Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 282: correct principle

On the podium, the teacher of magical biology was talking incessantly. Under the podium, the students who gradually felt that something was wrong held their textbooks and began to whisper to each other and whisper.

Zheng Qing also slowly frowned.

However, what he cared about was not that the teacher made a deviation in his lectures, but that the content of the "deviation" was unexpectedly very interesting, as if a drop of water fell into a hot oil pan, causing one thought after another to burst out of his already boiling mind.

"Teacher? Did you take the wrong lecture notes?" Finally, a classmate raised his hand bravely and pointed out that the content of the young lecturer on the stage was inconsistent.

The magic biology teacher was stunned for a few seconds, then carefully flipped through the lecture notes in his hand.

"Ah, I'm so sorry."

He scratched his head, with an apologetic smile on his round face: "I don't know who put the 'Magical Philosophy in Divination' part of my lecture notes... Well, it doesn't matter, just at that point, I still have to talk about it earlier. Remember... let's move on... umm, a small piece of bread can get three heads of a three-headed dog into an argument..."

There was a good-hearted laughter from the audience.

It's just that Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu were not included. The two young hunters who were guilty of crimes looked at each other with a hint of surprise and puzzlement in their eyes.

Before get out of class was over, Zheng Qing urgently released a group of paper cranes.

After class, he and Jiang Yu did not go to the library as planned, but went straight to D&K, very rudely drove away the few customers in the store, and gave Hank and Er brother a holiday. .

Soon, one after another figure came to gather in the store as scheduled.

"You must give me a good reason!"

Before the knocking on the door stopped, Fatty Xin rushed in, making the shop buzzing: "Originally, I was preparing a very important potion, but because of your perseverance He pecked the back of my hand, causing the potion to fail to be configured... If there is no good reason, you have to compensate me for a material!"

Zheng Qing suddenly felt sorry.

But immediately, a rhetorical question from the witch next to him brought him back to his senses.

"With potions? In the class of magical cosmology?" Jiang Yu looked at the fat wizard who squeezed into the room in surprise: "Is there any content in the class of potions in magical cosmology?"

Xiao Xiao, who was following Fatty Xin, sneered.

"Oh? Is that so?" The fat wizard said with a haha, without the slightest embarrassment on his face: "Then maybe I remembered it wrong... Anyway... What's the matter with us in such a hurry? Have you figured out who you want to cooperate with? ?"

Zheng Qing gave him a vicious look.


He lowered his head and turned over the book "Goal - Become a Great Diviner" in front of him again, and at the same time he added angrily: "...Wait for everyone to talk!"

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, noticed that Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu were hurriedly flipping through something, leaned forward curiously, and looked at the pile of reference books on the table—

Divination: A History of Fear, Astrology, Satan's Lover, The Bronze Age, Astrology, Numerology, and the Moon, Sinan and the Compass, Becoming a Feng Shui Master in Seven Days, Burial Book, Trinity, "Mei Shan Shui Shi", "Meet Yang Gong", "Lai Buyi Teach You to Find Things"

"Is there something wrong with that chassis?" The fortune-teller of You Sin was keenly aware of the hidden connection between these reference books, and they all involved the concept of 'Sinan'.

"Maybe." Zheng Qing was also a little uncertain.

Soon, the other members of the hunting team—Zhang Jixin, Lan Que, Dylan, and even Lin Guo—arrived at the front and back. Although Zheng Qing didn’t fly the paper cranes for the little wizard, since he’s here, it’s okay to listen. No problem.

"Today in the magical biology class, we accidentally heard a paragraph."

Treating everyone else, Zheng Qing explained in detail the 'accident' in today's magical biology class, and completely repeated what Gan Ning said. Jiang Yu made supplementary explanations from time to time, adding many explanations that the two of them had just found in the reference book.

"I didn't understand it very well."

Taking advantage of Zheng Qing's sigh of relief, Fatty Xin frowned and thought about it: "You mean, the 'Sinan' clue given by the hunting committee is not for us to use it to guide the direction?"

"Accurately speaking, I don't think the hunting committee encourages us to compete with each other for 'chassis' and 'magnetic spoon'." Zheng Qing's expression was a little serious: "If hunting teams are encouraged to kill each other and compete for trophies, then we will compete with each other in the silent forest. What's the difference between beasts? This is a university after all."

Everyone was silent, thinking about this possibility.

At this juncture, Zheng Qing suddenly recalled his trial of the seven deadly sins, and subconsciously added: "...They should hope that we follow some more 'moral' and 'noble' principles to complete this hunt."

"Like?" Zhang Jixin scratched his head.

Dr. Xiao Da glanced at him: "...for example, 'holding hunting competitions economically, green campus cup'. Maybe the school uses one Sinan for the two teams in order to save resources."

The room was stunned for a few seconds, and then everyone burst into laughter.

"You don't necessarily have to rely on the concept of this campus cup."

Zheng Qing wiped away his tears and rubbed his laughing sour cheeks—in fact, when he heard the word 'principle', the first concept that came to his mind was 'order', but immediately, the young public fee student Shaking his head, he shook the word out of his mind.

What immediately appeared in his mind, UU Reading was the 'saving and green' mentioned by Dr. just now. This is the 'conference concept' of this school hunting competition. The question is, what kind of behavior can Can it be considered a 'practice' of this concept?

"According to your thinking," Xiao Xiao rubbed the crystal ball in his hand and analyzed, "I think it is possible for the wizards to hunt for the principle, even the school's school-running philosophy, and the academy's philosophy."

Zheng Qing nodded silently: "That's why I called do you understand that passage, or what 'ideas' we should practice during the competition."

The red-faced wizard wailed, "When you say that, I suddenly think it's easier to grab a spoon."


Jiang Yu spoke suddenly and looked at everyone very seriously: "I mean, we should practice the 'correct' concept... As long as we do the right thing, that's fine."

"Too broad."

Xiao Xiao shook his head: "Without a standpoint, it's hard for us to define what kind of behavior is right and what kind of behavior is wrong... Or, does immoral but correct behavior exist?"


Zhang Jixin slapped the table with a slap, interrupting the discussion of "mysterious and mysterious": "After all, I just want to know one question, how can we find the real hunting ground?"

Regarding this issue, Zheng Qing had a draft: "I guess, if we prove that the hunting team has 'principles', then the 'clues' will take us directly to the destination."

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