I am a Celestial Dragon!

Chapter 68 We are their slaves!

Near Coder Square in Geelong, Hody Jones and his younger brothers were lurking in the houses around the square.

In the house, the original owner of this residential house had been tied up and placed in a corner, shivering.

Looking at the two shivering mermaids, Hody Jones grinned widely and said coldly.

"Cowardly, weak, childish, stupid!

Fishman Island is full of bastards like you who follow the crowd. This is why we are always stepped on by weak humans! "

Hody Jones clenched his fists and asked without looking back.

"Is everything ready?"

"Get ready, brother, we have a total of 20,000 brothers who have sneaked into Geelong Court Square. Most of the people in the rooms nearby have become our hostages!"

"Are the craftsmen on the outer coating of Fish-Man Island also ready?"

"Get ready, as long as they get the order, they can open the coating on Fish-Man Island at any time and completely introduce the sea water!"

"This alone is not enough. As for the poison, let everyone be ready to take the poison at any time. When the Tianlong people arrive later, the brothers who have taken the poison must stop the Neptune army coming from the direction of the Dragon Palace City! "

"Don't worry, brother!

Neptune, as well as Shark Star, Emperor Star and Carabao Star, and even that bastard Jinbe and the female marine next to the Celestial Dragon.

They are all gathered together at this moment. The Neptune Army in the Dragon Palace Palace currently only has the right minister as its leader! "

"I see!"

Hody Jones nodded with satisfaction, then he took two steps forward, sneered and took the bound homeowner into his hands.

"Weak people, cowardly bastards like you, actually one day become my tool!

You should feel honored! ! ! "

At the same time, outside the coating of Coder Square in Geelong, Gawain and his party were riding the Halibut, slowly heading towards the square.

When they approached the square coating, Neptune pointed sadly to the center of the square visible to the naked eye.

There was a simple podium that was not tall and even looked a little dilapidated.

"Friend Musgard, that is the place where Otohime missed the most during her lifetime, and it was there that she gained recognition from the entire Fish-Man Island!

Of course, that's where she died! "

After saying that, Neptune pointed his trident downwards, and Halibut quickly carried everyone and got into the coating of Geelong Court Square.

The flounder stayed under the podium and put its wings on the ground, allowing everyone to safely step onto land.

Then, the flounder flew away.

As soon as Musgarud next to him landed, he couldn't help but look towards the podium.

It was obvious that it was just an empty podium, but Musgard felt like he was seeing Otohime back then.

He walked confusedly all the way to the podium. Standing at a high point, he looked at the people below, and tears immediately gathered in his eyes again.

"Is this where Madam Otohime made her voice heard to the fish people?

There was also a shooting. Was this where she... fell? "

As he spoke, Musgard closed his eyes. He didn't need others to give him answers. At this moment, he seemed to be Otohime.

For some reason, Musgarud asked Gawain in confusion.

"Gawain, I suddenly thought, for a kind-hearted person like Otohime, would she really want us to avenge her?

Obviously...she is such a woman who is not even willing to hurt anyone! "


Before Gawain could respond, a series of arrogant laughter suddenly came from the distance.

This laughter made Musgard frown, and he looked dissatisfied at the source of the laughter.

In his eyes, the tall Hody Jones strode out of a distant house and stood about 200 meters away from the podium.

Far away, Hody Jones yelled at Musgardud.

"Stop pretending to be compassionate, noble Celestial Dragon, haha!

Don’t you know, the people who killed Princess Otohime back then were you humans! ! ! "

After he finished speaking, Hody Jones clapped his hands, and the loudspeaker device next to the podium immediately started working!

At the same time, all the sounds and images in Geelong Court Square were transmitted to each independent Fish-Man Island!

In the Forest of the Sea, the mermaids who had been singing and dancing just now gathered together in confusion. They looked blankly at the nearby big screen.

Outside the mermaid coffee shop, Mrs. Charlie, who was watching the mermaids entertaining the guests, pursed her lips and sneered at the independent broadcast phone bug in the coffee shop.

