Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 2: Abnormal noise in the bookstore

Twenty-three, sugar melon sticky; twenty-four, sweep the house.

The second day Zheng Qing returned home, that is, January 19, coincided with the twenty-fourth of the twelfth lunar month.

Early in the morning, after finishing the morning class, he was urged by his parents to start cleaning. Originally according to Zheng Qing's idea, when encountering this kind of trouble, he only needed to look through the book and use two small magics to solve it.

But the facts tell him that at any time, he should prepare for the worst.

Because when Zheng Qing is cleaning, there is always an'adult' staring at him—sometimes it is his grandfather, sometimes it is Zheng's father, and sometimes it is Zheng's mother—in short, they always seem to be able to Find a reason to stay by Zheng Qing's side, such as helping him to wash a cloth, helping him hold a stool, or simply standing aside and chattering while Zheng Qing is working.

This makes our wizards have no way to use magic to be lazy.

No, it's not that magic is completely absent.

In one morning's work, Zheng Qing consumed five meditation talisman and two replenishing talisman papers, ensuring that he could complete his task efficiently and reasonably under the nagging and supervision of several parents.

This is not easy.

‘Why do I have to fill out a lot of application forms, waste my free vacation, and then go home to find sin? When the young wizard knelt on the ground and wiped the skirting board, he unhappily imagined the leisurely life of his companions in the school, becoming more and more melancholy.

For wizards, the twelfth lunar month is also a hunting moon-this hunting moon is different from the hunting moon when the first university held the'Campus Cup' in October, but a long-standing tradition that says,'the field hunts animals to sacrifice to ancestors' .

In other words, in this twelfth lunar month, more activities of wizards are in offering sacrifices to fast food.

Of course, in addition to rituals, many wizarding organizations, including the Wizarding League, will hold small hunting games or preseason games of large-scale hunting games during this time. As a sacrificial gift, it is also a pastime after a busy year.

The Yougui Hunting Team is no exception.

Zheng Qing knew that when he was away from school for two weeks, the Evil Hunter had three small matches against other hunting teams, including Matthew's hunting team and Andrew's Ouroboros hunting team. Originally, he thought these games were a great disrespect and waste of vacation time, but compared with his housework at home, staying at school for hunting games seemed not so bad.

The joy of going home was quickly exhausted under the ravages of housework the next morning.

After lunch, Zheng Qing finally found a reason to escape this small cage.

He is going to Sanyou Bookstore to help Mr. Wu clean the bookstore.

"You must come back before half past six," before leaving the house, Mother Zheng repeatedly told you: "Otherwise, you have to warm up the dinner again... Also, your third uncle's cousin will ask you to learn from the college entrance examination this year. Come back early to help him with homework or something."

Zheng Qing, who received the admission notice from a foreign university, has become what his relatives call the "child of another person's family." During the work in the morning, he heard his parents mention that a child from a relative's family wanted him to help with homework more than once.

This made him a little bit dumbfounded.

Tutoring homework? I haven't read a lot of words for half a year, how to help them... If they want to learn how to hunt, or recognize herbs, or construct magic spells, I can help a little bit.

The young wizard thought helplessly, wondering whether to catch a little naughty ghost from the collection of characters to frighten his cousin; he vaguely agreed to his mother's instructions and fled.

Sanyou Bookstore is located at the bottom of the street in Yunhua Community.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, most of the shops on the street have been closed. Let’s talk about a few that are still open, and most of them are businesses like barbershops that are taboo in the first month.

When Zheng Qing walked to the bookstore with a broom and mop, passing by a barber shop, the lady proprietress in the shop happened to go out to throw out trash. After seeing Zheng Qing, her face showed a little joy:

"Xiaoqing is back? When did you come back? How many days did you stay at home?"

"The plane last night." Zheng Qing slightly smiled shyly: "It is estimated that we will leave on the seventh and eighth day of the seventh and eighth day... The school has requirements."

"Tsk, this foreign school is different." The lady boss muttered a few words, then looked at the things Zheng Qing was carrying, and smiled: "Should I help Mr. Wu clean the shop? What a good boy..."

Zheng Qing never faced such praise.

Fortunately, the lady of the barber shop did not expect Zheng Qing to give any interesting answers. She mentioned that Mr. Wu's shop was just an introduction.

"Speaking of it, did Mr. Wu find a new guy in the shop?" The barber shop owner glanced back at the direction of Sanyou Bookstore, and muttered: "I was passing by the bookstore yesterday, as if I heard someone talking in it and watching The sound of the TV, but the bookstore door is always closed. As you know, the bookstore window is frosted glass, and you can't see anything through the window..."

Listening to the analysis of the barber shop owner's babble, Zheng Qing couldn't help raising his Bookstore From the very beginning, apart from Mr. Wu, he was only a part-time boy. I have never heard from my husband about hiring a new clerk, nor have I heard from my grandpa.

And, the TV? This kind of modern electronic products, Mr. Wu never used.

As a wizard, Zheng Qing's first reaction was that the shop was haunted—unguarded shops, enclosed spaces, abnormal noises—any wizard's first reaction was definitely related to ghosts.

Of course, this kind of speculation must not be told to the lady of the barber shop.

"Oh, Mr. Wu called me yesterday to talk about it," Zheng Qing said without blushing. "He seemed to have forgotten to turn off the TV when he said he left, and asked me to clean it today. The TV is off."

The lady of the barber shop was relieved when she heard this.

"I just said, I must have forgotten to turn off the TV. They said something weird, haha." Seems to realize that his rhetoric is not appropriate. After the boss said halfway, she gave a haha ​​and waved to Zheng Qingkuai. Go to work on his own business: "Mr. Wu, too, he has been learning all day, and he has no life experience... No one in the store must turn off all the water and electricity! Especially he runs a bookstore, in case of TV The machine is burned out, how dangerous!"

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly and agreed, and at the same time the steps under her feet sped up a little unconsciously.

He bet that if he showed some interest in chatting, he wouldn't be able to get to the bookstore two hundred meters away in another hour.

Not long after the trot, the narrow face of Sanyou Bookstore appeared in Zheng Qing's sight.

As in the past, the door was closed tightly, and the black notice board hung on the windowsill. On it, "The owner is out of business, this shop is closed." A few big white characters are bright and eye-catching.

. m.

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