Hunting College

Vol 4 Chapter 152: The scope of the exam

"In addition to the two basic mantras mentioned above, in these months of study, we have also systematically practiced many mantras of similar nature through extracurricular expansion."

"For example,'Flowing fire in July', Sushuang in September,'Taozhiyaoyao, scorching its blossoms','Falling spring water','Birds' singing, beg for their friends', including what you learned in life classes' Slightly dirty my privates, thin my clothes', wait, these extended spells are part of the improvement part, and will not appear in large numbers in the final exam... but they will definitely be. It is a question of pulling points."

"This means that if you can master these spells that are beyond the syllabus, you will definitely be able to distance yourself from the results of other students. Students with ideas must pay attention to this."

On the stage, Lao Yao continued to lead everyone to sort out what they had learned before, while holding a tea cup, sniffing the hot steam rising from the top of the cup, suppressing the urge to smoke in this way.

Many students who didn’t plan to take notes originally had to pick up a quill pen after the professor sorted out the content of the “super outline”, and started to remember the main points-the knowledge outside the outline was too much compared to the knowledge in the outline It's complicated, and it's impossible to cover everything when reviewing. Therefore, we can only review it in a targeted manner based on what the professor has mentioned now.

After sorting out the “super outline” part, the professor paused for a while. After all the students in the audience had finished taking notes and raised their heads again, he went on to say: “In addition to spells, the freshman spell class The most important learning content is the Fa book."

"The history of the development of Dharma books, the international standards of Dharma books of the Wizarding League, the working principles of Dharma books, and how to use Dharma books, etc., these sounds commonplace, very simple questions, and they are also the focus of the final exam of the spell class. Part. According to previous requirements, the topics related to the law book will probably account for about 30% of the total score."

Hearing this, there was a small but noisy complaint from the audience conventions-many people may not really complain that the content of this part of the exam is somewhat out of date. Everyone just habitually reacts negatively to the professor's request. A bargaining chip, I hope the exam will be slightly less difficult.

This method is not necessarily useful, but what if it works?

On the stage, the experienced professor did not respond at all to the following lamentations and complaints, and still sorted out the knowledge points at his own pace without hurriedly:

"...For the spell class, although the spell is the most critical, it is not the most important-the vehicle that can cast the spell, the book is the more critical element."

"Like I said in the previous class,'The book carries the projection of the spell in this world, and the spell is just the introduction to this projection.'"

"Compared with the spells you learn, the book is actually closer to the essence of the magic we use."

"This is also the third focus of the final exam-your understanding of the book. Do you still remember the survey report that I asked you to do in pairs? Congratulations to the students who made the report at that time. The final exam should be able to easily score 30% of the score in the part related to the book."

"At that time, I fooled my classmates, this final exam, the test paper will fool you with a random score."

Zheng Qing grabbed the quill pen, scratched his chin with the feathers that turned up on the back of the pen, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Jiang Yu who was sitting in the first row of the classroom. At the beginning, his report was completed with Jiang Yu, and it contained nearly 10,000 characters.

At this moment, the witch was sitting upright in her position, with her back straight, her expression focused, she did not seem to feel the gaze from the back of the classroom at all.

This serious gesture made the young public servants unable to help but think of the warm afternoon, the quiet cafe, the sugar man wrestling on the plate, and the red-bottomed black plaid pajamas worn by the witch—until Now, he couldn't understand where the popular collocations that the witch said at the time were popular. Of course, he has not always agreed with this concept of testing people's abstract observation ability.

Just like the post-modern and abstract paintings he saw in art books before, or the spring and autumn model costume displays on magazines and TV, whether it was the strangely constructed shapes or the strange color blocks, he could not understanding.

In Zheng Qing's view, those works are more like the result of artists who surpassed in order to transcend and become enchanted.

"Professor!" A slightly abrupt voice suddenly sounded in the front row, startling the distracted young public servant.

Zheng Qing recovered and found that the person raising his hand was Duan Xiaojian.

After getting permission from Old Yao, the thin, hunched young wizard stood up and asked a little uneasy: "Professor, what about the few spells on the final exam?"

This question has aroused the interest of many people.

When hunting the moon, it seemed to be in line with the atmosphere in the school at that time. When the teachers were teaching, they mixed a lot of teaching content involving hunting monsters.

For example, when Mr. Sima in the history class was giving a lecture, he went straight over several decades and directly talked about many contents of the'Second Lich War' at the end of the 1930s—according to the normal plan, This part of the content should be involved in the first half of the second semester of freshman year.

For another example, Professor Yi in the divination class also gave up the content of "Basic Yi Xue·First Grade of University", and taught the students how to take local materials and use dead branches, fallen leaves, yellow sand and leftover bones in the field to perform divination. Accordingly, Professor Yao is no exception.

In those curse classes, he not only taught the chaotic curse of'wolf behaved its beast, carry its tail' to his classmates, but also divided into categories, according to'control','attack', disturbance,'flee', etc. In many cases, dozens of spells commonly used in hunting grounds are listed, and students are required to take notes.

There is no doubt that these contents are definitely not the knowledge points within the scope of the syllabus. But if the professor insists on including it in the scope of the assessment, it seems that there is not much reason to refute it-in any case, this knowledge has been taught in class, and the professor also asks everyone to take notes carefully.

But just like the'super-class' spells mentioned earlier, no one will seriously remember the consequences of the different subtle changes between these spells, or the dozens of normative uses of these spells, and the misuse of the spells. The consequences and so on.

Most of them are just learned, and they can copy them on the books and release them.

That's it.

"Test." Facing Duan Xiaojian's question, Lao Yao did not sell Guanzi, but replied very seriously: "But the scope of the test is limited to the'chaos spell'. This spell will be encountered in your future studies. , So it was included in the examination paper. Other spells are too complicated, and for you now, remembering too much is not good."

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