Hunting College

Vol 3 Chapter 261: third


Standing on the periphery of the defensive formation, Zhang Jixin spit fiercely.

"There is even worse luck." Zheng Qing sighed and said, "Because it's just a freshman game, the school's process is not so strict... I mean the roster."

He glanced sullenly at the roster on the podium table.

Yougui's other people reacted almost immediately.

In the regular hunting game, each hunting team will conduct a separate pre-match inspection, and starting from the pre-match inspection, the hunters will only use ‘codename’ as their respective titles to avoid some hidden magic curses.

But as a game that is more entertaining than the game, the freshman game is very rough in this regard.

All the hunters were concentrated in this small auditorium, and the roster with everyone's name was held and read out by several old students. If it is on weekdays, no one cares about such details. But after an accident today, that roster has obviously become the Achilles’ heel of all the hunters in the small auditorium.

At this moment, the ‘heel that hasn’t touched the holy water’ is dangling under the puppet’s long pointed nose, making people feel uneasy.

Fortunately, the puppet, as the host, is still immersed in the various noises made by other people assaulting the door. With a face of intoxication, the puppet is tapping, and his two slender arms are shaking like a wind, as if he is directing a A grand symphony concert.

The explosion of Fulu is the sound of drums, the scream of the spell is the clarinet, and the tremor of swords and swords, it is the sound of triangle iron and violin! There was a mixture of shouts and screams of young wizards and wizards—even famous actors in real operas would not work so hard.

The puppets slid from one end of the rostrum to the other in a whirlwind, completely immersed in their own musical world, allowing them to make more noise.

The riots of the young wizards lasted for half an hour, until all those who tried to rush out found that they could not do anything about the reddish film, and finally gave up in despair, and the riot gradually came to an end.

On the rostrum, the tempo puppeteer finally slowed down the frequency of convulsions. As the sound of the last talisman exploding fell, it trembled and shivered, terminating its commanding career.

"Cry! Laugh! Make trouble!"

The puppet opened his arms and sang in an exaggerated aria:




"Feel each other's existence in the blood, and pursue the meaning of existence in death."

"This is you! A group of Amoeba derivatives!"

"but me!"

"The great night? Phantom of the shadow? Master puppet? Your Highness the puppet!"

"It will help you single-celled organisms to understand the true meaning of life on the hunting ground!!!"

There was silence under the rostrum.

This time, everyone was silent in curiosity, but in fear.

On the podium, the puppet man who had finished the aria suddenly bent over and turned around, covering his ears and asking the rear in a low voice: "How was what I just said? Was it contagious? I pondered this passage for a whole night, and it was only ten minutes ago. Finished in the screams of those little guys..."

"Your Highness! What you said is really great!!"

"It makes people cry and speak the truth of the universe!"

"It's touching and thought-provoking!!"

"No words can describe the strong appeal in your words!"

In the shadows behind the puppets, a bunch of tingling compliments and praises rang out in a mess, making the young wizards in the audience feel sick.

But the puppet man on the rostrum really liked the appearance of these compliments. He even took his head off again and bowed all around in exaggerated gestures, as if he had just finished a grand opera performance.

"Thank you! Thank you very much! I will continue to work hard!!" The puppet man bowed vigorously, his head wearing a high hat was turning around his fingertips, and he buzzed his thanks: "Thank you for your applause Thank you for your time! Long time! No! Rest! Applause!!!"

The words behind it said very hard, and even gave people a feeling of gritted teeth.

Three or five vigorous applause sounded almost immediately in the shadows behind the rostrum.

The puppet man still bowed his head, facing the young wizards below the stage, motionless.

for a long time.

Zheng Qing hesitated and patted his hands lightly.

"Thank you!!" The puppete thanked loudly almost immediately.

Zheng Qing sighed and stabbed the doctor next to him.

Xiao Xiao clamped the notebook under his arm and clapped blankly.

Soon, under their lead, there was a burst of warm but lax applause in the small auditorium.

The puppet finally put his head back on his neck again, then stood up straight, and supported the brim of his hat:

"Polite, it's more important than people think."

It drew a neat stack of white silk handkerchiefs from its front breast pocket, wiped the corners of its eyes pretentiously, sighed, and said.

"In response to your warm applause, I declare the second rule of the hunt."

"RULE, No. 2, when hunting, the biggest rule is that there are no rules!"

"On my hunting ground, you don’t need to think about things like "The 108 Principles of Hunting" or "Some Interpretations of the Witch League’s Hunting Committee on the Rules of Hunting," and you don’t need to care about friendship, face, honor, etc. Words, let alone the boring numbers of casualties and deaths!"

"There is no need to think about this... will I deduct points for these funny reasons?!"

The puppet laughed sharply, waved his arms vigorously, and denied loudly:

"No! Of course not!!"

"I will never deduct points for a certain captain who screwed his disobedient player's head!"

"Nor will they deduct their points for poisoning a river by a hunting team!"

"Let's not deduct their points just because the two hunting teams fight until the last person is left!"

"You don't need to pay attention to those backward, funny, weird precautions..."

"The only thing you need to pay attention to is how to get the final victory...get the only chance of survival."

"Yes, the only chance of survival."

"This is the third rule on my hunting ground...RULE, NO.3, only the winner can get out of my hunting ground!"

"Death? That's a must!"

"Only blood can awaken your haunting little heads!"

"No one is going to die, can you all come out alive?! You are all alive, who will water our barren and nutritious hunting ground? Who will feed our lovely, hungry secret garden spirit?!"

As if to answer its question, an old, greedy voice rang from the puppet man’s top silk hat: "So hungry..."

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