Except for the Geelong Court Square, countless mermaids all focused their attention on the nearest screen.

At this moment, Hody Jones on the screen raised his right hand high.

At this moment, tens of thousands of cunning villains armed with various weapons, wearing various chains, and all tattooed with the New Sun Pirates' logo emerged from the nearby houses.

Some of the signs of the New Sun Pirates are similar to the traffic signs before Gawain traveled through time.

The periphery of the logo is a circle of circular flame patterns, and in the middle of the flame pattern, there is a pattern that prohibits humans!

After all the people came out, Hody Jones looked at Neptune excitedly and yelled.

"Neptune, tsk tsk, your majesty is the greatest among our great murlocs!

I know that all the compatriots on Fish-Man Island are looking at me, so let us recall together how great our Majesty Neptune is!

Once upon a time, humans despicably shot Princess Otohime to death on this podium in front of her!

What did our Lord Neptune do? "

At this point, Hody Jones lowered his right hand and yelled.

"Tell me what Neptune did back then!"

"Neptune hid in Dragon Palace City in fear!!!"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of murlocs in the square roared in unison, and their voices made Neptune exhale a long breath.

Immediately afterwards, Hody Jones raised his right hand again.

“Yes, that’s right, the great His Majesty Neptune would not dare to take any action against a human being who is a murderer even if the princess is dead!

Apart from the past, let us take a good look at the present! "

Hody Jones waved his raised right hand forward, and tens of thousands of fish immediately howled with him!

In the increasingly crazy howling, in front of all the audiences on Fish-Man Island, Hody Jones nailed his index finger in the direction of Gawain.

"Just yesterday, the Celestial Dragons, who treated us as slaves, kidnapped the weaker members of our clan, came to our country to dominate and dominate!

Right in our largest banquet hall, the Celestial Dragons snatched away our princess, the only daughter of Princess Otohime!

Neptune, what did you do in the face of all this?

You crawled at the feet of the Celestial Dragons, crawled at the feet of the weak humans, and completely gave your daughter to them! "

Hody Jones's eyes quickly turned red, and due to his excessive anger, even the capillaries under his eyes slightly ruptured!

He raised his head and roared with all his strength.

"Who are they, tell me, who are they!!!"

"They are Celestial Dragons!!!"

Hody Jones's boys shouted back.

"Yes, they are Tianlong people, so who are we? Who are we!!!"

"We are their slaves!!!"

The people who followed Hody Jones were filled with indignation. They shouted and vented their anger.

In the midst of this spreading madness, Hody Jones clenched his right hand into a fist.

"The wrist strength of us fishmen is ten times that of humans!

The swimming speed of our mermaids is undoubtedly the best in this sea!

We have the ability to breathe separately on land and in the ocean. We clearly have the ability to live in every corner of the world!

Where humans can survive, we can survive!

Where humans cannot survive, we can also survive!

We are better than them! ! !

But why, they are our masters and we are their slaves! ! ! "

Having said this, Hody Jones breathed heavily in excitement. He opened his eyes and walked forward for dozens of meters, completely breaking away from the fish-man team and standing on the opposite side of Gawain and his group.

Facing Gawain's half-smiling expression, Hody Jones opened his mouth and laughed!

"With that detached expression, he is Gawain, the Celestial Dragon who is about to take away our princess!

Why would a weak guy like him be treated as a guest by the cowardly King Neptune!

Why do people like him always ride on our heads?


Because we have a cowardly king!

Fish-Man Island should not bow down to humans. Humans should fear us more than we fear humans! ! !

All my compatriots, open your eyes and prick your ears!

As long as the throne of Fishman Island is no longer held by cowardly guys, then we will no longer be afraid of them! ! ! "

I saw Hody Jones punch his right fist into the air, and two huge shadows suddenly appeared in the sky outside the Coat Square in Geelong in the distance.

They were two extremely huge Neptune-like creatures. They kept dancing around the Girlon Court Square, blocking all the Neptune troops coming from around them outside the coating.

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