With surprise and worry, William found a person-in-charge that was exchanged for nothing.

This is a Snow Elf female sister paper of Grandmaster step position. When she saw William, her eyes brightened and she said hello: “It was William His Highness the Prince. What do you plan to exchange?

Now, no one but you has Merit Points and can redeem anything. There is no limit on the number of Merit Points. “

“Anything?” His Highness the Prince rubbed his hands with a smile.

Seeing William’s smile, Elf sister paper instantly thought of many things, Favorability Degree soared, and said slightly shyly: “Yeah, you can have 13210000 Merit Points, and as a Landgraf, I can recommend some very good ones thing……”

“Wait.” William interrupted the woman who was too value-conscious, before she said she could even redeem herself, she whispered: “10010000 Merit Points, redeem for ‘life chain’!”

And when he said the last 4 words.

Elf’s paper looks slightly faint, it is clear that she does not have permission to teach him the ‘life chain’ skill.

Even for the exchange of more than 2010000 meritorious deeds, there are certain requirements for review and fact Favorability Degree.

Especially the “life chain” is not intended to be used for redemption …

This is the 3 big Elf clan who have raised morale. For this reason, they have also made a lot of super treasure worth 10010000 on the redemption list, even more than 100 million Merit Points!


It’s purely for the sake of beauty, that is, to let people see …

The Elf clan wants to let the bottom clansman understand through this war. Our Elf clan is still leather and has a deep foundation. Basically, it has nothing, nothing worse than the human empire.

But they have no idea that some people will redeem it, and some people have enough Merit Points to redeem it.

After all, the three major Elf families each have a ‘life chain Legion’. Even if other people redeem it, as long as they don’t set up a faction, it will have no effect.

‘Life Chain’ looks like an oath.

In fact, it is also a curse.

If it is really a ten-year blood battle at the Late Stage, there may be some Legendary and epic Elf bosses who have won many Merit Points in the final battle.

But they are not too much for personal enhancement.

But to redeem this kind of thing.

It will inevitably cause suspicion of the three elite Spirit Kings.

At this moment.

Elf sister can only sound transmission and report the news to her superior.

The epic boss received the news and had a headache and continued to report it!

After receiving the news, the Legendary boss also felt helpless in the face of William, the super nouveau riche.

So care.

After fine Spirit King Bernice saw the sound transmission scroll, she also had to find two Legendary Elders from the Blackleaf and Moonlight Elf families.

After three discussions, all of them finally agreed to give William a secret arts called ‘life chain’.


“Your Majesty, will there be an accident if you pass the life chain like this?” Snow Elf Third Elder clenched the palm of the ‘life chain’ scroll, shaking slightly.

“Just rest assured. Although William is half Elf, he also owns the Imperial Family Bloodline of Blackleaf Elf, and the World Tree blood is still flowing on his body.

Is it that as the first winner of this ten-year blood battle, his first time request will be rejected? After Bernice finished, she took the glass and took a sip.

Third Elder sighed: “At least for now, William has the nature of some Human Race.

Judging from his performance in the face of the dark invasion and this war, he is indeed a jealous child.

His loyalty to World Tree is no problem.

In particular, as Landgraf, he also has a very good way to cultivate the loyalty of his soldier Soldier.


Bernice interrupted him, and knew that you old groceries like to hold before killing, and bluntly said: “I know your worry, William is young, even immature, but he is not stupid.

Does he not know the consequences of passing secret arts to foreigners? Look at the warriors who regard him as death, I believe he will choose an excellent commander to learn this volume of secret arts.

You go down, after giving the life chain to him, needless to say too much. “

Bernice watched Third Elder leave unwillingly, but refused to object.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised. Was William just loyal to World Tree and Pure Blood Elf?

Obviously not so simple.

From his eyes, I not only saw the kind of counseling facing the powerhouse.

I also saw his ambition hidden deep in his heart.

In all respects, Dawn Legion, Dawn City, and even he recruited countless candidates.



of course.

那不是要谋害Elf 族的野心。

反而从William 最近各种PY3 支Elf 族天才的情况来看,他似乎在为未来铺路呢。

“有野心不是坏事,只希望你别误入歧途就好。”柏妮丝眯了眯眼睛,不管怎么说,William 再大的野心,最多也就是成为Blackleaf 精Spirit King 。

跟雪Elf 的关系不算太大。


难道这little fellow 还想统一Legendary continent 的Elf 族不成?


而这也是她决定将‘life 锁链’的secret arts 传给William 。

至于Blackleaf 、Moonlight 2 族的Elder 也只是个传话人,真正同意决策的还是Moonlight 族Great Elder 、Blackleaf 精Spirit King 。

若是William 选错了‘life 锁链’Legion 的人,真有人想将其泄密出去,那不到Legendary step position ,此人必死无疑。

到时候就是True God 下凡也救不了他。

可William 要要真是表现出他有眼无珠的ability ,3 大Elf 族也将彻底对他失去信心,别说精Spirit King 了,精Spirit King 子都没得当!


