Chapter 207 The plan to eliminate the Acromantula

“Ives, I have to say thank you.”Hagrid said seriously.

If Ives hadn’t seen through Lockhart’s true identity and discovered the true heir of Slytherin, he would have been charged with killing Myrtle for the rest of his life.

“I……”Hagrid’s eyes suddenly filled with tears,”I can finally use the wand openly.”

Ives stepped forward, patted his broad back gently, and comforted:”It’s all over.

” While talking, he also glanced vaguely at Hagrid’s small pink umbrella –

Hagrid’s wand had actually been hidden in the handle of this umbrella.

Ives knew that Hagrid had been secretly using magic. Otherwise, how could Hagrid grow those giant pumpkins every Halloween.

Apart from secretly casting an expansion spell on normal-sized pumpkins, Ives really couldn’t think of any other possibility.

“Suck~” Hagrid sniffed, calmed down, and grinned,”Because my case has been vindicated, Professor Dumbledore has officially issued a letter of appointment to me, hiring me to be the protective wizard starting from the next school year. Professor of Animal Class”

“congratulations!”The two congratulated again.

Hermione then asked:”So, Professor Kettleburn is really going to retire?”

“That’s right.”Although he is tall and has a fierce face, Hagrid is actually an emotional person. He showed a sad expression,”He is a good person.……”

“Look away,” Ives patted his soft belly,”You are going to be a professor soon, be happy.”

“Besides, Professor Kettleburn is just retired. If you miss him, you can write to him at any time.” he advised.

“Too.”Hagrid’s bad mood went away just as quickly as it came, and he returned to his cheerful look.

“By the way, Hagrid.”Hermione suddenly asked,”What exactly have you done, and why have you been wrongfully accused for fifty years?”

“Fifty years ago, I kept Aragog in the castle,” Hagrid recalled.”At that time, just like some time ago, Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets was opened.……”

Although she was confused about what Aragog was, Hermione did not interrupt him.

“……A girl was killed by a monster in the Chamber of Secrets, so the professors always believed that it was Aragog who did it. They kicked me out of Hogwarts, broke my wand, and banned me from continuing to cast magic..”

This memory was very painful for Hagrid, but it has passed now, and he can talk about it calmly with others,”Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore always believed that I was innocent, and he convinced Principal Dippet. Leaving me at school, that was it, and I’ve been working as the school’s gamekeeper ever since.”

After listening to Hagrid’s description, Hermione finally understood why Hagrid respected Professor Dumbledore so much –

Professor Dumbledore was the only person who gave him trust when no one else believed in him.

“By the way,” Hermione asked confused,”what is Aragog?”

“Oh, and Aragog is an Acromantula.”Hagrid immediately replied


One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and his answer successfully made Hermione look stunned.

“You actually……”She couldn’t even speak clearly.”……There is actually an Acromantula in school?!”

Although they have not yet taken the Care of Magical Creatures class, Hermione has learned a lot about magical creatures during the ten days she spent with Newt in New York.

Of course she knows what an Acromantula is.

Then It is a huge, ferocious spider with eight eyes as the name suggests. The Acromantula is a carnivore, and its fangs can secrete venom. It especially likes to hunt large prey and can also weave on the ground. Dome-shaped spider web.

When talking about the Acromantula, Newt’s expression was very solemn. He said:”An adult Acromantula can grow to the size of a small car. The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures has given it a rating of five. star, meaning it is a known wizard-killing animal and impossible to tame or tame”

“In fact, using the fire spell can easily kill an Acromantula, and there is another reason why it is rated five stars.”

Looking at the confused looks in the eyes of Hermione, Ives, and Elizabeth who came to visit with them, Newt explained:”The most dangerous thing about the Acromantula is that it is a social creature.

Acromantulas can lay up to a hundred eggs at a time, and the hatching time is only six to eight weeks. This means that if you find an adult Acromantula somewhere, there are probably hundreds more hiding out there that you can’t see.”

“Coupled with their intelligence not lower than that of humans, this creature poses a far higher threat to wizards than fire dragons.”

Back to reality, Hermione asked:”Hagrid, where did the Acromantula go in the end?”

“Did you let it go or keep it with you?”Aves asked quickly

“Of course I released Aragog.” Hagrid was a little surprised and didn’t understand why their expressions were so serious.”Aragog grew up very fast. I couldn’t keep him in my house.”

When Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, Ives asked:”So, where did you release it?”

“Of course it’s the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid

‘s answer once again succeeded in making Hermione’s expression less tense. She said speechlessly:”Hagrid, that’s an Acromantula!” Are you going to release it into the Forbidden Forest? Don’t you know how dangerous the Acromantula is? If a little wizard breaks into the Forbidden Forest and is hurt by the Acromantula, you will have no excuse at all.”

“Aragog……”Hagrid had big beads of sweat on his forehead. He waved his hands anxiously.���Shi said:”Aragog and I agreed that he would not let his descendants harm any wizard.”

“Descendants?!”Hermione keenly captured the most critical words in his words,”Don’t tell me, it also spawned an entire tribe in the Forbidden Forest!”


Perhaps the fire burning in the fireplace was too strong, and sweat began to drip from Hagrid’s forehead.”I saw that Aragog was quite lonely living alone in the forest, so I found him a wife.”……”

His words were so shocking that Hermione almost fainted.

Forget about an Acromantula, Hagrid actually let them breed an entire tribe in the Forbidden Forest.

Based on their reproduction time, one hundred can hatch in an average of fifty days. Even if only Aragog and his wife were working hard, there would be six to seven hundred more Acromantulas a year, and in fifty years there would be tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands.

Merlin’s leather pants!

Hermione doubte

d that if she threw a brick into the Forbidden Forest, it would hit five or six Acromantulas in succession.

