Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 403: heavy snow


December 7th was blizzard.

This day is the 15th Monday after the school starts, which coincides with the solar term 'heavy snow', and there are still two hours before midnight on the seventh day. Balls', one after the other.

The three young wizards in the 403 dormitory curled up in their respective blankets, listening to the cold wind whistling past the window, listening to the slamming of the window edges under the wind and snow, and sighed with admiration.

"Did they smash up all the weather balloons for a winter tonight?" Zheng Qing was wrapped in the quilt, only one head came out of the gap in the curtain, looking out the window happily.

I don't know why, every time there is heavy wind, heavy rain and heavy snow outside the window, he will always be in a good mood hiding under the covers. The feeling is a little peculiar, but neither because of the blizzard nor because of schadenfreude, but a more subtle state of mind.

"Xingxiangjian's bad taste... always likes to smash the corresponding weather ball on the corresponding solar term."

Fatty Xin leaned on the bed, folded his arms, and tucked his hands under the fat cat's belly, his eyes were out of focus, and he said thoughtfully, "It rains when it rains, and it thunders when it is stunned, even on the day of Bailu, the school The dew is also much heavier than it used to be... Maybe I should write a comment on this subject, um, it's called 'Fossified solar terms froze two-tailed squirrels'."

"Which two-tailed squirrel was frozen? Did you see it?" Zheng Qing tilted his head and was puzzled—if I remember correctly, the fat wizard stayed in the dormitory after dinner, not even going to the library.

"Do you still need to see it?"

Fatty Xin glanced at the young public Feisheng, and said with plausibility: "This kind of thing can be completely imagined if you think about it a little... Think about it, at noon, the sun was shining and there were no clouds in the sky. It's only been a long time. Those two-tailed squirrels who were deceived by the daytime weather went out to hunt for food, but were frozen on the branch by the sudden snowstorm, holding a cold hazelnut in their little paws... Tsk tsk, too bad, really too bad! Well, it should be added that there are two squirrels waiting to be fed in the squirrel cave, with their big watery eyes, waiting for their mother to return... It's more perfect."

"Co-authoring, you are making up a story!" Zheng Qing rolled his eyes.

"How do you make up a story? It's called rationalization and interspersed!" The senior reporter replied: "The drama in life always presents a state of fragmentation and irregular development. In this case, if you want more people to understand What you want to express in your article and highlight the main point of the article, you should make reasonable use of these 'fragments' and make it more complete in front of all readers!"

"In the end, I'm still making up stories."

Zheng Qing shook his head: "In order to gain attention, what is the difference between you and the reporters of the Beta Town Post? Dragon slayers eventually become evil dragons..."

I don't know which word in this sentence stabbed the reporter classmates, the fat wizard pulled his hand from under the fat cat's belly, made a vicious gesture in mid-air, and said indignantly: "It's better to make up a story than to be robbed of an article! Last time The words of Lao Yao from the class meeting should have been published in the school newspaper, but they were snatched by the Beta Town Post... If I catch the leaker, hum!"

He didn't even say what to do.

Zheng Qing shrank his head towards the tent with a little guilty conscience, and whispered: "That... two-tailed squirrels are diurnal animals, there is a problem with the setting of going out at night."

Fatty Xin grabbed his hand in midair, as if he wanted to make a fist, but in the end he fell down.

"What do you think of the doctor?" Zheng Qing took no time to turn to Xiao Xiao.

"Did you mean the two-tailed squirrel or the review article?"

Xiao Xiao hid in the tent, his voice was a little dull: "I don't have any opinion on these two, you are all right... I am considering whether to change the training plan of the hunting team. I will have a temporary emergency training tonight. Exercise the hunting team's coping and hunting ability in the wind and snow climate environment."

Zheng Qing and Xin Qi shuddered.

No one wants to challenge their own tolerance in this bad weather, even with magical help—it's not self-confidence or self-improvement, it's self-abuse.

"No, no, no, no... I think You Sin's abilities are excellent."

"Tomorrow's first class is Lao Yao's class, right? I remember that I had to dictate the spells I taught this semester before class. How are you preparing, scumbag?"

"Ah! If you didn't mention it, I almost forgot... Review, quilt review!"

The two cowards quickly shredded the plan that the fortune-teller had just outlined, and turned to discuss what spells Lao Yao might examine tomorrow morning.

Xiao Xiao sneered and stopped talking.

It's just that sometimes, the more you avoid something, the more it likes to appear in front of you.

Early the next morning.

Zheng Qing hadn't made up his mind whether to step on the thick snow and go out for his morning class. Dylan pushed open the dormitory door with an astonishing cold air, walked in tremblingly, and brought back bad news.

"You mean that this winter hunt is also likely to be carried out in a windy and snowy environment?" Although Zheng Qing was wrapped in a thick blanket, he was still chilled by the news.

He could almost imagine the feeling of walking in the snow one foot deep and one foot shallow, a group of screaming snowmen whizzing past in the distance, and a bunch of snowballs smashing their heads on their heads. UU Reading

"not only that!"

Mr. Vampire Werewolf took the hot towel handed over by the elves with an unlucky face, put the lake on his face, and groaned comfortably: "Huh... The assistant teacher who listened to the practice class said that in order to minimize the scale of the Kuroshio next year. , to reduce the pressure of spring hunting, this time the school may harass those monster nests in the depths of the woods a little bit, and let them spit out a little more experience. Dragon, don't doubt, it was also just kicked out of the warm dragon's nest by the parents, and was forced to come to the edge of the forest to dig for mice to eat."

Zheng Qing sighed heavily and began to think in his heart how much gold it would take to equip each hunter of the Guilty Hunting Team with a dragonskin hunting outfit and a goose down cloak.

"By the way," Dylan took the towel away from his face, tilted his head and looked at the public fee student with a slightly strange expression: "It has already spread in the circle under the moon... I heard that you will be with Congressman Su at the dance under the moon. Attending together? Strong guys from several families can all try to make trouble for you that day... I personally recommend that you take a sick leave, which is better than actually going to the hospital. "

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

At this moment, his only thought is to check the old yellow calendar to make sure that he has not hit Tai Sui or is not Mercury retrograde today.

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