Chapter 204: Dirty Deal

Lockhart’s capture by Aurors had a great impact on the lives of the young wizards.

The first thing that bore the brunt was the Defense Against the Dark Arts class he taught.

This morning, the eaglets happened to have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Snape, who naturally became the substitute professor, was waiting in the classroom early.

He showed great enthusiasm for Ives’ arrival.

During class, Snape took the initiative to introduce the Basilisk, a creature created by the dark wizard.

“……Legend has it that it comes from a magic egg laid by a seven-year-old rooster when Sirius was in the sky, and hatched by a toad……”Snape used his wand to slowly write a few lines of bright characters on the blackboard,”It has two ways of attacking, one of which is to stare. As long as you make eye contact with the basilisk, you will lose your life in an instant.””

“Mr. Evans,” he suddenly called Ives’ name.

“What is another way the basilisk attacks?” he asked in a deep voice

“Fangs and venom, Professor.”Aves stood up and answered honestly

“Well,” Snape nodded slightly,”Correct answer, one point for Ravenclaw.”

This made Avis instantly alert. Usually, let alone extra points, Snape would be fine if he didn’t deduct points.

“I heard that you played a big part in solving the basilisk.”Snape walked slowly to Ives and asked with concern:”Are you hurt?”

“I went to see it in the secret room. The basilisk was really big and scary.”He clicked his tongue twice, as if he was marveling at the snake.���of terror.

Ives had a sullen face, not knowing what the old bat wanted to say.

“I didn’t find any snake teeth on the snake’s head,” Snape said in a low voice,”Professor Dumbledore said you took them away.”

“Professor, I don’t know what you are talking about.”Aves decided to pretend to be dumbfounded.

“The basilisk is the public property of the school,” Snape said righteously.”Besides, it’s useless to take so much venom. Why not leave it to me and let me prepare more antidotes.”

This old bat is actually trying to use basilisk venom. Of course Ives can’t… must agree!

He is afraid of being resented by this petty old bat.

“Professor, do you also have to……”Ives looked at him and told him that he could ask for venom, but he would have to pay more.

Snape suddenly raised his voice and said:”Very good, Mr. Evans, because you answered the function of basilisk venom, ten points for Ravenclaw!”

After saying that, he looked at Ives, only to see the latter Smiling and shaking his head slightly.

Snape read a sentence from his eyes: Just ten points is not enough!

The two looked at each other and communicated with their eyes.

Add another twenty points. not enough!

Then add ten more points.

Still not enough!

Your Potions grade this semester will be O (excellent)!

Avis nodded with satisfaction, very good, Snape was very sincere.

After completing a dirty deal in public, Snape let him sit back in his chair and continued his lecture.

“……You must understand that Defense Against the Dark Arts is not a theoretical course, but a practical course. Only through practice can you truly master it.”

Snape was in a good mood for the rest of the day.

He waved the wand in his hand and made beautiful tricks one after another, accompanied by vivid explanations, which dazzled the little wizards in the audience.

Elvis couldn’t bear it. He sighed with emotion. Compared to Lockhart, that old liar, Snape did have two skills.

He couldn’t help but regret that it was too late to attack Lockhart.


“Your Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson this morning was taught by Snape, right?”

When Ivis and Hermione walked into the auditorium together, George and Fred suddenly appeared. The two of them lifted Ivis up and asked doubtfully.

Since Ivis became famous, everyone has invested in him. A lot of attention was paid to them.

Naturally, Ivis’s mediocre talent in potions and his dislike of Snape had already spread throughout the school.

Under these conditions, Ivis actually showed up to Snape this morning. He praised and gave extra points in class, not just one or two points, but ten points!

Everyone was curious whether Snape had secretly changed his gender and no longer targeted other students.

Even Slytherin The little snakes are also very concerned about this matter. If their Snake King no longer favors the Snake House, then they may never have the chance to get involved in the Academy Cup.

A group of people sat around the long table and cast curious glances at them. vision

“Yes, Mr. Evans did take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by Professor Snape in the morning.”Hermione took over. Her tone of voice now rivaled that of Snape, with a sinister tone.”Mr. Evans was in the limelight again in class.”

Last night, after Ives was surrounded by girls asking for autographs, her face never looked better.

“I’ve said it so many times, it’s really not my intention to be in the limelight.”Aves said helplessly

“So, why would Snape give you points? Qiu came over and asked,”Is it true that Snape changed his gender as they said?””

“It’s not about the basilisk.”Aves said angrily.

“Basilisk?”Everyone looked at each other, wondering why he suddenly mentioned the basilisk.

Ives explained to everyone in a low voice the role of the basilisk’s venom, and that he had taken away all the basilisk’s venom with Dumbledore’s acquiescence. This matter.

Cedric appeared beside everyone at some point. He touched his chin, nodded slightly and said:”No wonder, as a potion master, he will definitely not let go of precious magic like basilisk venom.” medicinal materials”

“Is such that”

“So you’re going to give him the basilisk venom?”George said in surprise,”In exchange for ten college points?”

“Are you crazy?”Fred also looked shocked.

They felt extremely distressed now. How could they not kill Snape with such a good opportunity?

“More than ten points. Ives shrugged and said with a smile,”He still owes me thirty points, and……”

He’s not going to tell everyone another thing

“What else? Qiu asked curiously.

After seeing everyone, including the angry Hermione, looking at him, Avis shook his head slightly,”Don’t say it, don’t say it.””

Seeing his reaction, everyone was silent for a while and did not continue to dwell on this topic.

“basilisk venom……”Cedric looked forward to it. This material was not only a precious potion material, but also a precious alchemy material.

“I still feel a bit shortchanged.”George and Fred said tangledly like misers.

Ives smiled mysteriously,”I plan to dil

ute the venom before giving it to him.”

