Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 319: Zheng Qing's Diary 4

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October 27th (Tuesday, Yiding League, avoid praying)

Attend class.

receive letters.

The thing I was most worried about finally happened, the damned daily bugle, I really don't know whether to praise them for their discernment, or meddle in their own business. Does it matter who Su Shijun's husband is?

Why don't you all go to the trouble of that big fox!

Really only pinch soft persimmons.

It is impossible to commit suicide, and it is impossible to commit suicide in this life. Unwilling to be killed. Just sneak around, hide and hide, and let's talk about it after living for a while.

The world is so colorful and I love being alive!

Fatty suggested that I take a leave of absence, saying that without me in the school, it was very important to everyone. Dylan didn't recommend that I become a zombie, insisting that the blood of vampires is more noble. Doctor can only hold glasses.

But I still want to struggle a little more as a living person.

It's nothing more than drawing a few more invisibility symbols every day. You can use this trick to avoid those fanatics in the past, but you may not be able to in the future. During this time, even in the classroom, I would not take off my invisibility charm.

In the afternoon of advanced rune, Professor Montelia was very talkative and allowed me to listen to the class wearing an invisibility charm.

After writing the diary, I have to fill out a lot of application forms and apply to the teacher of each course to take the class incognito.

I'm not worried about Lao Yao and other senior professors. Only the younger ones—such as Fu Luzhang, Sima from the history class, Gan Ning from the magical biology class, and Hilda from the practice class—hope there are no Su in them. Big beauty fanatic.

The moonlight outside the window is very good.

But I just feel that there is a lot of malice surging in the darkness.

Lao Huang Li said that it is not appropriate to pray today, so I will not pray for myself - Sanqing is above, Namo Amitabha, God bless, Amen.

By the way, the ashes from the burnt stationery were used to prepare a hemostatic agent, and the effect was very good, and the nosebleed stopped at once.

October 28 (Wednesday, suitable for travel, avoid Anmen)

Attend class.

Supplementary work.

I slept badly last night. I had several nightmares in the middle of the night but couldn't wake up. All kinds of monsters I've seen and never seen were madly chasing me in my dreams, and they even fell off several cliffs.

I very much suspect that someone has stabbed a villain, but there is no evidence.

The report from the Bugle has been thoroughly spread after a night of fermentation. According to the news from the student union, the letters that poured into the office last night are equivalent to the sum of the past half a year!

In addition to invisibility charms, I have to prepare some more amulets.

Magical History in the morning, Magical Creatures in the afternoon, the teachers were all young and friendly, allowing me to wear an invisibility charm to class, and they didn't call me up to answer questions.

This proves that they are not fans of Su Shijun.

But among the students, there are many bad guys. My desk was cursed and turned into a smelly swamp that engulfed my history homework, so tonight I have to rewrite a 5,000-word report analysing how the New World colonial system created Influence of the wizarding world.

I think the only influence is that the rich magic resources from the colonial world have fed many wizards and they pay attention to some gossip news all day long!

But you can't do that in homework.

Because Sima really can tear parchment.

No moonlight tonight, I know it's bad.

Before going to bed, I prepared ten nightmare dolls and a stack of meditation talismans, hoping to have a good dream.

In addition, there are more letters and paper cranes today than yesterday, but most of them are roaring letters, leaving little paper dust. I no longer dared to go to the student union office to receive the letter, so I wrote a power of attorney to Xiao Xiao. The office building is said to be surrounded by malicious, roaming guys.

The old yellow calendar is not allowed.

October 29th (Thursday, it is suitable for offering sacrifices, avoid all things inappropriate)

Attend class.

Supplementary sleep.

I'm sure someone is stabbing my little one.

Because when I slept last night, the nightmare dolls under the pillow lost their heads one by one. When I woke up in the morning, it was terrifying. All the talismans turned into black and gray. I never knew there were so many evils in this world.

Apart from amulets and invisibility talismans, I have no energy to draw other talismans.

I complained to the school work committee and the student union.

The school's working committee replied very kindly, only saying that the school has blocked many remote and powerful curses, and what is tossing me now are the "pranks" of the children in the school?

Ridiculous, how many children are there in the first university!

The response from the student union was very strange. They wanted me to go to the office to state the harm in person, and said that this was a normal procedure. I suspected that they had ulterior motives and declined the invitation.

Of course, these days are not all good.

Because I wore an invisibility charm in class, and I would not be called to answer questions by the teacher, I could make up my sleep in class openly. The only thing you need to pay attention to is not snoring or talking in your sleep.

After all, my seats are now randomly selected, and there is no reliable companion next to me.

This afternoon was a lesson on career planning. The professor took me as an example with great interest, claiming that it was one of the most successful career planning he had ever seen.

God knows what plans I have done!

It's gray outside tonight, and I don't know if there is a moon.

You need to be more careful when you sleep, otherwise, why would Fatty Xin and Dylan look at me more? They are either worried about me, UU reading www. or trying to hurt me!

This is not persecution delusional disorder.

be cautious.

October 30th (Friday, it is advisable to clean and avoid erecting a monument)

Attend class.


In the morning, after the morning class, the fat man brought me an extra bowl of energy potion when he bought breakfast, and said that I looked bad for the past few days and might need to make up for it.

I didn't dare to drink it, so I quietly fed it to edamame.

That's the dog, looking at me as always.

There was still no news from the Qingqiu mansion, and the beauty of Su was still hiding in the laboratory without saying a word. Poseidon was also taken to the mansion by Su Ya, and it was safe to come here recently.

It got worse.

No one has talked about the school hunting competition that has just passed in less than a week. It can be seen that Nicholas is a little disappointed.

Every corner I passed by stealth, everyone was talking a lot, gossiping about things between me and Su Shijun, this enthusiasm makes people suspect that the wizarding world has nothing but rumors and rumors!

Many people are looking for my trail.

I let my fellow sinners quietly let out the wind, saying that I had gone through the withdrawal procedures and left Phuket Island, so I hope I can play a little role.

The guilt companions have been under a lot of pressure recently.

Because they couldn't find me, people came to them - of course, they didn't go through what happened to me, and no one wasted magic drawing villains to curse them - but almost everyone they met asked me where I was and what happened Is Saidon really the child of me and Su Shijun?

So I need to draw more invisibility symbols.

Unfinished homework, unfinished talisman, and unavoidable nonsense!

Tomorrow is Halloween.

Hope to have some luck.

The moonlight is very dark tonight.

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