“Hagrid, does Principal Dumbledore know about the Acromantula in the Forbidden Forest?”Elvis asked, staring into the eyes of the guilty Hagrid.

“No, no. Hagrid said hesitantly.

Did this similar plot happen last year?

Ives held his forehead with a headache. Although he had long known that there was a group of Acromantulas living in the Forbidden Forest, he He was still shocked by Hagrid’s unreliability.

Couldn’t Hagrid consider how dangerous the Acromantula is to the students? He glanced at Hagrid, who was nearly three meters tall, and sighed helplessly.

Also, for hybrid giants, Acromantula may really be just a good baby.

“”Hagrid, I understand everything clearly,” Ives said slowly,”I will discuss it with Principal Dumbledore. As a gamekeeper, you have to be more careful and don’t let the little wizards sneak into the Forbidden Forest.”

“Before Professor Dumbledore solves this matter, you must not bring any more strange creatures into the Forbidden Forest.”

“OK”Looking at Ives’ solemn expression, Hagrid nodded hastily and agreed. Finally, he added uneasily:”Ives, can you ask Professor Dumbledore not to hurt Aragog?”

“I will try my best”


In the principal’s office,

Ives was holding Fox, who was a bit bigger than when he had just reached nirvana, on his head.

As soon as it entered the office, it saw its original gilded perch, but Fox didn’t miss it at all. It glanced at it and retracted its head into Ives’ hair.

“Ives, it seems Fox likes you more.” Dumbledore walked in. He happened to see this scene and laughed and said:”There is an idiom in China.”

“Are you happy with Shu?”He said with a strange pronunciation

“It’s ‘Happy to Think of Shu’, Professor.”Aves corrected

“Okay, okay, happy to be happy.”Dumbledore did not continue to struggle with it. He smiled, invited Avis to sit across from him, and asked curiously:”Why did you come to me specifically?”

“Can’t I just come to chat with you? Dumbledore

‘s eyes widened and he looked at him in surprise,”You seem to have never chatted with an old man like me.””

Hearing this, Ives touched his nose in embarrassment.

It seems that he would only come to Dumbledore when something happened, but the principal is so busy, so don’t disturb him if nothing happens.

Ives spoke slowly, He recounted their conversation with Hagrid this afternoon.

After listening to his words, Dumbledore did not show any surprise. He smiled calmly and said,”Avis, actually I have known about the Acromantula for a long time.”

Dumbledore stood up, walked around the office and said,”The Centaur Elder Chiron has told me about this a long time ago, because the Acromantula has very few natural enemies in the Forbidden Forest. It takes horse people to curb their numbers”

“In fact, the existence of Acromantulas is of great help in protecting the Forbidden Forest,” Dumbledore said slowly.”Thanks to their deterrence, many dark wizards and poachers no longer dare to approach the Forbidden Forest.”

“However, in recent years, the number of Acromantulas has been growing out of control.”

“why is that? Ives asked doubtfully.

“Aragog is too old to continue to control his vast horde.”

It seems like Hagrid’s order is still valid, Ives thought.

“Even if you don’t tell me, I plan to find time to attack the Acromantula living in the Forbidden Forest.”Dumbledore has already secretly formulated a series of plans to gradually eliminate the Acromantulas.

Of course, his purpose in doing so is not just to restore the ecological balance of the Forbidden Forest.

The success of the Duel Club some time ago made Dumbledore Bullido has his eye on this group of Acromantulas that are about to get out of control.

He plans to organize a wave of activities to allow the young wizards, led by the professor, to go deep into the Forbidden Forest for a unique practical exercise. This will not only improve the students’ The actual combat level can also lead them to understand the magical animals living in the Forbidden Forest.

The value of the Acromantula is more than that. When it is alive, it can be used as an experience baby to improve the actual combat level of the young wizards. After death, it is covered with Treasure. The leg hair of the Acromantula can be used to make wands. The shell and venom are rare potions and alchemy materials. The spider silk spewed out can be processed into a robe with extremely strong protective capabilities.

As long as safety can be ensured, then There are many uses for these Acromantulas

“All right.”Since Professor Dumbledore knows what he knows, Ives has nothing to say.

“By the way, Professor,” he asked again,”have you found any information about the real Chamber of Secrets left by Slytherin?”

“I was just about to talk to you.”Dumbledore waved his hand and summoned a thick, ancient book from the bookshelf at the back. This was a history of the changes in the Gaunt family.

He opened one of the pages and pointed to a section written in ancient runes. The sentence said:”In fact, the wizarding world’s understanding of Salazar Slytherin’s appearance all comes from this ancient rune he left behind. Apart from this sentence, Slytherin did not leave any portraits or statues”

“Later, scholars interpreted Slytherin’s appearance based on this sentence. He should be an old, monkey-like old man with a sparse long beard that almost reached the hem of his robe.

Dumbledore asked:”Does it sound familiar?””

“The face is exactly the same as the statue in the secret room!”Aves reacted quickly.

“That’s right.”Dumbledore confirmed, then put on a serious expression,”I contacted a friend who is quite accomplished in ancient runes and asked him to translate this sentence again.”

“Could it be that the friend you are talking about is Nico Flamel?

He nodded,”Nico gave a completely different result. He said that this sentence means: Slytherin is a handsome man with a pair of ruby eyes and black hair that falls to his shoulders.” young people”

“The result is the same as what you saw in the vision that day.”Dumbledore tapped his right index finger on the table several times.

Ives couldn’t help but ask:”Why is there such a completely opposite result?”

“Alas,” Dumbledore sighed,”the reason is that it is too difficult for modern wizards to parse ancient runes.”


(End of this chapter)

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