So care.

在渡秒如年的等待中,William 终于迎来了令人欣喜,又让人担忧的好消息。

他拿到了‘life 锁链’的scroll 。

可他同样从那位不怎么爱说话的Third Elder 眼中,看出此物的严重性与珍贵性。

“但是泄密,tsk tsk ,你们还是太小瞧我的innate talent 了。”William chuckled ,在思考很久以后,便sound transmission 让艾尔伯特过来。

Moonlight Elf 族的艾尔伯特,这位Elf 族中少有的2 米robust man ,因为自身属于Fire Element profession 者,还有想要grow stronger 的缘故,便成为了Elf 中少有的龙Blood Fighter 。

他曾作为【Moonlight Legion 】的Corps Head 。

而在【dragon’s blood Legion 】成立以后,艾尔伯特便成为了【dragon’s blood Legion 】Corps Head !


在拥有3位Legendary Bloodline 、100多位epic Bloodline 的dragon’s blood Legion 之中。

艾尔伯特的battle strength 表现的并非太突出。

可Elf 有一个好处。

你看着他身高体壮、tall and strong ,但这仅属于genetic mutation ……


要是真认为艾尔伯特属于一个莽夫,那还真错看了Elf 族。

Not too long.

随着门声响起,一身腱子肉的艾尔伯特,就迈着not recognizing one’s family 的步伐嚣张来到William 面前。

“殿下,您找我?”艾尔伯特作为最早追随William 的心腹之一,忠诚度早已达到900+,他在saluted 过后,忽然发现His Highness the Prince 的面色很纠结,扭曲的跟菊花一样。


fuck me?




早知道就不当这个Corps Head 了!


毕竟他率领这支超级Legion ,在要塞攻坚战中的,导致89名龙Blood Fighter 的life 永远的留在了那里。

Others don’t know.

可他心里跟明镜一样,dragon’s blood Legion 就是His Highness the Prince 的宝贝,平常死了一个人都心疼的要命,这次战死89人,他有预感,自己不被扒层皮,也要夹着腿出去。

“咳,艾尔伯特,this Prince 待你如何?”William 思考了许久,终于说出这么一句话。


这位身高2 米的robust man 立刻就趴在地上痛哭起来:“殿下,都是我的错,都是我的错,dragon’s blood Legion 战死89人,这都是我的职责问题,还请殿下撤了我的职位,让我从此以后,就当个守门的personal guard 吧……”

William twitched 嘴,你不提我还忘了,dragon’s blood Legion 这一仗打的还真不错,因为那面对的可是beastfolk 帝国的要塞啊。

仅仅战死89人,已经是很小很小的战损了,dragon’s blood Legion 是牛皮,可他又不是无敌……

基本上除了狮鹫Legion 具有空中优势以外,不曾有人战死,其他哪个high step Legion cannot die 个上1000 人?


他便一脸阴沉的走下椅子,缓缓来到艾尔伯特面前,said solemnly :“lifts the head !”

“殿下……”艾尔伯特抿着嘴,望着面色不太好看的William ,secretly said in one’s heart 有话好好说,我哭不出来,不代表我不想哭!

His Highness the Prince 伸手将他拉起身,继续说道:“dragon’s blood Legion 的重要性不言而喻,那阵亡89名的warrior 我也不多说什么了。

可我让你成为Corps Head ,是我信得过你。

而现在我再给你一个机会,带领你麾下的dragon’s blood Legion 给那89名brother 报仇,杀他8010000 beastfolk ,你有没有信心!”

“…………”艾尔伯特陷入了沉思,他很想拒绝这个毫无可能性的quest ,可他握了握拳头,还是nodded 答应下来。

Not for anything else.

只因为身为Elf 、身为曙光城的一员,身为效忠His Highness the Prince 的一名warrior 。


“很好。”William 看着他的双眼slightly smiled ,其实只需要杀掉3010000 beastfolk ,就足以达到100 战100 胜的Legion BUFF。

而同为Grandmaster 的艾尔伯特看到这种目光,感觉菊花一紧,事情似乎有点不妙。


当一张scroll 出现在他手上的时候。

艾尔伯特在William 的示意下,缓缓将其打开。

That second.

这个健壮如牛的大汉one-knee kneels 地,right hand 重重的拍在胸口上,带着庄严而肃穆的面孔高声道:“我愿誓死效忠William ・Blackleaf His Highness the Prince 。



成为你旗帜指向的herald !




William 扫了眼2 者已经爆表的Favorability Degree ,同样神情严肃的拿出thunderbolt 之刃,放在艾尔伯特的肩膀上:“我接受你的效忠,我与你同在。”


艾尔伯特才缓缓站起身,他双手颤抖的拿着‘life 锁链’scroll 。

几乎可以说,作为纯血Elf 的一员。

没人要比他还要明白,这个scroll 的意义代表什么。


他这位dragon’s blood Corps Head ,将成为曙光城最强大的Legion 和最锋锐的利剑。

而他所率领的dragon’s blood Legion 。


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