Returning to the West Wing from the mountain behind the magic practice area, Stila, who is already ten years old but in a poor state of development due to neglect by the servants, took a nap, while Allie went to work preparing for tomorrow's tea party.

The fiancés of the Four Heavenly Kings had been Duchess Alicia's best friends in the past nine lives. You know your favorite color, your favorite flower, your favorite tea, and your favorite sweets without having to ask. They probably knew much more than their fiancée, the Four Heavenly Kings.

I can't enter their tea party circle like I did in my previous life, but it's not a bad idea to watch from the wall as a maid of honor.

''But, well, it's good that I was able to manifest the natural four attributes. Next, it's time to finally challenge the Dark Attribute. The current Maximilians don't seem to be defeated by the Apostles of Darkness.

Allie tilted her head thoughtfully as she spread out the peach-colored tablecloth.

A puffy sunspot (Abel) appeared in the air. And then there's a languid voice.

It is the job of the four heavenly kings of the demon world to be defeated by the brave, so there is always one reserve. In other words, the five of us take turns playing the role of "He's the weakest of the four Heavenly Kings.

Hehe, the four heavenly kings of the demon world had a system like that. You're going through a lot.

As Allie rolled her eyes, Takkun, who was perched on the mantelpiece surrounding the fireplace by the wall, opened his mouth.

"I feel like the entire demon world is flattering the heroes.

"No, no, I'm doing it with sincerity. Because it's an important job for the demon world to welcome a brave man and make him feel good about leaving.

"I believe that's what they call a "hoax" or a "hoax.

It is unreasonable, but if the four heavenly kings and demon kings die in a clash every time a brave person is sent from various worlds, the demon world will not be established.

As she smiled at Abel and Takkun, who had become very close friends, Ally moved her hands at high speed and proceeded to set up the tea party.

The thought of my best friends sitting here tomorrow naturally made my mouth grimace.

<Now that you mention it, I wonder what's going on with the lower-grade Dark Attendants I've contracted with for the past nine lives. He was always there for me at the end.

Just as I was about to ask Abel about it later, I heard what sounded like a droning earth-shattering sound coming from behind the door.

This is not Maximilian, but someone from the Four Heavenly Kings. If it was Maximilian, it would have been more than a little shaky.

Oh, my God, Mr. Ally!

The door opened with a bang, and the person who jumped in with a flurry of blood was Stephen, a rising star.

A man who once walked through the royal palace as a spy without a sound, stumbles on the spot like a bubble.

What's going on with you?

So, Your Highness! I'm in big trouble for eating the candy balls the spirits gave me!


Allie got goosebumps all over her body at once. The candy balls left behind by the Spirit Realm's Legends, which were recommended to me when I descended the mountain, "How about one for you, Ally?" seemed to be very tasty.

I somehow had a bad feeling about it, so I turned it down, but it seems that Ally was quite right.

It's a great way to make sure that you'll be able to get the most out of your life.

<I'm sorry! I was optimistic that Maximilian would be super-advanced in his guts too.................................................. >

Allie hurriedly ran out of the room. Maximilian's room was supposed to be right in front of my eyes and nose, but the floor I was stepping on was so fluffy that it took me a long time to get there.

Feeling Black Spot (Abel) and Takkun following behind her, Allie rolled into Maximilian's room with a sliding force.

Your Highness! It's okay, sir!

He exclaimed so, catching Maximilian's figure in his sights. Then Allie bared her eyes. I open my eyes, which have been too dry to peel these days, to the fullest extent.

What? Who?

Those words came out of my mouth. The person in front of you is not the end-of-the-century hegemonic Maximilian that Ally knows, nor is it the henachoko Maximilian of the past nine times.

Allie let out an inarticulate cry.

His imposing figure and solid, hard muscles remain the same, but he is only 40% less than Maximilian the Supreme.

His dark appearance has changed into a virile, wild-looking man... a little annoying, but you could say he's a good-looking privateer.

It's Ally. Apparently, I've acquired the ability to transform... a form that could be called a second form...

It's a good idea to have a great deal of time and money to make sure that you're getting the most out of your life.

A beastly male with ferocity and charisma. The figure that embodied the masculinity that a lady dreams of. Allie stupefied as she watched Maximilian like an illustration in a popular romance novel for women (Harlequin).

I felt the words, "What's going on?" leaking from my mouth, and finally my consciousness drifted away. 

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