“……”Everyone looked at him with inappropriate eyes.

Ives shrugged, there was nothing he could do, the basilisk had only so much venom, and they didn’t even have enough. He changed the topic,”Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s go find Harry.”

After Lockhart was caught who was confused by the diary, there was still one urgent matter that needed to be resolved.

That’s Dobby.

Ives still remembered that Harry had written to him and told him that he encountered an accident at the entrance to platform nine and three-quarters when he returned to school after the Christmas vacation.

Ives, who has been living in the magical world for a year and a half, is naturally not the novice he used to be.

According to common sense, the confidentiality magic at the entrance to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters is regularly maintained by staff from the Ministry of Magic. There was no way it could malfunction so easily and happen just when Harry was about to go in. there is only one truth.

That is, just like in the original book, Dobby tried his best to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts.

As for why he didn’t remind Harry during the holiday, it was naturally because Harry had Sirius, an adult wizard, by his side.

With Sirius by his side, it was impossible for Dobby to suddenly appear next to Harry to remind him like in the original book, so he could only use some small means.

After the matter in the secret room is completely resolved, Dobby’s matter also needs to be resolved.

In view of Harry and Draco’s relationship, Ives decided to let Harry explain himself to Draco.

So, he briefly talked to Harry at noon, and then took him to find Draco in the afternoon.


In an empty classroom on the third floor of the castle, the door suddenly opened with a creak. Draco’s head poked out from the crack in the door and saw the two figures in the classroom. He looked shocked and said:”Harry, Ives… isn’t it Harry who has something to do with me?

“I asked Harry to call you here.” Ives put down his crossed legs and patted Harry on the shoulder, telling him to tell him the whole story.

After hearing Harry’s explanation, Draco’s face showed surprise. expression

“So, what you are saying is that my house elf doesn’t want Harry to return to the dangerous Hogwarts because of the Chamber of Secrets? There was a trace of anger in his eyes.

Ives confirmed:”As far as I know, it is like this”

“Draco, can you call him out?

Draco frowned and asked,”Can Hogwarts summon house elves?””

“sure.”Avis smiled. The house elves’ magic was not affected by the anti-Apparition spell in Hogwarts.

“Okay,” Draco agreed, tentatively calling softly:”Dobby, are you coming out?”

With a loud crack like a whip, a house elf appeared in the classroom. He was wearing a dirty pillowcase and his long fingers were tied with bandages. He looked pitiful.

“Little master, are you looking for me?”Dobby’s waist was bent, and his mouth almost touched his bumpy toes.

“Dobby,”Although he was very gentle to Harry, a mere house elf was not worthy of the special treatment of the eldest son of the Malfoy family.

Draco frowned and called his slave in an unhappy tone, Said:”I ask, you answer”

“Ming, understand.”Dobby replied timidly, trembling.

“Did you secretly place a curse on the entrance to Platform Nine and Three Quarters to prevent Harry Potter from getting back to Hogwarts in time?”Draco asked seriously. Elvis and Harry watched all this silently without making a sound.

After listening to the little master’s question, Dobby’s head buried lower. He didn’t know when he was exposed. Yes, but the house elf’s slave contract forced him to tell the truth

“No, that’s right……”He was trembling���reply

“When did you know about the secret room?”Draco asked again. He really couldn’t figure out how this house elf who was busy in the manor every day without any spare time knew what happened in Hogwarts.

What’s more, since Judging from the time point, he knew about the attack earlier than it happened.

“……The host said a few words while chatting with the hostess……”Dobby looked horrified, and he kept slapping himself in the face with his rough hands.”……Bad Dobby…Stupid Dobby……”

“Dobby didn’t mean to eavesdrop.……”

He kept punishing himself in various ways, which made the three little wizards present frown.

“stop!”Draco ordered in a master’s tone:”I said stop! I won’t hold you responsible for eavesdropping, so why on earth would you know?”

“……The host said while chatting with the hostess……”Dobby stopped moving and said with tears streaming down his face:”……He sold an extremely dangerous dark magic item to a dark wizard in Knockturn Alley……”

“……It wasn’t until the Ministry of Magic’s crackdown on illegal activities was over that he suddenly remembered that the dark magic item was related to gods and mysterious people.……”

Dobby’s panic resurfaced when he mentioned Voldemort’s nickname.

“go on.”Draco narrowed his eyes and ordered, no one knew what he was thinking.

“……The owner went back to find the dark wizard, but he had already sold the item.……”

“After some inquiring, he learned that the item was originally bought by the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.”Dobby stared into his eyes as big as copper bells, and big tears came out of the corners of his eyes.”Dobby… Dobby originally wanted to remind the respected Harry Potter. But he had been staying with his godfather, and Dobby was afraid……”

“……Dobby was afraid of being discovered, so he had no choice but to do this.”He slowly confessed everything

“Did you know that the dark magic item that threatened Harry Potter’s life has been solved?”Draco asked

“solved?”Dobby raised his head blankly. He had been assigned a lot of chores by Lucius recently and had no time to pay attention to what was happening in Hogwarts.

“If it doesn’t work out, what are you going to do next?”Aves suddenly asked

“Of course, let the great Harry Potter break a leg during the Quidditch game, so that he would know how dangerous Hogwarts really is.”Dobby hadn’t realized that Draco wasn’t the only one here, so he replied mindlessly.

“Broke a leg?”Harry shouted in shock.

Only then did Dobby notice Ivis and Harry. He raised his head and his eyes wandered over the two of them.

“……The great, great Harry Potter,” Dobby’s lips trembled,”and the equally great Ivis Evans?! He burst into tears suddenly, crying loudly, and sobbed:”……Oh my God, I could actually see these two great little wizards in person……”


(End of this chapter)

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