Chapter 342 Mutant’s Attitude

“Wu Fan? Are you here too? When did you come?” said the little naughty smile.

“It didn’t take long for me to arrive.” Wu Fan said with a smile.

“Little naughty, what are you doing here?” Qin Grey asked.

“By the way, I just saw the news about Mutant antibody on TV.”

“Is this true? Can they really use this Mutant antibody to heal us?” Xiao Naughty asked expectantly.

“Yeah, it looks real.” Charles nodded and said.

“No, Charles, I don’t think they can heal us.” With that, Storm Orolo walked up to the little naughty, then looked at the little naughty and said, “Do you know why I say that?”

“Because we don’t need it at all.

“It’s not just you, all the variants of “Nine Six Zero” people are fine.

“Mutant is not a disease at all, so there is no need for treatment at all.”

Little mischief frowned slightly when he heard the words, and then suddenly said, “But I want to become a normal person.

“I want to be able to get along with others like normal people.”

“Don’t dare to touch others for fear of hurting them.”

The little mischievous Ability is indeed a bit painful for her, so she is forgiven for thinking like this.

Storm Aurolo Charles and the others couldn’t help but look complicated. After all, they also knew the specific situation of little naughty, and they all knew that little naughty was not easy.

Seeing that the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a little dull, Wu Fan smiled and said, “I think you may have all made a mistake.

After hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look at Wu Fan.

“Wu Fan, what do you mean?” Qin Grey asked with a puzzled look.

Wu Fan raised his eyebrows, and an unexplained smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then he turned to look at Hank and answered the question: “Hank, do you know the origin of this Mutant antibody drug?”

Hank nodded and said that he knew: “This Mutant antibody medicine extracts genes from the body of a Mutant child who can eliminate Mutant Ability, and then uses his genes to make serum, so as to achieve the Ability of inhibiting Mutant.

Wu Fan nodded and said with a smile: “Yes, this is the key.”

“Have you ever thought about that, that kid is originally a Mutant, but his Ability is very special, it can eliminate Mutant’s Ability.”

“So the Mutant serum made from the genes extracted from his body, after all, only inhibits the Ability in your body.

“When Mutant is injected with this Mutant antibody, if the Mutant gene in their body neutralizes the Mutant serum, or their body has a rejection reaction to this Mutant serum.

“Then they are likely to regain their Ability again and become Mutant again.

Everyone in the office couldn’t help being stunned after hearing Wu Fan’s words.

That’s right”, Wu Fan made a lot of sense.”

“There is indeed such a possibility. This Mutant antibody may not be as effective as they say.”

“Or maybe the efficacy of this Mutant antibody is only temporary, not permanent.” Charles nodded in agreement.

Jean Grey also nodded, expressing agreement.

The others also nodded in agreement with Wu Fan’s ideas.

“Then what should we do now?” Charles looked at Wu Fan and asked.

Charles has always regarded Wu Fan as his elder, and Wu Fan not only has superior strength, but also possesses the Ability of the Prophet, and knows almost everything.

Therefore, when Mutant encounters an emergency, Charles mostly seeks Wu Fan’s help, and he also hopes to hear more about Wu Fan’s views and opinions.

Wu Fan smiled and shook his head and said: “Now your response to this matter is secondary, and the most urgent thing at the moment should be to find Magneto Eric first, right?”

“You all know Eric’s character very well. Now that the Mutant antibody matter has been raged, I think he has already received the news.”

“And after he knows that Mutant is about to face such a crisis, what kind of extreme measures will he make with his Mutant against ordinary humans?”

“I think the answer is already obvious.

Charles couldn’t help but his face changed drastically.


How could he forget that there is still going on.

He knows Magneto Eric too well, and he can naturally imagine that Eric will stand up and do things for Mutant…

At that time, I don’t know what Eric will make again, which will intensify the relationship between Mutant and ordinary humans again.

Thinking of this, Charles couldn’t help feeling a little headache.

Originally, the Mutant antibody was enough to worry him, but now he has to find a way to prevent Eric’s extreme resistance.

It’s really a wave of unrest, and another wave is rising.

“Wu Fan, what you said is right, Eric will definitely make a big noise to stop the Mutant antibody incident, so we should dissuade Eric from starting the action first.” Charles nodded and said.

“Then how can we find Eric?” Jean Gray asked.

“Let’s go to the underground brainwave strengthening room.”

“This is the fastest way to find Eric’s whereabouts now,” Charles said.

Before, Charles was under the control of Stryker’s son, and he used the brain wave strengthening device to almost kill all ordinary humans, and it was precisely because of this incident that Charles’ brain was severely traumatized.

So after this incident, Charles hadn’t used the brain wave strengthening machine for a long time.

Now the situation is urgent, and his brain injury is almost healed, it is time to restart the brain wave strengthening machine.

Wu Fan and others nodded their heads in agreement after hearing this.


A certain area of ​​Maple Leaf Country.

Inside an abandoned church.

Many Mutants are gathering here to discuss how to deal with the Mutant antibody developed by Country M.

A Mutant man with a middle distribution type stood in the center of the church’s podium and made a speech: “How should Mutant respond to this incident?”

We “have to unite and convey our protest to the right people.

“We want to organize a committee to have a dialogue with the government.

“They don’t understand Mutant, and they don’t understand what makes our Mutant special.”

“So we have to show it to them and educate them to let them know that we will continue to exist.”

“They won’t take us seriously unless…”

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