Husband is Particularly Fierce

C517 Fruit of life looking for zhong shuang 9

Dark Forest

"Group hunt, third stage devil warrior squad, currently lacks a third stage alchemist, they can escort him to pick herbs, and the prey he catches will be 10% of the total."

"Treasure Seeking Squad, entire devil warrior, summon devil warrior of the third step! Five hundred jadeite crystal a day. "

"Exquisite Silver Stones can be used to forge middle level weapons, now it only costs four hundred jadeite crystal s a piece."

"Moonstone, Moonstone, Pure Moonstone …"

At the edge of the forest, there was a small tent. There was an invitation from a mercenary group, and there were also people selling materials.

The fourth stage Devil Battle Master's merchant Kan Kans, who was getting off the carriage, felt the pressure for the first time. Five female Mixed-blood Devil Clan attendants with all sorts of flirtatious expressions walked out from behind him. The one leading them was Yuan Feiyu.

The original flying fish now had a pair of red horns on its head, and its long hair was dyed a fiery red. It looked very cute against her white skin. Her current appearance was that of an ordinary half-blooded demon waitress. This was a new appearance that Long Ke-er had helped her create after a long time. Beside her was Long Ke-er, the beast, and the beauty Gemini had changed into as well!

Thinking about how Di Jiye's deep golden eyes stared at him unblinkingly for a long time, Kan Shishi felt his legs were still trembling. Mother, the Fourth Prince's jealousy is really strong, who said that the Fourth Prince doesn't have much feelings for the Consort Yuan, this is called not feeling, isn't that feeling like he's just tearing it to pieces and eating it? He couldn't stand it even if others looked at him. There were always many males who liked to be jealous when they spoke the truth, but it was rare for males who didn't even care about face when they were jealous to this level. Woo woo … * He really didn't want the mistress to follow behind him as a maid. The main reason was because Di Jiye's figure was too eye-catching, so he couldn't do anything about it.

Long Keer and the Shou Shou saw the materials and immediately joined the ranks of the buyers. These two had been protected too well since they were young and had never gone far. When they saw the price of these materials compared to the southern region of the Devil Capital, they felt that it was as if they had been given for nothing.

However, after an hour or so, they bought a few small stalls.

Although the status of the Mixed-blood Devil Clan female attendants was low, and they could play for one day and one night for a hundred jadeite crystal or less, it was not worth for the males to commit crimes for them. However, the four of them were clearly different. Moreover, they were generous with their hands, and the most important thing was that none of them were listening to the fourth stage Mixed-blood Devil Clan merchant beside them. It was clear that their master was not him, but someone of a higher level.

However, it was clear that there was no one else on the carriage. It was probably some noble's maids bringing a bunch of jadeite crystal s out to play.

I heard that the noble maids all had excellent skills, and their bodies weren't as rough as the Mixed-blood Devil Clan maids'. Adding on the large amount of jadeite crystal s that they spent casually, I think a few males from the Mixed-blood Devil Clan were tempted.

In any case, the Dark Forest, regardless of the terrain, taking advantage of the chaos to snatch some money and the incident of the female Godly Horse, don't let it get too common.

The other males all looked at each other, then took their own materials and squeezed forward, "Little cuticles, come and take a look at my goods. My things are big, thick and useful, so you all like it. "Hehehehe …"

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