Chapter 306 The Wayne Family Is Bankrupt

“This is not our money, but everyone’s.” The middle-aged man said.

The police officer ignored this, but turned his head and said to his subordinates: “Cut off the fiber optic cable and turn off the cell phone tower.”

“This will hinder them.”

“Yes.” Several police officers nodded, and then led their way.

Within the stock exchange.

“They cut off the fiber and cell phone signal.” A gangster operating a special device looked at Bane and said.

“It’s okay, it’s only temporary.”

“How long will this project take?” Bane said calmly.

“Eight minutes.” The culprit replied after looking at the equipment.

We “it’s time to go,” Bane said.

Upon seeing this, the culprit packed the special equipment into his backpack.

Subsequently, Bane and several other gangsters took several hostages and tied them to the back seats of their motorcycles, and then drove them out of the stock exchange.

Police officers outside the stock exchange did not dare to shoot at will. They were afraid of killing the hostage in the back seat of the motorcycle, so they could only drive closely behind Bane and others.

While the police officers chased Bane and the others, Batman also drove a Batmobile to join the chase.

After many years, Batman appeared in the public eye again because of this incident.

In the living room.

After Wu saw the news broadcast on TV, he drank red wine and smiled and said, “I knew this guy would not retire so easily.”

At this moment, the figure of Transcendence suddenly appeared in front of Wu Fan, and looked at Wu Fan and told him: “Report to the owner, Mr. Tony Stark is here.”

Wu Fan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, then nodded and said, “Okay, I see, you can open the door of the villa.”

“Okay, Master.” Chaoyue nodded, then stepped back to the backstage, and according to Wu Fan’s instructions, remotely controlled the door of the villa to open automatically.

At the moment, Tony Stark, wearing a steel armor, flew down and fell into the courtyard of Wu Fan’s luxurious villa.

Then Tony told J.A.R.V.I.S to take off the steel armor for himself.

The steel armor was automatically detached from Tony’s body under the control of J.A.R.V.I.S, and finally turned into an iron box.

Then Tony bent over and lifted the iron box on the ground, then walked unobstructed all the way to the living room in the villa.

“Um, Wu Fan.” Tony smiled and greeted Roar, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

“Um, Tony, come and sit down quickly.” As Wu Fan said, Wu Fan waved his hand and activated Psychokinesis to pour a glass of wine for Tony.

Tony raised his eyebrows when he looked at the wine glass floating in front of him, then reached out his hand to take the wine glass and sat on the sofa again.

“This wine is good.” Tony said after drying up the wine in the glass.

“Definitely, this bottle of wine is one of those bottles you gave me before.” Wu Fan said with a smile.

“It seems that Wu Fan, you don’t drink much alcohol on weekdays. I have given away those drinks for a while.” Tony couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, I’m not greedy for cups, just a few cups when I am interested occasionally,” Wu Fan said.

“That’s not bad.” Tony said with a smile.

“Tony, what do you think of Batman?” Wu Fan asked.

Tony was stunned when he heard the words, then he looked down for a moment and replied: “Batman is just a low-profile version of Iron Man.

Wu Fan just grinned when he heard this.

“Recently I plan to set up a war loss reconstruction organization, what do you think of Wu Fan?” Tony said.

“I don’t have any opinion, you just need to figure it out for yourself.” Wu Fan nodded and said.

Tony hesitation for a while, then looked at Wu Fan and said, “Actually, I came here to look for you today. There is one more thing I want to ask you for a favor.

“I know that Tesseract is your reward, and the mind scepter is your spoils of strength, but I still want to borrow from you Tesseract and that mind scepter to study for a period of time.”

“And you can rest assured, when I finish my research, I will return Tesseract and the mind scepter to you.

“I don’t know Wu Fan, would you like to do me this favor?”

Wu Fan couldn’t help but flashed his eyes when he heard the words, and suddenly thought of the Avengers II plot in his mind.

“Definitely there is no problem.” Wu Fan replied bluntly, then raised his sleeves and displayed the Universe Skills in his sleeves. He took out Tesseract and the mind scepter from his sleeves, and then handed them to Tony.

……Please ask for flowers.

Tony felt moved when he saw this.

“Wu Fan, you are really my good brother. Thank you for lending me Tesseract and mind scepter so clearly and without any doubt.” Tony smiled and took Tesseract and mind scepter from Wu Fan’s hands.

“I need to talk about it, brother.” Wu Fan said with a smile.

“Then I won’t bother you any more, so I’ll leave. We’ll see you next time. I will finish the research as soon as possible and return the things to you.” Tony said.

“Okay, then you are careful on the way, goodbye.” Wu Fan said.

“Okay, goodbye.” Tony said, holding the Tesseract and the psychic scepter, and carrying the iron box made of steel armor, turning and leaving.


And Wu Fan looked at Tony’s back who walked away, his eyes could not help but flickered with unexplained light.

The next day, the news that the Wayne family went bankrupt and Bruce Wayne was dismissed as chairman of the Wayne Group was broadcast on TV news.

Diana and Raven felt very different when they saw this news. After all, it was only overnight that the wealthy Wayne family suddenly declared bankruptcy. This is really a thing that makes people feel very ridiculous. Things in mind.

Rui wanted to watch the news broadcast on TV, and couldn’t help but said helplessly: “It seems that I really want to stop the peace agreement with the Wayne Group this time.

Wu Fan had already anticipated this, so naturally he would not be surprised.

Wu Fan licked his lips and smiled, thinking of the last part of the Batman trilogy again in his mind.

“It seems that Gotham City is going to be lively this time.” Wu Fan raised his eyebrows and said.

When Diana and others heard what Wu Fan said, they were very curious.

Diana has always believed that Wu Fan has the ability of a prophet, so she asked curiously: “Wu Fan, do you foresee what will happen in Gotham City?

Wu Fan briefly told the story about Gotham City in the movie he knew.

The kind-hearted Diana immediately felt very worried in her heart after learning of the critical situation that Gotham City was about to encounter. righteous,

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