Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 299: mammon

In the final, what happened in the silent forest, no one present knew the specific truth. The suspicions of the young wizards about those 'ravens' are still very vague, as if two or three months old fetuses have not yet formed.

Despite this, having a clear target of 'resentment' still made everyone feel much better, and they began to offer suggestions and discuss how to catch those 'crows'.

"Of course, this cannot be done overnight."

At the end of the meeting, the Captain of the Guilty Hunter concluded: "I don't expect to get up tomorrow morning and see who finds the true identities of those crows... Take off the masks, they can be anyone, and they can hide anywhere. Somewhere—a secret camp in the silent forest, a shop on a pedestrian street, a cellar in Fort Alpha, a school’s laboratory, a hospital, a herb garden, a library, maybe even right next door to us.”

"I just hope that during the investigation, everyone must be cautious and never act rashly... Don't forget how we slept yesterday!"

He said this to others as well as to himself.

At night, instead of going to the library, Zheng Qing pulled out a tube of shape-shifting potion, sniffed the smell on the bottle, and turned into a black cat again.

Today is Saturday.

There is another event in the evening.

It's just that compared to the previous few times, tonight the black cat is looking forward to seeing the guilty messenger wearing a white mask like a duck egg.

The night was dark.

The moonlight came through the small and large dark clouds overhead, and the plane trees on both sides of the road leading to Linzhong Lake had lost most of their leaves, leaving a mottled leaf blanket on the ground, silver-gray. The sky is set against the black branches, and it looks like unknown words from the starry sky.

Leaving the main road, the low lawn was as soft as cat's skin, and a pair of young witches and wizards were hiding behind the bushes.

The black cat coughed twice loudly.

The bushes swayed, and the two shadows disappeared from its sight.

It nodded contentedly and carefully walked around a small clump of oleanders.

Although the branches and leaves of this shrub are often used by wizards to make cardiotonics, it is also a highly poisonous plant. If you accidentally rub its sap, your skin will first feel paralyzed, then your heart will twitch and you will die of pain— —Even if this plant dries up, the smoke from burning is highly toxic. In the potions class, Professor Li reminded everyone to pay attention to this point more than once.

When the black cat came to the cat fruit tree, it unexpectedly found that the sinner was already squatting on the tree.

And he was still squatting on his 'throne', holding a Persian cat in his arms, stroking it unscrupulously, even if it was far away, the black cat could hear the comfortable purr of the Persian cat.

Without saying a word, it opened its mouth and squeezed out a cat jade the size of a grain of rice, aiming at the culprit - if she was in a bad mood, she always had to find a punching bag.

The outlet of cat jade the size of a grain of rice seemed to be slow and urgent, and the trajectory was erratic, and suddenly appeared in front of the sinner.

With a sinister scream, he threw the Persian cat in his arms to the side, and the whole person bounced off the cat fruit tree like a rabbit, changing every step of the way, leaving eight or nine true and true phantoms in the air in a matter of seconds.

No matter whether it is real or illusory, Mao Yu followed the path left by the sinner and crushed it one by one.

"Don't you just kick your cat?! Don't you want to be so crazy!

"There was a terrifying and exasperating voice in the night sky, and in the distance, there was a faint shout of the patrol.

The black cat raised his head and looked at the sky. In the moonlight, the shadowy shadows revealed streaks of thin white lines. It was the school's guardian circle that was hesitating.

'Not when it should come. ’

It complained in the bottom of its heart, and when its mind moved, the cat jade the size of a grain of rice shattered silently in the night sky, turning into a gentle night wind, sweeping it in all directions.

The school's guardian circle hid its figure again, and the night patrol came and went.

Seeing that everyone in the world seems to be busy doing useless work, the black cat's mood is unexpectedly much better, flapping his tail, lying lazily on his throne, staring at the many fruits around him.

After a while, the culprit surreptitiously returned to the tree.

With him, there was a guy wearing a fox mask, the black cat guessed, this should be one of the seven sins that will test himself tonight.

"Don't leave for a while."

The black cat tugged at his ears, and took the lead to speak unceremoniously, and said to the sinner - quite a kind of "don't leave after school" momentum.

Guilty tilted his head back.

"Don't deceive people too much!"

He pointed at the black cat and scolded: "I have endured you for a long time... Didn't I just touch your cat? Do I need to blast me with such a terrible magic ball? It's too much!"

Hearing him scolding the street, the black cat became more and more happy.

It wasn't until the guilt-ridden envoy shut up that he spoke with a cheerful face: "The cat on the tree, it doesn't matter which one you want to touch, but you shouldn't touch it in my seat... By the way, I'll discuss something with you later... Don't worry, it's not beating you."

The last sentence stirred up the anger of the guilty.

But if you admit that you can't beat a cat, it seems a bit humiliating. For a time, he could only stand on the spot with a snort of anger.

Then the black cat turned to look at the wizard wearing the fox mask.

Compared with the "Seven Sins" I had seen earlier, the wizard wearing the fox mask revealed a "peaceful" temperament from head to toe.

The black cat pondered for a while before realizing it, probably because of the fox mask.

The fox mask is in the shape of an inverted triangle, the whole body is white, the eyebrows and eyes are curved down, and the lips are curved up. At a glance, it gives people a feeling of harmony and wealth.


When the black cat looked at the fox mask, the wizard wearing the fox mask touched his chest with one hand, bowed slightly, and introduced himself very politely, showing great enthusiasm: "The winner of the title of Seven Deadly Sins 'Greed' is very happy to participate in this Late assessment... I wonder if you have any requirements for tonight's assessment?"

"Can you choose?" The black cat leaned forward with great interest, overlooking the fox below.


Mamen was very happy and took out a ledger, and there was a screeching sound, and more than a dozen quills floated around him, showing an impatient aura: "For the new member's assessment task, our 'Mamen' department It has a very clear and complete product plan, such as equal principal and interest, equal principal, equal principal and equal payment, first interest and then principal, one-time repayment of principal and interest, and repayment as needed..."

"and many more!"

The black cat felt that he couldn't keep up with Mamen's rhythm, and his mind was a little swollen. For the first time, he wondered if he was really a cat: "Whatever you borrow and repay... the same amount of principal... Are you lending usury? ?"

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