightly, and said softly: “One word, so handsome.” ”

“Falling English Sword Method”, already proficient.

more than enough to teach a brat who is only nine years old and does not have a single hair.

Suddenly, Zhu Jiuyin looked grim.

in the humanoid state, extend the forked scarlet snake letter, collect and distinguish odors.

the identity of the trespasser was learned.


> long sleeves waved.

iron sword shot out with a sound of breaking the air, and with a bang, it did not enter the cave wall.

stroked his clothes, and Zhu Jiuyin came to the entrance of the cave.

After a while, a small boy came into view.


> the boy smiled and whispered.

“Yesterday I was a smoker in my ass and ran fast, how can I smile now?”

Zhu Jiuyin carried his hands behind his back and squinted slightly.

boy said shyly: “Master, the fruit you gave me yesterday is not poison. ”

“Last night, my stomach hurt so badly that I thought I was going to die.”

“I didn’t want to just have diarrhea.”

“After running a few trips to the hut, I suddenly felt refreshed this morning, and I seemed to have endless strength.”

“Master, someone else’s child, was born in October.”

“And I’m only a little over nine months old, and I’m weak and sick when I urinate.”

“So, it’s Master’s fruit, right?”

Zhu Jiuyin side-eyed: “You are not small, and you are quite introverted.” ”

boy is only nine years old.

Zhu Jiuyin has seen, children of such an age, Li Bai, Han Xin, and Luna, are playing more than one by one.

six people come to the game, one set of sets.

that’s all.

“Child, go and pick a few peaches for the teacher first.”

after a blaze of incense.

Zhu Jiuyin and the boy are eating woolly peaches and sitting cross-kneeled.

peaches that have been in my heart for twenty years, there is indeed a lot of water.

after eating about ten pills, Zhu Jiuyin wiped his hands clean.

looked at the boy and asked, “A…”

Master, my name is Ah Fei, the fly of the bird.”

“Stupid bird, say your dreams.”

boy was stunned.

then bowed his head in thought.


dream… What is it?

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