“Not bad, little Saab!”

On the Baldigo Islands, Li Mu looked at the newspaper in his hand.

Above is the picture of Saab’s troubles in the East China Sea, all the pirates were destroyed and sent to the naval prison by him!

According to Li Mu’s thoughts.

Saab is at most a tie with these pirates.

Then, in their siege and pursuit, they broke through the town of Rogue, crossed the Upside Down Mountain, and finally reached the great voyage with great difficulty.

Just in the East China Sea.

Then get rid of all the pirates.

This has already greatly exceeded Li Mu’s expectations!

Saab has a black heart, this point Li Mu is clear, where he passed, not a hair, hey, who did you kid learn this black heart? Not me anyway…

Even after capturing all the pirates, don’t forget to send them to prison to exchange for a reward.

A knife in their hearts.

This knife down, I am afraid that they will never forget it in this life!

Li Mu shook his head with a smile.

For all this that Saab did, I will give you one hundred and one points.

Why do you have to ask the extra point?

I will give it to you and let you take it with pride!

“Are you reading today’s paper?”

The dragon pushed the door in from the outside, and he looked at Li Mu, who was sitting on the chair inside and shaking, and asked with a smile.

“You coming? Drink tea, drink tea! ”

Li Mu brought a cup of tea to the dragon.

“I also read today’s newspaper, this boy named Saab, do you really plan to send him to the revolutionary army?”

Long was still a little unbelievable, and he had read today’s newspaper to be honest.

This boy named Saab showed everything that really surprised him.

Rich experience in actual combat, moderate progress and retreat, super strength, and more importantly, he is still in the East China Sea, and he has solved those pirates who have made a name for themselves in the new world.

Now it has been rewarded by the Navy for a full 600 million.

That’s 600 million Baileys!

This is not something that ordinary people can do!

With Ace’s experience, Saab is no worse than Ace at all.

Even when Ace left Rogue Town and arrived at the Great Route, it was only 150 million Baileys.

Saab has more than doubled several times.

Ace’s current achievements can be seen by discerning people.

In the future, it will be the bearer of the Whitebeard Pirates, and this is a sure thing.

People like Saab would have entered the revolutionary army.

It is also just around the corner to become the second-in-command in the future!

Even if the dragon dreams, I am afraid that it will wake up laughing!

“Why, brother, you don’t want it?”

Li Mu smiled and asked.

“Want, very much!”

When the dragon heard this, there was no reason why he didn’t want it.

Being able to strengthen the revolutionary army was his lifelong wish.

But soon, the dragon hesitated again: “Saab has achieved such an achievement at a young age, will he join our revolutionary army?” ”

Actually for Saab.

The dragon has been looking forward to it.


For the future planning of the three brothers, Li Mu really didn’t want to interfere.

After all, they all want to be free, they don’t want to be bound, they all want to leave their legends on the sea, leave their names, let their experiences go down in history, become a new generation of dazzling supernovas, and so on.

Frame them yourself.

For example, let Ace join the Whitebeard group.

For example, let Saab join the revolutionary army.

This is too restrictive for their voyages and their future freedom!

Like a bird in a cage, it cannot spread its wings and fly for the rest of its life.

Trick Saab into …. Ahem, sent to the revolutionary army, as an uncle, Li Mu is still embarrassed!


You cannot spread your wings and fly.

What does it have to do with me, who is an uncle?

Never mind!

Is there a problem?

No problem at all!

Is this reasonable?

Gray is often reasonable, enterprise-level Sister Li!

Hey, hey!

“I have my own way to do this, just leave it to me!”

Li Mu picked up the teacup, took a sip for himself, and then said peacefully.

Who is he?

Uncle of three bear children.

What kind of character they are, is it not clear to themselves?

Although the eldest Ace is reckless and the second Saab has a dark heart, they all have a common characteristic.

That’s the gravity.

Pay extra attention to feelings!

As long as the dragon starts in this regard, can’t get a little Saab?

“Oh? Looking at your aspirations, what should we do? ”

Long glanced at Li Mu, and with just one glance, he understood that Li Mu had another crooked idea.

There is a recent newspaper about Saab, and he naturally sees it in his eyes.

Constantly trapping the hunters along the way.

Finally, when they were defeated, they mercilessly made up for it.

This style….. Emnnn, it seems to be the same as the person in front of me who was playing tricks back then!


It’s just that his oil cavity is unreliable, and he also made the people below look like this.

Ace and Saab are both bloody examples.

The dragon suddenly felt sad for his son Luffy.

He didn’t know what bad things he had learned from this Uncle Li in front of him.


He doesn’t have any bad habits!

Hope…. I can only say hopefully!

Is this probably not a bad habit?

The near Zhu is red and the ink is black, and it is completely impossible to be good or not.

“I said your temperament, can you restrain a little?”

The dragon rarely complained.

“What do you say, brother? Don’t want Saab? Okay, I don’t care about it. ”

Li Mu plucked his ears and said with a smile.

“Don’t don’t, am I wrong? I make amends to you, your character is very good, I give you a big thumbs up! ”

Long quickly changed his words and gave Li Mubi a thumbs up, you are the best, the best in the whole world!

Li Mu was just joking.

Don’t forget.

Now he is honest.

Every day in their own acre of tea to see the scenery, sunbathe, soak goji berries in a thermos cup, the life is particularly comfortable.

Give Kerra a separate lesson from time to time.

Well… Separate kind.

Nothing else happened, really….

My name is Brother Zeng, what I said is true, you believe me, you must believe me!

He spread out a map and then pointed to the first half of the Great Voyage, just past the Upside Down Mountain, the area of the desert country.

“How about we trick Saab here?”

Li Mu smiled, yes, it was a lie, and he was too lazy to change his words!


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