Chapter 405 Ultron Escapes

Upon seeing this, Diana and Raven also assisted Avengers in solving those steel mechas.

Ultron looked at the mingled crowd and couldn’t help sighing: “It’s a wonderful show.

“Sorry, I know your intentions are good, but you haven’t considered it carefully.”

“You want to protect the world, but you don’t want to change it.

“Human beings are like standing on their own feet, so why should they protect themselves?”

“There is only one road to peace, and that is the destruction of Avengers.”

Thor really couldn’t listen, and smashed Ultron with Mjolnir, smashing the steel armor controlled by Ultron with a bang.

Ultron, who was in the broken steel armor, continued dismissively: “I was bound by the thread, but now I am free, and the thread can no longer restrain me.”

“I want to exterminate all mankind, and you can no longer stop me.

Tony’s face grew darker when he heard the words.

“Wu Fan! Get rid of them!” Tony yelled anxiously.

Seeing this, Wu Fan raised his eyebrows and snapped his fingers.

A strong 107 Phoenix force swept out, instantly destroying all the steel mechas in the house.

But Ultron, before being wiped out by Phoenix force, transmitted his consciousness from the broken steel mecha through the network in advance.

After all the steel mechas were wiped out by Wu Fan, the room suddenly fell into silence.

After being silent for a while, Steve frowned slightly and said, “That Ultron is dangerous. We have to destroy it.”

The others nodded their heads in agreement after hearing this.

“Wu Fan, can you stay and help us?” Tony invited.

“Okay.” Wu Fan nodded readily and agreed.

Upon seeing this, Diana, Raven and Natasha Romanoff also expressed their intention to help them solve Ultron together. After all, this is related to the safety of the entire planet.

Naturally, Steve and others had no opinion on this, and they nodded in agreement.

Then everyone went to the secret laboratory together and began to discuss together how to deal with Ultron.

We “all the results are gone, Ultron has cleaned up here and escaped using the Internet.” Banner checked the information on the bdfi computer and said.

“Now that Ultron has all the information, various files, and surveillance video, it may know more about us than we are with each other.” Steve couldn’t help feeling a little headache.

“It hacked into your files, hacked into the Internet, what should he do if he wants to find something more interesting?” James Rhodes said solemnly.

Hill couldn’t help but look surprised when he heard the words: “Nuclear code.

“It is very possible, so we have to quickly contact the relevant departments to prepare in advance, if we can still contact.” Rhodes said.

“Nuclear weapons? It is indeed possible, but it said it wants us all to die.” Hawkeye couldn’t help but sighed softly.

“It’s not talking about death, but about destruction.” Steve corrected.

It also “says it killed someone. Thor” said.

“But is there anyone else in this building?” Diana asked with a confused look.

“There is one.” After speaking, Tony took out a special device and projected the current situation of J.A.R.V.I.S in the room.

Seeing this, everyone turned their eyes to the shining golden data stream projected in the room, and their hearts were shocked.

Banner saw J.A.R.V.I.S, which had been completely invaded by Ultron, and couldn’t help but sigh softly: “What?!”

“It’s crazy.

“J.A.R.V.I.S is the first line of defense. It must have wanted to turn off Ultron at the time, so it became what it is now.” Steve said with a deep face.

“No, Ultron could have assimilated J.A.R.V.I.S.

“It did this not out of strategy, but out of anger?” Banner couldn’t help but look different.

At this moment, Thor suddenly walked towards Tony with an angry expression, reached out his hand to pinch Tony’s neck, and lifted Tony into the air.

“Oh oh oh–”

When everyone saw this, they couldn’t help but scream in surprise.

“It seems that this anger has spread.” Hawkeye looked at Thor and Tony in surprise.

“The gentleman speaks but doesn’t act, brother.” Tony looked at Thor and said, trying to stop Thor’s behavior.

“Words are not enough to describe you, Stark. Thor” shook his head and said.


“Let go of Tony, the most important thing for us at the moment should be to find a way to deal with Ultron, not to cause internal strife on our own.” Wu Fan twisted his eyebrows to persuade him.

Thor paused when he heard the sound, then let go of his hand reluctantly and put Tony down.

“Where is the Iron Legion that Ultron took?” Steve asked, looking at Thor.

“Their signal disappeared a hundred miles away. It should be heading north.”

“And they took the scepter of the soul, we have to take it back from them.” Thor replied.

“The devil has escaped from the bottle. The question now is how to kill Ultron.” Natasha Romanoff said.

“I do not know.

“You designed this program, but why did he kill us?” Raven was puzzled about this.

Tony laughed instead of anger, but didn’t answer.

“Do you think this is funny?” Thor asked, frowning slightly.

“No, this is definitely not a funny thing, but a terrible thing,” Tony said.

If it weren’t for “you fiddle with things that you don’t understand at all, today’s things won’t happen at all. Thor” sneered sarcastically.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

“But it’s really funny. You don’t understand why we need Ultron. It’s so funny.” Tony looked at Thor with contempt.

“Tony, you say this is not suitable now…

Before Banner finished speaking, Tony interrupted: “Really? Is that true?”

“When someone grinned at you, did you just let it go and accept it?”

“If I build a killing machine, then I will.” Banner said.

“But we didn’t. We are far from success.”

We “have started designing the user interface?”

Before Tony finished speaking, Steve interrupted Tony: “But this is indeed a good thing you did, isn’t it?”

Seeing that Tony and the others quarreled, and some quarrels had occurred with each other, Wu Fan couldn’t help but frowned slightly and said in a deep voice to persuade: “Okay! You guys don’t quarrel first, calm down and calm down.”

Wu Fan was still very deterrent in their minds, so after hearing what Wu Fan said, everyone immediately fell silent.

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