I Added Everything to Strength

: Completion testimonials and new book preview

There was a lot to say, but when I wrote it, I didn’t know where to start.

   In short, thank you to the many readers who have supported me all the way, and thank you all for your subscription and rewards.

   In fact, when I started writing this book, I was full of ambition. I wanted to write an energetic story. Even if the first order was only a few hundred after it was put on the shelves, I was still very committed to writing.

One or two months after    was on the shelves, the book was ordered to 3000, which is considered a fine product.

   However, some problems have also emerged.

   I have to admit that I really overestimate myself and underestimate the writing profession.

   I want to construct a real world in which a different person can be substituted and a world of different development routes can be imagined.

   I want to create a lot of characters, not the kind of stereotyped image, but everyone can grow and change slowly with the development of the timeline, from immature to mature.

   I want to write a story with a strong tension, and give readers some mental stimulation that they can't get when reading other books.


   But when I started writing this book, I was actually just an immature writer with a total of 4 million codewords.

   I have a feeling, but I don’t have enough skills and I want to express a lot of things, so I can’t control it.

After   , it was interrupted for a long time because of some things.

   In short, it should have disappointed many people.

   Here I apologize to everyone.


   But no matter what, I insisted on writing this book to the end.

   There is a saying that is good, and I just go straight to the goal of the best, even if I fail, there will be no small gains.

   This book really made me learn a lot.

   I feel that I have evolved from an immature writer to a semi-mature writer.

   Thank you all for accompanying me in my growth.


   The next book should be a little lighter, not in this serious style.

   There are a lot of light-hearted and cheerful novels at present, but I will try my best to bring different feelings to readers. This is also my basic pursuit of writing stories.

   Whether it’s the last tracker or this talent, I am writing towards this goal.

   The next book will be no exception.


   New books will be published before May 1st.

   The classification should still be Xianxia.

   Finally, thanks again to the readers who supported this book along the way.

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